OUR MISSION ... Bible Radio Book delivers 24/7 audiobook Bible readings from beginning to end which takes approximately 3-1/2 days for Old & New Testaments to complete and begin again. It is a great audio source for Bible study or listening enjoyment. Our Bible version is the 'World English Bible'. Please visit that link to learn more.

EXTRA FEATURES ! Read our Features page to learn more about our extra hourly items we air including Godtracker, 4 Minute Devotions and the weekly program The Reality

OLD TESTAMENT ... recordings are from Librivox.Org which kindly granted Bible Radio Book their use. We thank the many volunteer narrators at Librivox for their dedication recording over 1400 chapters.

NEW TESTAMENT ... all 260 NT recordings were narrated by Joseph Lundy in 2014, following retirement from 30+ years as a commercial radio Manager, PD, News Announcer and DJ at stations in  Michigan, Florida, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York & Alabama. Joseph is also an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church, The American Marriage Ministry, plus ordained in and abiding in the philosophy of Dudeism.

AUDIO ON DEMAND ... Hear specific chapters any time via our audio library page

CONTACT US ... We always welcome listener comments Click here
