Baron Von Steamer is blocking the Torii Gate Bridge with a large spider-web created by his mech spider, causing outrage in a traffic jam. Big Hero 6 arrive to stop him, when suddenly a white-and-blue mechanical dragon knocks Baymax away. When it lands it also knocks Steamer's mech, so the villain decides to retreat and ejects himself from the spider. Wasabi thinks he recognizes the music that begins to play and, as it turns out, it is piloted by 4 2 Sing, a K-Pop boy band, to Wasabi's ecstasy. After performing their intro song, the boys announce that they have decided to become superheroes simply because they're famous and challenge Big Hero 6 to a "superhero-off" for the next 24 hours. Before Wasabi can comply, his teammates turn down their proposal, although 4 2 Sing still take it as an acceptance, then take off in their dragon.

For a long time now, there were no threats in the Kingdom and our 3 Hero Fighters, Lucas, Drew and Shawn are bored of their job of being guardians.However, the situation will quickly change when the nearby village is going to be under attack by bandits...

Hero Fighter is a medieval beat'em up which supports up to 3 players on the same computer as well as an online mode.Progress in levels, collect many weapons and even fight on horseback (or various monsters).

NB: Keyboard keys can be assigned via the "Key Setting" icon in the upper right of the screen.

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The Hero (alternatively The Player) was a first-timer in Fight Club before climbing up the ranks in Project Mayhem, eventually becoming Tyler Durden's right hand man. He was a young adult with short brown hair and brown eyes along with stubble of a beard upon his face. Over time, he became scarred from the various fights he took part in. He started out wearing blue-green pants with a black sweater when he was not fighting.

It was then that The Hero accepted the offer and went to Fight Club, a fight already in full swing, and started to ask for Tyler before being called out as a "virgin" due to this being his first time at Fight Club under the eighth rule. The previous fight ended and he was then shoved into the center of the circling crowd. Ricky, one of the original veterans, fought against The Hero before being defeated and then was shown out by Irvine so to discuss of Tyler.

Instead, Irvine shoved him into a wall outside and interrogated him with Angel Face standing by while reciting the first rule. The Hero was beaten until calling out the fourth rule, triggering a fight between him and Irvine. Irvine was overpowered and in turn pointed out the house on Paper Street so The Hero can prove if he really wanted to be "a part of something" in Project Mayhem.

Reaching there the following morning, The Hero was dismissed by Angel Face before Bob came over to explain that The Hero was being tested and that the other men were not going to trust him unless he fights, by which Bob was then knocked down after a fight in the garden. With that, Bob let The Hero know that Tyler wanted to meet him and that he was in Seattle, a piece of information that accidently slipped out of Bob.

The Hero rushed with haste to fly to Seattle from a connected flight from Los Angeles and made it to the docks where Lou was present with a group of men handling a shipment. Unfortunately, he was spotted by Lou and explained that he came to help with the shipment. To have them "get to know each other," Lou triggered a fight. Despite besting Lou, The Hero learned that the shipment was already finished and gone, and that Tyler was already halfway to San Francisco at this point.

Departing again, The Hero reached San Francisco where a Fight Club was taking place in an alley led by The Mechanic. The Hero asked for the whereabouts of Tyler, the knowledge of him being denied by The Mechanic, along with pointing out six vans belonging to Project Mayhem before a fight ignited. The Mechanic was bested, pleased with The Hero's ability to fight, and explained that Tyler was wanting to meet him back on Paper Street.

The Hero returned to the house and entered through the cellar doors into the basement, encountering Angel Face, and attempted to speak with him on meeting up with Tyler before Angel Face was throwing displeased remarks at having his Seattle position taken from him when The Hero was there. Another fight ensued, but The Hero pushed through Angel Face who was then left bloodied and missing a molar that he spat out. This was proof that The Hero belonged on Project Mayhem, but as he was asking for Tyler another figure appears: The Narrator . As The Narrator asked why The Hero was there, The Hero in turn explained his history before the discovery of Fight Club and Project Mayhem. The Narrator shared his own experiences with Tyler and Fight Club, explaining that Tyler had already been around the country and possibly in Chicago with the discovery of the used ticket stubs. It is possible that both were going to Chicago together in the search for Tyler.

