Call for Papers

Submission Details:

In this workshop, we wish to stimulate the exchange of novel ideas and interdisciplinary perspectives. To do this, we will accept two different types of submissions:


Topics of Interest:

We invite contributions that deal with bias and fairness in various types of learning tasks (including but not limited to supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, ranking, generative models, etc.) and ML systems, using any type of data (tabular, text, images, videos, speech, multimodal, etc.) and learning setup (batch, non i.i.d., federated, etc.). We especially welcome interdisciplinary work, bridging Computer Science with fields like Human-Computer-Interaction, Law and Social Sciences.

Contributions may concern the fairness auditing/assessment of ML systems, surrounding topics like:

Other contributions may deal with the design of fairer algorithms:

Important Dates:

Paper Submission Deadline: 12.06.2023

Paper Acceptance Notification: 12.07.2023

Workshop Date: 22.09.2023