"I will hide Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You." Apparently it refers to the books of the Bible as well, hmm?  ecp +4 Level 43 Jun 19, 2014 Why is it that Micah is designed to trip me up by not asking for the H, but Nehemiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Obadiah, Jonah, Zephaniah, and Zechariah are not?  KingofQuiz +14 Level 44 Jun 27, 2014  66/66 on first try with 4:04 left; obviously, I am a Protestant. I'll be praying for you all! :)   kalbahamut +10 Level 83 Dec 25, 2014  I'll be clicking my heels together and making wishes for you.  kiwiquizzer +25 Level 68 Dec 1, 2016 Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, and wit is the lowest form of humour.   kalbahamut +6 Level 83 Dec 25, 2016 Wow, I'm so incredibly humbled.  DOUGHnut1 +5 Level 35 Apr 1, 2022 Don't insult Christianity just to find an argument. You'll find that you will lose more often then win.   kalbahamut +1 Level 83 Dec 12, 2022  I'm using an apt metaphor to make a joke, not insulting anyone or making any sort of argument. You see the joke as insulting and argumentative because the apt metaphor triggers some self-realization that puts you on the defensive... consider why.   TheodoreE45 +3 Level 93 Dec 11, 2023 When the punchline of your joke is essentially "your religion is fake and you're stupid for believing it" you can't claim that you had no intention to insult anyone or make an argument. If you're going to mock a religion and the people that follow it at least have the common courtesy to stand by your statement and not blame people for seeing it for what it plainly is. You can't have your cake and eat it, too.   partdavid +2 Level 70 Dec 26, 2023 "your religion is fake and you're stupid for believing it"

I don't think that's the punchline, by the way, nor do I think it's a criticism of Christianity per se, humorous or otherwise. It points out, in an extremely mild way, that the people who insist on inserting "prayers" in every Facebook post, forum message and email signature are talking into a void, as most of humanity doesn't share their religion. It's worthwhile to remind Christian proselytizers that their messages are no more "valid" or "meaningful" than any other religions' and that this might something to think about before strapping on the preachy loudspeaker. If you would find it weird to hear from someone that they are burning calf bones on your behalf to placate Zeus, then you shouldn't be surprised that they find it a little weird you've decided to pray to Jesus on their behalf for some reason.  Fishbone +15 Level 49 Jan 23, 2019  Gotta give that round to Kiwi, very well said. Pride prevents the recipient from comprehending, but let's give him a few more years.  TWM03 +2 Level 70 Feb 17, 2019 Fishbone do you exist solely to troll kalbahamut? I have seen a few of your comments now all declaring that kal has lost an argument and nothing else except maybe a casual insult.  TWM03 +2 Level 70 Feb 17, 2019 Oh actually you agreed with some of his comments on the Word Scramble - Countries quiz. So I kind of retract that.   kalbahamut +1 Level 83 May 28, 2019 First time I've noticed this person but yes my head is so full of thoughts of how amazing I am that I am much too stupid to understand that I got owned by the guy snootily ranking forms of humor so as to make themselves feel superior to someone making a joke they disagree with. He's totally got me pegged.  Fishbone +5 Level 49 Jun 5, 2020 TWM03, I call 'em like I see 'em. thanks for noticing that I give opinions (both good and bad). Kal has enough trolls already and knows how to put on his big boy pants, he doesn't need me.  Awesomeness101 +1 Level 54 Oct 13, 2014 Got em all in order with 3 minutes to spare  ruth457 +1 Level 15 Oct 27, 2014 Yay! 100%   APHill +1 Level 75 Nov 10, 2014 Got them all with 4:14 left. Thanks, Sunday school!  englishsystem +2 Level 68 Nov 21, 2014  You scored 16/66 = 24%. Sad that I only remembered this many books. Proud that I haven't wasted time memorizing more because religion is a waste of time.  JenkinsEar +11 Level 89 Dec 25, 2014 If religion is truly a waste of time, wouldn't you be more proud (and not sad at all) if you hadn't remembered any?  kiwiquizzer +25 Level 68 Dec 1, 2016  Religion may be a waste of time, but a relationship with God isn't.  Conservatopia +25 Level 31 Apr 4, 2018 We shall soon see who is right Kal...

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If we're not Christians, though, and we show up on the doorstep of heaven, then we're in big trouble.  roleybob +6 Level 75 Nov 15, 2019 Pascal's Wager is so deeply flawed that it is a completely bogus argument, and it is very insulting and naive of you to say that people who are not christian are unable to "care for others, be loyal to their family and try to make the world a better place"   jmellor13 +5 Level 67 Dec 29, 2019 You can do all those things without being Christian. Many people do, and they do it without subjugating or degrading homosexuals, women, and other "heathens." If there is a God who is in any way like the Christian conception, I think he'd be smart enough to know the difference between genuine believers and people who just shrugged and said "Well, what do I have to lose?" That's a bit like saying to someone you're dating, "Well, you're not great, but I don't think I could do better, so..."   kalbahamut +1 Level 83 Jul 14, 2020 I would suggest looking up the article on Pascal's Wager at RationalWiki. It's hilarious, in addition to being extremely thorough in its logical debunking.  PacoGee +1 Level 44 Jan 28, 2015 LOL I forgot a lot.. but I haven't read the bible in over 25 years. :)  OKCQuizzer +1 Level 66 Aug 26, 2015 missed the Timothy's dang   Jeremy +1 Level 73 Dec 26, 2015  Couldn't figure out how to spell Habakkuk   kalbahamut +3 Level 83 Dec 25, 2016  It would help if they accepted "Halibut."  ctleng76 +1 Level 65 Dec 27, 2023 Why is that? Do many people mistake the name for halibut, or is that just another one of your childish digs at Christianity?  caribdevist +2 Level 62 Jan 4, 2016 Boy, I do not know the Bible.  Sonicfanrs +2 Level 29 Oct 1, 2016 Wow... surprised that song from Sunday School stuck with me for so long... Matthew Mark, Luke and John... Acts and the letters to the Romans.... etc.