Atlanta's Fight Club was already active as The Hero entered the bar's basement, watching as The Club Leader was beating down another member before being pulled out of the fight by The Hero. The Club Leader was not having any reasoning done with The Hero, so a fight broke out between the pair in the middle of the basement floor. The Hero endured and won, looking upon the rest as he called out that this Fight Club had rules as the others did and that they must be followed, setting structure in place.

The Hero once again returned to the house and saw a line of Space Monkeys hauling out crates labeled "SOAP" on them, implying that the crates were carrying nitroglycerin. Angel Face stormed out and told The Hero that he was in charge of the operation after he asked why The Hero returned. To prove that he was truly a leader, Angel Face had one more fight against The Hero in the garden. He had fallen and The Hero stood over him as he was reminding Angel Face and the others that what they did was not about themselves or anyone else, but about Project Mayhem itself, Tyler and changing everything in the world.

Later, the credit card company buildings were being rigged with the explosives with The Hero overseeing the progress as well as the security being handled while the rigging was being taken care of. That night, The Hero encountered The Narrator on the run at the intersection of Jeckyl and Hyde. This was likely that The Narrator was running from the police station following his near castration by the detectives detaining him. At this point, The Narrator was struggling with himself, switching back and forth on being Tyler without any sense of control. The Hero had no idea that The Narrator and Tyler were actually the same person, but he was to have The Narrator taken in so that Project Mayhem could continue without any interruptions. In a last chance effort, The Narrator attempted to fight The Hero but became exhausted, having Tyler slip out for a moment to break up the brawl. The Hero was confused at this sight, having thoughts that this man was completely crazy until Tyler took a try at offering The Hero one last chance: to go to 1888th Franklin Street and become a part of history. The Narrator, however, wrestled for control and aimed out his acquired pistol before running off to the building so to disarm the bomb.

Then you roll the movement die and move your hero up or down the amount of floors shown on the die (-1 to 3). If you reach a level that already has another player, you battle by rolling opposing dice. The loser goes down a floor.

Whoever has their hero on the highest level of the tower gets to claim the Super Hero Medallion. When the tower falls, the player currently holding the medallion wins, unless the medallion holder player causes the fall, then every other player wins.

For those of you that skipped to the bottom, the short answer is, yes, Rhino Hero: Super Battle is awesome. Go buy it, stack things, fight it out to be the top dog, and watch it all collapse. Then play it again right away.

Heroes doing heroic things is what has defined blockbuster filmmaking since forever. If you want to make a big, crowd pleasing movie, it better feature a likable hero (or occasionally an anti-hero) taking risks and doing what must be done to save the day. From The Lone Ranger to King Arthur to Sherlock Holmes to Superman, cinema has given audiences a number of heroes to root for.

What was more rare used to be having movies with more than one main hero. You didn't get to see Robocop strolling into the world of The Terminator to lend John Connor and the T-800 a hand. At least not in a movie. On the rare occasion that heroes did meet onscreen, it more often than not led to a dominance-establishing brawl. Let us take a look at some of the most epic hero-vs-hero fights cinema has to offer.

When the moment of reckoning finally comes, Batman is ready in a metal-reinforced battle armor lined with kryptonite weapons. At first Superman tries to hold back his immense strength, but as the fight grows more desperate, the Man of Steel is goaded past endurance as he struggles to end the battle quickly. It takes the arrival of Lois Lane to finally snap the two heroes out of their battle frenzy, so they can redirect their attention to the true threat posed by a newly-birthed Doomsday clone.

While Tony wants to keep superheroes under government control, Steve believes heroes must have the freedom to take responsibility for their own actions. Also in the mix is Baron Zemo, pulling the strings from behind the scenes to tear the Avengers apart from the inside. All of this culminates in a final fight between Iron Man and Captain America, where the latter is aided by the Winter Soldier. It is a truly epic fight, made all the more poignant due to seeing the former close allies Tony and Steve turning into bitter enemies due to circumstances beyond their control.

The makers of the film did their best, but monster movies of that era all suffered from tiny budgets, cheap rubber suits, and poor special effects. Finally, in 2021, audiences got to see a movie that did justice to the epic matchup, in Godzilla vs. Kong. Unlike most other fights on this list, the brawl between the giant lizard and the giant ape did not end in a stalemate. After a hard fight, Godzilla emerged the clear victor, although Kong also acquited himself very well, wielding a giant battle axe and dishing out some serious damage against the King of Monsters. ff782bc1db

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