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The central and northern parts of the island received more than two feet (60 centimeters) of rain as the eyewall passed. The strongest typhoon to hit the territory since 2002, Mawar briefly made landfall around 9 p.m. Wednesday as a Category 4 storm at Andersen Air Force Base on the northern tip of the island. It has since restrengthened to Category 5 force, becoming one of the top 10 strongest storms to occur globally since 2000.

Although typhoons regularly impact Guam, Mawar has since achieved a strength, both in wind intensity and minimum central pressure, not seen in the tropical basin as a whole since deadly Typhoon Surigae in 2021 or in that specific part of the basin near Guam since Typhoon Damrey in 2000.

On Thursday, Mawar rapidly intensified further, becoming the equivalent of a Category 5 Atlantic hurricane, and by Friday, May 26, had sustained winds of 185 mph, according to the Joint Typhoon Warning Center. This tied Mawar with Phyllis of 1958 as the strongest typhoon observed in the month of May and makes Mawar the second-strongest tropical cyclone observed so early in the year behind Super Typhoon Surigae on April 17, 2021.

On October 18, 2010, Typhoon Megi approached and made landfall in the northeastern Isabela Province of the Philippines. Spanning more than 600 kilometers (370 miles) across, Megi was the 15th tropical storm and 7th typhoon of the season in the western Pacific Ocean. It was the most intense tropical cyclone of the year to date.

A _______ is a tropical cyclone that develops between 180 and 100E in the Northern Hemisphere.[1] This region is referred to as the Northwestern Pacific Basin,[2] accounting for almost one-third of the world's annual tropical cyclones. The term 1_________ refers to a tropical cyclone in the northeast Pacific and northern Atlantic.[3] For organizational purposes, the northern Pacific Ocean is divided into three regions: the eastern (North America to 140W), central (140W to 180), and western (180 to 100E). The Regional Specialized Meteorological Center (RSMC) for tropical cyclone forecasts is in Japan, with other tropical cyclone warning centres for the northwest Pacific in Hawaii (the Joint Typhoon Warning Center), the Philippines, and Hong Kong. Although the RSMC names each system, the main name list itself is coordinated among 18 countries that have territories threatened by typhoons each year.[4]

Within most of the northwestern Pacific, there are no official typhoon seasons as tropical cyclones form throughout the year. Like any tropical cyclone, there are several main requirements for typhoon formation and development. It must be in sufficiently warm sea surface temperatures, atmospheric instability, high humidity in the lower-to-middle levels of the troposphere, have enough Coriolis effect to develop a low pressure centre, a pre-existing low level focus or disturbance, and a low vertical wind shear. Although the majority of storms form between June and November, a few storms may occur between December and May (although tropical cyclone formation is at a minimum during that time). On average, the northwestern Pacific features the most numerous and intense tropical cyclones globally. Like other basins, they are steered by the subtropical ridge towards the west or northwest, with some systems recurving near and east of Japan. The Philippines receive the brunt of the landfalls, with China and Japan being less often impacted. However, some of the deadliest typhoons in history have struck China. Southern China has the longest record of typhoon impacts for the region, with a thousand-year sample via documents within their archives. Taiwan has received the wettest known typhoon on record for the northwest Pacific tropical cyclone basins. However, Vietnam recognises its typhoon season as lasting from the beginning of June through to the end of November, with an average of four to six typhoons hitting the country annually.[5][6]

According to the statistics of the Joint Typhoon Warning Center, from 1950 to 2022, the Northwest Pacific generated an average of 26.5 named tropical cyclones each year, of which an average of 16.6 reached typhoon standard or above as defined by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center.[7]

Typhoon may trace to  (meaning "winds which long last"), first attested in 1124 in China. It was pronounced as [h tsi] in Min Chinese at the time, but later evolved to [h tai]. New characters  were created to match the sound, no later than 1566.[8][9] The word was introduced to Mandarin Chinese in the inverted Mandarin order  [ta f], later picked up by foreign sailors to appear as typhoon.[8] The usage of  was not dominant until Chu Coching, the head of meteorology of the national academy from 1929 to 1936, declared it to be the standard term.[10][11] There were 29 alternative terms for typhoon recorded in a chronicle in 1762, now mostly wiped out by .[12] An exception was , survived in Min Chinese- and Wu Chinese- speaking areas from Chaozhou, Guangdong to Taizhou, Zhejiang.[8]

