Call for Book Chapters 

Impact of COVID-19 on Agriculture Sector



About the Book

COVID-19 has globally; caused more than 6 million deaths throughout the world and it has also infected nearly 490 million people in the world till 06, April 2022 as reported by WHO. It is still spreading exponentially across the globe. Researchers, scientists, technologists and other medical institutions are still struggling to find the proper cure for this disease. It has been observed that COVID-19 is not only threatening human existence on the earth, but also spoiling the economy of the world. The government of different countries has imposed many restrictions to control the spread of COVID-19, including lockdowns, quarantine, Airport monitoring, social distancing, etc. Due to these harsh diseases spread controlling measures, not only the governments are suffering from financial losses, but the lives of the citizens are becoming more miserable day by day. These measures have badly affected not only the private sector, but also public organizations. According to the World Bank, around 45% of the world population relies on agriculture sector for their livelihood. The agriculture sector is one of the worst sectors affected due to the harsh measure taken during the lockdown. This book aims to review the problems caused by COVID-19 on agriculture sectors, followed by the analysis of the economical aspects of the impact of COVID-19.

This book not only review currently used techniques applied to reduce the impact of COVID-19, but also intended to suggest futuristic strategies and useful technologies to reduce the impact of pandemic/epidemic in the near future.

 Publisher : This Book is scheduled to be Published by  Green Ecomics Institute Publisher  - By March 2023.

Indexing: Google Scholar, Academic OneFile (Gale), Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology)

Submission Link :  Submission Link : 

Table of Contents:

 Important Dates: 

Submission of Abstract: (Extended Date: 18th Nov. 2022) Last Extension upto 25th November 2022

Abstract Acceptance Notification:  30th November 2022)

Submission of Full Chapters: 20th December 2022  25th December 2022

Acceptance of Chapters: 20th January 2023 15th February 2023

Camera Ready Submission: 30th January 2023 28th February 2023

Publication of the Book: 30th April 2023


Dr. Mohd Naseem

Assistant Professor,

Department of Computer Science,

Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University,

Rajouri, Jammu & Kashmir, India-185234arsh Reading, RG8 8EP

Dr. Ehtisham Hussain Abbasir

Assistant Professor,

Board of Trustee, Economist and Post Doc Fellow, Green Economics Institute, Reading, UK & Assistant Professor, School of Business, AL Akhawayn University, Morocco

Dr. Gulfam Ahamad

Assistant Professor, 

Department of Computer Sciences,

Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, 

Rajouri, Jammu & Kashmir,


Commissioning Editor

Miriam Kennet

Green Economics Institute

You are also invited to serve as a designated reviewer for ICAS-2023. Your support will help us to achieve excellence. As a reviewer, you will be felicitated with a certificate of appreciation.  If you are interested to be a reviewer for this edited book, kindly fill your details in the following google form: