Dictionaries are one of the most important tools for reading the Hebrew Bible. No matter how many hours you spend studying vocabulary, you will always come across unknown words when reading a text. Below you will find a list of the most important Biblical Hebrew dictionaries.

Dictionaries provide important information about unknown words. This information can be simple or complex. However, it is important to remember that dictionaries of ancient languages are not like our modern dictionaries.

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This is perhaps the most important Hebrew Bible lexicon and certainly the most influential over the past 100 years. BDB always has great information although it can be difficult for beginners to learn how to search for words by their root. While BDB can occasionally be out of date, the information it provides is almost always solid. It is hard to go wrong with BDB. Click here for more information on BDB.

HALOT has come to rival BDB in recent years due to its more up-to-date entries which take into account the Dead Sea Scrolls, Ugaritic, and advances in the study of Akkadian. HALOT is easier for beginners to use because it is organized alphabetically, rather than by root. It is also hard to go wrong with HALOT. Click here for more information on HALOT.

This dictionary is a different kind of Hebrew lexicon. It includes entries on Hebrew texts from the Bible and from extra-biblical texts such as Ben Sira, Qumran, and inscriptions. The dictionary ignores the information from cognate languages and focuses instead on describing how words are used in Classical Hebrew in more modern linguistic terms. It can be a powerful tool in the right circumstances. Click here for more information on DCH.

The truth is that all of these dictionaries, especially BDB and HALOT, are essential for biblical studies. Although it can take some time and effort to become comfortable using with these tools, ultimately it will be worth it when you can better understand any biblical text you are reading.

This Personal Book contains the Hebrew-English Dictionary of the United Bible Societies, which has been released with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License ( -sa/4.0/), so this text has the same licence. The data files that I have converted to the docx format to be used by the Personal Book Builder of Logos can be found at -open-license/tree/main/dictionaries/hebrew . The dictionary is the equivalent of about 3600 A4 pages, so there is a lot of information there!

Information about the dictionary from the United Bible Societies: This dictionary is extracted from the Semantic Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew (SDBH; United Bible Societies 2000-2023) and contains the lexical analysis for each available entry, with definitions, glosses, all Scripture references, and lexical semantic domains. SDBH is an ongoing project and to date around 90% of all words found in the Old Testament are included. The remaining 10% will be added once they become available.

If you find any problems or improvements you can write a message in this forum or write me an email at richard at the domain in my signature. Note that the UBS Dictionary of the Greek New Testament is also available as a Personal Book, at .

To make the Personal Book, first download and save one of the files from the link below. Then in Logos open the Personal Books Tool, click "Add Book", put the title "United Bible Societies Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew" (or anything else you want to use), choose the Type: Lexicon (important!), add any other optional information, then "Add file" to choose the docx file you downloaded and saved, and lastly click the "Build book" button.

This is in fact the same dictionary, translated into Portuguese. However, the UBS has only released in downloadable format (and with an open licence) the English, Spanish, French, and Chinese dictionaries. The site you linked to also has Hebrew to Russian and Hebrew to Arab dictionaries. On the other hand, the site where it is possible to download the various dictionaries says, "Other languages will become available once the localization work has been completed.", so maybe the Hebrew-Portuguese dictionary will be available in the future.

It looks like it depends on the "Default Book Font" you use in the Settings in Logos. The Hebew text uses the default text font rather than the Hebrew font, so if the default font does not contain italic Hebrew characters, you get what you see. (Logos automatically puts that level of heading in italics, it is not my choice.) So you need to play around with the Default Book Font until you find one that works.

Presented in user-friendly fashion, the Dictionary of Basic Biblical Hebrew is a learner's tool for students of the Bible who want to delve more deeply into the meaning of Scripture in its original language. This Hebrew dictionary contains over 6,000 entries of the most common words in the Hebrew Bible, giving users all the vocabulary they need in order to read biblical prose. Instead of including obscure words that only occur once or twice, the vast majority of the entries in the Dictionary of Basic Biblical Hebrew occur at least six times in the Hebrew Bible. This Hebrew dictionary is thus a great resource for building vocabulary and is a perfect companion volume for courses that focus on the reading and exegesis of biblical prose. A concise tutorial, with clear grammatical and syntactical explanations, complements the Dictionary of Basic Biblical Hebrew.

