Hello world!


Hey everyone,

I'm Bhairavi Shah, a third year student of Computer Science & Engineering at Govt. Model Engineering College, Thrikkakara.

I was introduced to computers by my elder brother back in primary school and later on, in higher classes, I came to the realization that coding was something I liked. My brother guides me and has always been one of my major sources of support. He is my inspiration.

Apart from the love for coding, I am an extremely creative person and love making things. Music, Art, dance, craft, drama, cooking are all things close to my heart. Learning new things is my favorite past-time. I am a second grade, Trinity College of Arts, London electronic keyboardist.

Traveling alone is something I love, it gives me space to think and understand more.

I was born and brought up in Kochi but my hometown is in Gujarat. I don't exactly know whether I'm a Keralite or a Gujarati but I definitely know I'm and Indian.

Feel free to contact me at bhairavisameershah@gmail.com