If it were only one, then it would be Psalm. (Check your nearest bible)  marathonmalachi +1 Level 34 Aug 11, 2017 Got em all with 5:13 left  Photop +3 Level 69 Sep 10, 2017  Know them all in danish, but struggled real hard with the english names and spelling. Got them all however, except Ecclesiastes and Lamentations, which are called something entirely different in danish.  divantilya +3 Level 37 Sep 13, 2017  BRAVO! - BRAVO! Tell me, what American (who was not an ethnic Dane) would have gotten all but two of these in a Danish language quiz?  DOUGHnut1 +1 Level 35 Apr 1, 2022 me  Cooldrive +1 Level 63 Jul 6, 2018  I think God will give you credit.  TWM03 +6 Level 70 Oct 13, 2018 Would God give you credit for knowing the names of nearly all the books of the Bible in some language that the books weren't originally written in and isn't your first language? What sort of credit would he give you? Do you think I should learn them in as many languages as possible? Do some languages count more than others? I wonder if God would give me credit for learning languages generally...   kalbahamut +3 Level 83 Jan 16, 2019 Pity he doesn't give credit for things that actually matter.  roleybob +2 Level 75 Jun 21, 2019 Can I use the credit in Tesco?   kalbahamut +1 Level 83 Sep 16, 2019 I sure hope so. I tried cashing in my white male privilege points there to get a new air freshener for my car and they wouldn't accept those.  Zayn8888 +4 Level 25 May 20, 2020 Guys, there's no need to fight.   kalbahamut +1 Level 83 Dec 12, 2022  Who's fighting?   TheodoreE45 +2 Level 93 Apr 6, 2023 To answer your question, TWM03. But your consistently smug apathy for everything to do with Christianity along with your desire to make that apathy known to every person on Jetpunk was in equally poor taste.  Balikati +1 Level 69 Oct 15, 2017 Wow people here know their Bible. I got 59 and that beats only 73%. I also knew Hebrews but missed it.  Cooldrive +1 Level 63 Jul 6, 2018 Went through about 6 different spellings before I got Habakkuk. That one I always had trouble with in Bible College.  BoomDude298019 +1 Level 25 Oct 31, 2018 I got 100%, 1 minute and 48 seconds to spare.  GallifreyanGirl +1 Level 15 Dec 29, 2018 Thank goodness for that annoying song I learned so many years ago.  caesaria +3 Level 78 Apr 19, 2019 I got 40 out of 66 and only get 1 point? That seems a bit harsh...  Sifhraven +1 Level 65 Jun 15, 2019 Average score is 41, wow I thought I was pretty average with 10.. I guess mainly religious people (or with religious upbringing) took this quiz and others avoided it.  Sugarush55 +2 Level 67 Nov 14, 2019  Me an atheist, seeing all these people, many of which are probably Christian, struggle, as I got 100% first try. I read various Bibles though, so...   TheodoreE45 +2 Level 93 Apr 6, 2023 Don't forget to gloat or anything.  Salz +2 Level 56 Dec 25, 2019  Could you just accept "Solomon"?   jmellor13 +4 Level 67 Dec 29, 2019 Yeah, I typed that like 20 times. Thought I was losing my mind.  BobIsACoprophage +1 Level 60 Apr 2, 2020 Why do I keep forgetting Deuteronomy?  MG17 +1 Level 43 May 8, 2020 Great quiz!  McKenzieFam +2 Level 59 Aug 5, 2020 You should add Song of Songs as a type-in.  Historyman0 +1 Level 38 Feb 22, 2021 all of them with 1:56 left  gewehr6628 +4 Level 46 Apr 9, 2021 55 on my first try, im definitely going to start reading my bible again and memorizing the books of the bible song  unknown2000 +2 Level 49 Dec 27, 2021 Damn, super tough for someone who's not Christian or from a Christian family. I did read it for some basic understanding at some point but I didn't really pay attention to the book names. 26/66 isn't even close to average but I feel like I performed fairly well. Many of those were guesses though.  Terran +1 Level 63 Feb 3, 2022 I memorized these since 2nd grade.  Neodymium +1 Level 58 Dec 12, 2022  How is this different from the other one?   kalbahamut +1 Level 83 Dec 13, 2022 I did slightly better on this one.   TheodoreE45 +1 Level 93 Apr 6, 2023 The Catholic Bible has more books that the Protestant Bible doesn't.  Ilovegeography64 +1 Level 22 Oct 10, 2023 I feel really bad about this one. Load more comments Add comment  New and Popular alldeenesfifritnlplpt US States QuizCountry Flags Quiz #1US States by Borders in 30 SecondsWorld Capitals QuizBrand Logos Quiz #1Africa Capitals Quiz40 Historical People that Everyone Should Know ff782bc1db

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