Bettie Boswell Author/Illustrator

Welcome to my author/illustrator page. Please feel free to explore my portfolio and learn more about me!  2023 has been a busy year. On May 1st,  my first picture book as author AND illustrator, Lucy and Thunder was published. If there is a young person in your life who is afraid of thunder or needs to be brave, please check this sweet book out! A month later, my first chapter book, Dottie's Dream Horse, with illustrations appeared. Dottie dreams of having a horse, but when her brother is drafted into WWII she will have to deal with the family's ornery mule.  Then on July 1st, Hoping for Treasure, the third book in the On Cue series made its way to print. This Christian romance finished the trilogy for Ginny. She and her husband Scott will face many challenges as newlyweds. This book is also a split-time with a post-WWII romance taking place in the Woodson House.

I enjoy writing for readers of all ages. My genres span from Christian Romances, picture books, poetry, early readers, chapter books, middle grade, musicals, songs, plays, short stories, and devotional pieces. In the past, my inspiration came from being both an elementary classroom teacher and music teacher. Now that I am retired, I am enjoying writing and being with my grandchildren.