Digital Fridge

selections from 2020-2021

Marisol Martinez : appropriated gif

Shakey Jake Original GIF

Head Bang to the Pang in My Chest

In my animation, I tried to express whenever I feel bad and want to release my feelings though heavy death metal. The original GIF in contrast, at least from what I get from it, expresses the cartoon dog Jake shaking his head. This something more light hearted, most likely meant for a smile. I also added a different background, a different character, and a different GIF speed.

Isabella Ruano: Typography

Design Quote

This quote is my favorite which is why I thought it would be the best for me to choose. I decided to use a couple of different types of typography to add diversity to my page. I added color to the block letters to add contrast in my page, it's also right in the middle to draw the eye.

Rachel Tyson: One-Point Perspective Goal

Two Point Perspective Practice

Goal 1: Two Point Perspective

From my first attempt to now, I think that I have created more diverse buildings. I still am having some trouble making the windows go along with the buildings. I am still needing to work on adding more to my buildings to make them look better.

Karson Mesenbrick: Flipbook

SHED - Flip Book

I made a flipbook about a monster destroying a shed.

Brianna Gonzalez: Appropriated gif


appropriation animation

On my gif, I decided to do my concept on how things have to get bad before they can get better. So, I changed mine by starting the first picture with the sad sun being in the rain not happy. Then, I started to change its mood getting better every time, and then ending with a rainbow and the sun really happy so it shows my concept better.

Iva marquesen: Organic Shapes goal

Organic shapes practice

Goal 3 complete

I am a little off and on about it. I feel like it looked better just black and white but I like the colors i chose. If I did it again I think i would make it a little more squiggly.

Dennison Spill: Abstract Shapes goal

Abstract shapes practice

Goal #3 Abstract shapes

I decided to make a change of plans, Make it more simple. I tried to use very simple shapes to really capture the Abstract Shape value. It's not much so I will continue to work on improving it.

Salem hurtado: Appropriated gif

Original Gif

"School Spirit"

The original concept of Nyan Cat was simply to combine two ideas two people in a video chat had. I changed the concept to simply be about being positive and spreading knowledge, shows by the bookcases coming out of the "bull". If you know what Nyan Cat is, you can tell what the original gif is, but I changed Nyan Cat by removing the tail and replacing the ears with horns, replacing the rainbow with bookshelves, and replaced the pop tart with a maroon block that says "BISD".

Jocelyn vidal: Shading goal

Shading Practice

Goal 1 : Shading

I think that I improved a little, It was kind of frustrating but I got it done and I am pleased with it. Practicing can really help you to get better, honestly that's kind of the only thing you can do to get better.

Killian Smith: Appropriation Animation

original gif

appropriation animation

The original gif is fairly silly and funny, but I turned the gift into something a little more somber. The gif is called "Saudade", which is a foreign word meaning the feeling of melancholic longing for something or someone that you cannot have. In this case, the skeleton can't have love and is repeatedly hurt over and over.

Rodrigo Ortega: Movie Poster Re-design

Final Design

My design project was a famous anime and manga cover redesign of Assassination Classroom.The original cover is just korosensei (the human like octopus) eyes and mouth smiling. I made his body, head, and tentacles also some of his emotions on his face.