The film starts with Kenai (Patrick Dempsey) and Koda (Jeremy Suarez) having fun with one another in their own world. It is automatically established that love with girls is going to be the main theme of the movie. Kenai has a dream about his childhood friend Nita (Mandy Moore), who he had to save from drowning in the river. He gives her some sort of amulet to remember him by, and they promise to be friends forever. We never really know what happened to their friendship since that moment, whether they remained in touch, or whether that was the last time they saw one another.

Koda and Nita officially bond over ripping Kenai a new one, which causes them to end up in a predicament, where Kenai is stuck in a beaver dam, and the amulet is in the water. They are about to retrieve it, but a raccoon snatches it, and this ends up turning into a long chase, which causes Nita and Kenai to bond like they did when they were children.

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Nita revealed earlier that she has been afraid of water ever since she drowned, which is why she did not get the amulet. They grow even closer, and all of a sudden, they fall in love. There is the subplot of the two moose having two female moose fall in love with each of them, and the brothers get jealous of one another. WHO CARES.

You can definitely tell that there is no Phil Collins working on the soundtrack. Most of the songs were very generic, and a lot of the scores were decent at best. I could have done without the songs to be honest, and there was a hint of pop in the music.

I have considered the lyrics and would suggest that it is a statement of closet homosexuality or possibly cross dressing. With main theme being that the Bewlay brothers meet up to enact their alternative life that no-one else knows about. This is reinforced by the closing line sung in harsh or manly tones suggesting the person that the singer is mostly known as. The title may be a play on the name of someone who was involved in a Homosexuality scandal when it was illegal.

Excellent analysis of a song that has puzzled me for 40 years. Just listening on headphones to an early pressing lp i purchased recently. I dont recall hearing the creaking chair and pipe smoking sound that precedes the song. Did i forget about it or did this not appear on some versions?

I can answer that Michelle, he was a very handsome guy, much in the mould of his half brother but with a softer face and dark haired..he spent his life in Cane Hill Mental Hospital in Surrey UK, he used the opportunity when the staff were low in the hospital, due to snow, to go to the local train station, and take his life on the tracks. Very, very sad.

The rhythm guitar behind, doing a kind of Spanish thing (Bowie himself?), alternates between two major chords (one the sharpened version of the other), which seems to resolve and unresolve the whole thing, repeatedly giving the impression of sadness and unfinishedness.

I'm trying to use the Rest API in my brother's wordpress news website but only returns {"code":"rest_disabled","message":"The REST API on this site has been disabled.","data":{"status":403}}I asked my brother if he had disabled the rest api but he doesn't understand what i'm talking about.

I solved it, it turns out the theme my brother was using for the site have disabled rest api by default infunctions.php. All i had to do was to look in the file and comment out the code that disables the rest api.

Back in 2012, I was a heavy WordPress user, with an Elegant Themes theme included for building blocks. This changed over time with now running Ghost (private) and Middleman deployed with GitLab (work). is still running, and once every while, there comes a new WordPress major version, lately 5.5 released this week. I wanted to spend some cycles on our Family and Friends day at GitLab to update the family tech stack :-)

In case you need to update the wp-content permissions, avoid the magic chmod -R 775 ... command. This makes files executable which is not needed and may open security problems. Instead, update them by file or directory type.

Diving deeper: The setup runs on a VM with an Nginx proxy and PHP FPM. This avoid previous problems with Apache memory leaks and resource consuming processes. I've also switched to Nginx because I've found the configuration to be more reliable to manage. Before you ask: I'm too lazy to rebuild everything in Docker, I only do that with new projects like this site.

I was wondering about the FS_METHOD setting - why would I need to set that manually, this seems to be a new requirement. I've edited wp-config.php and add the constant definition at the end ( esc shift+4 enter o in vim).

I did a "post mortem" search: fs_method director wordpress breaking change. This triggered the right keywords and has shown that this is an ongoing problem. It seems WP now uses the index.php file to detect file access which may lead into false positives.

There are security considerations with leaving the setting intact on a shared web host. Even though I control the entire VM, I have commented the setting again - and will come back when the upgrade fails again next time.

This website design is a Wordpress child theme, based off of its parent theme Zerif Lite. I wanted to design three pages: the landing page, a single post/episode page, and the contact page. The subject of my website is a popular podcast series called My Brother, My Brother and Me, who at this time, has no official website of its own. The My Brother, My Brother and Me logo is property of the McElroy brothers, as well as the images used on my student project.

Why? Because developers are humans, just like the rest of us. They sometimes make mistakes. Trust me, my brother and I develop our premium WordPress plugins, and there has been a time or two where we have pushed out bad code by accident and then immediately had to push another update to fix it.

First off, I never recommend using automatic updates for WordPress core, plugins, or themes. The one exception to this is when it pertains to maintenance and security releases. These are generally OK to let WordPress update on its own.

Why wait? Because in almost 99% of scenarios, if a developer pushes out bad code, if you wait a week or so, they will most likely have pushed out a fix, and in essence, you can bypass all the problems altogether. This is less of a headache for you, your clients, and saves you time.

If, for some reason, an update has a feature or fix that you do need right away, then I strongly suggest using a staging environment to test with first (even for the smallest of updates!). Many hosts have staging environments now, so make sure you take advantage of them. This is what they are meant to be used for: testing.

The whole theme/plugin update dance is such an issue that we ended up baking it into the hosted/managed service we sell. We go so far as to prevent users from installing updates directly so we can test on staging installs before rolling out.

As for the workflow, we manage just over 100 installs all hosted on WPEngine. We update plugins via a proprietary deployment tool my Lead Tech Developer wrote to push themes and plugins out from a Git repo to each install:

Having said that, all of my clients live inside a managed hosting environment that we control directly. So in those cases we automatically push those early release versions to their respective staging sites. All of which means much of the conflict points in this discussion topic are moot.

But what about updates to themes? Not so frequent

but presumably updated due to similar issues eg security, compatibility.

But in my experience most theme producers do not provide detailed change logs

in the same way most plugin writers do. (or perhaps are required to

do on the WordPress plugin support site)

However, some do. I use the GeneratePress on this site and all my sites ( -review/) and the developer is great about publishing all changes. I think the key with themes is finding a good developer or team that creates it. 152ee80cbc

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