A good Hebrew-English lexicon (or dictionary) is an indispensable tool for every student of biblical Hebrew. The list contains suggestions of the best lexicons on the market. Wherever possible, free online links and applications are provided.

A clear and concise work on the origins of the Hebrew words and their sense development. Each of the c. 32,000 entries is first given in its Hebrew form, then translated into English and analysed etymologically, using Latin transcription for all non-Latin scripts. An indispensable source of biblical, Jewish, modern Hebrew and Near Eastern studies.

This standard reference tool alphabetically lists the various forms of all the Hebrew and Aramaic (formerly referred to as Chaldee) words in the Hebrew Bible with full grammatical analysis of each form and an indication of its root and meaning. Includes chart.

Of Greek and Hebrew, Hebrew strikes the most fear in the heart of the Bible student. The alphabet does not look anything like English. The vocabulary offers almost no points of contact with English. The verb system is utterly alien. And the lexicons, grammars and textbooks are wrapped up in a metalanguage--spiked with Latin--that is daunting in itself. For those who feel that studying the English Old Testament is a challenge, the thought of reading it in Hebrew is extreme. Hebrew students need all the help they can get.

If you are beginning your study of Hebrew and the Hebrew Bible, this pocket dictionary by Todd J. Murphy is for you. From ablative to zaqeph qaton, it defines the tangled terms that infest Hebrew textbooks, grammars and lexicons. Here is a book that will deliver you from the perils of the Piel and the thicket of metathesis. It is an indispensable glossary that will cut through that technical language--neither Hebrew nor English--that hovers like ground fog over the study and discussion of biblical Hebrew. Now you can devote more time to enjoying biblical Hebrew in all its richness.

Designed for students and pastors alike, the short and accessible volumes in the IVP Pocket Reference Series will help you tackle the study of biblical languages, church history, apologetics, world religions, Christian spirituality, ethics, theology, and more.

"Students from beginners to established scholars find themselves regularly in interaction with technical literature peppered with the arcane vocabulary common to every field of study. This is true of Old Testament Hebrew studies as well. The task of locating the definitions of such unfamiliar terms is time consuming and frustrating. Murphy's Pocket Dictionary meets this need in a clear and comprehensive way. Virtually every terminus technicus having to do with the study of biblical Hebrew is here. The order and logic of the lists and the clarity of the discussion make this tool a delight to use, one that will be indispensable to serious students of the Old Testament Scriptures."

"The Pocket Dictionary for the Study of Biblical Hebrew is well conceived and will provide a much-needed help for wading through technical jargon related to language learning in general and Hebrew language learning in particular. Its extensive scope is most impressive, and its copious cross-referencing is a very helpful feature. Any term I thought of was there, and I learned much by just rapidly reading through numerous entries. A sure bet to be a valued tool for Hebrew study."

"I am pleased to enthusiastically endorse Todd Murphy's Pocket Dictionary for the Study of Biblical Hebrew. An up-to-date and comprehensive resource of terms and terminology like this has been needed for some time. As the title indicates, it is indeed a resource of terms for the study ofbiblical Hebrew, but it is also an important tool for the study of numerous component disciplines of Hebrew exegesis as well as comparative Semitic philology, historical development of biblical Hebrew and the basic elements of linguistic study for any Semitic language. Though there are similar resources available, this work appears to be a cut above the rest in terms of breadth of topic coverage and quality of concise presentation. The entries are marked by a superb level of scholarly competence as wellas an ability to discover and cover each topic with clarity and precision. For beginning and advanced students alike, Dr. Murphy has provided a new level of access and understanding for the study of this language as the avenue to the profound riches of the Hebrew Scriptures. For those who teach or study the Old Testament from the perspective of the original language, this is an important addition to the bibliographic resources." 152ee80cbc

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