Alternatively, some dictionaries propose that typhoon derived from() 2__, meaning storm in Arabic and Hindustani.[15][16] The root of () 3__ ultimately traces to the Ancient Greek mythological creature 4_____.[16] In French 5______ was attested as storm in 1504.[17] Portuguese traveler Ferno Mendes Pinto referred to a 6____ in his memoir published in 1614.[18] The earliest form in English was "touffon" (1588),[16] later as touffon, tuffon, tufon, tuffin, tuffoon, tayfun, tiffoon, typhawn.[10][11]

There are six main requirements for tropical cyclogenesis: sufficiently warm sea surface temperatures, atmospheric instability, high humidity in the lower to middle levels of the troposphere, enough Coriolis force to develop a low pressure center, a pre-existing low level focus or disturbance, and low vertical wind shear. While these conditions are necessary for tropical cyclone formation, they do not guarantee that a tropical cyclone will form. Normally, an ocean temperature of 26.5 C (79.7 F) spanning through a depth of at least 50 metres (160 ft) is considered the minimum to maintain the special mesocyclone that is the tropical cyclone. These warm waters are needed to maintain the warm core that fuels tropical systems. A minimum distance of 500 km (300 mi) from the equator is normally needed for tropical cyclogenesis.[23]Whether it be a depression in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) or monsoon trough, a broad surface front, or an outflow boundary, a low level feature with sufficient vorticity and convergence is required to begin tropical cyclogenesis. About 85 to 90 percent of Pacific typhoons form within the monsoon trough.[24] Even with perfect upper-level conditions and the required atmospheric instability, the lack of a surface focus will prevent the development of organized convection and a surface low. Vertical wind shear of less than 10 m/s (20 kn, 33 ft/s) between the ocean surface and the tropopause is required for tropical cyclone development.[23][25] Typically with Pacific typhoons, there are two outflow jets: one to the north ahead of an upper trough in the Westerlies, and a second towards the equator.[24]

Nearly one-third of the world's tropical cyclones form within the western Pacific. This makes this basin the most active on Earth.[30] Pacific typhoons have formed year-round, with peak months from August to October. The peak months correspond to that of the Atlantic hurricane seasons. Along with a high storm frequency, this basin also features the most globally intense storms on record. One of the most recent busy seasons was 2013. Tropical cyclones form in any month of the year across the northwest Pacific Ocean and concentrate around June and November in the northern Indian Ocean. The area just northeast of the Philippines is the most active place on Earth for tropical cyclones to exist.

Across the Philippines themselves, activity reaches a minimum in February, before increasing steadily through June and spiking from July through October, with September being the most active month for tropical cyclones across the archipelago. Activity falls off significantly in November, although Typhoon Haiyan, the strongest Philippine typhoon on record, was a November typhoon.[31] The most frequently impacted areas of the Philippines by tropical cyclones are northern and central Luzon and eastern Visayas.[32] A ten-year average of satellite determined precipitation showed that at least 30 percent of the annual rainfall in the northern Philippines could be traced to tropical cyclones, while the southern islands receive less than 10 percent of their annual rainfall from tropical cyclones.[33] The genesis and intensity of typhoons are also modulated by slow variation of the sea surface temperature and circulation features following a near-10-year frequency.[34]

The list of names consists of entries from 14 southeast and east Asian nations and regions and the United States who have territories directly affected by typhoons. The submitted names are arranged into a list, the names on the list will be used from up to down, from left to right. When all names on the list are used, it will start again from the left-top corner. When a typhoon causes damage in a region, the affected region can request for retiring the name in the next session of the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee. A new name will be decided by the region whose name was retired.

Unlike tropical cyclones in other parts of the world, typhoons are not named after people. Instead, they generally refer to animals, flowers, astrological signs, and a few personal names. However, Philippines (PAGASA) retains its own naming list, which consists of both human names and other things.[43] Japan and some other East Asian countries also assign numbers to typhoons.[44]

The most active Western Pacific typhoon season was in 1964,[7_______________] when 39 storms of tropical storm strength formed. Only 15 seasons had 30 or more storms developing since reliable records began. The least activity seen in the northwest Pacific Ocean was during the 2010 Pacific typhoon season, when only 14 tropical storms and seven typhoons formed. In the Philippines, the most active season, since 1945, for tropical cyclone strikes was 1993 when nineteen tropical cyclones moved through the country.[46] There was only one tropical cyclone that moved through the Philippines in 1958. The 2004 Pacific typhoon season was the busiest for Okinawa since 1957.[47] Within Guangdong in southern China, during the past thousand years, the most active decades for typhoon strikes were the 1660s and 1670s.[48] 5376163bf9

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