So I've got 66 strength and 40 Dex and using the +5 frayed blade but the damage is wank compared to say the lothric straight sword. Ik it's primarily a Dex weapon so would putting my Dex upto 50 affect the damage in any meaningful way? Or will the softcap mean it does next to nothing? Also I primarily pve but will use it for pvp

Worried that the hole would get bigger, I put on some fray check to stop it from expanding (a mistake) and I sought out reweaving specialists to see how and if they could handle an open weave. I had never had a garment repaired in this manner before, seeing as how most of the time when I had frayed pants in my thigh area, I just replaced the pants and discarded the damaged ones. Because there are not really that many people who have the skills, I never considered it. Therefore, I had no idea what magic a reweaver could do, especially since the hole was already on the larger side of anything I had seen online, and it was a fabric that was much more open than any other examples I had seen. It turns out that a reweaver can easily handle open weaves and the end result would have been much improved had I not used the fray check on the fabric. Despite the error on my part, in the end the flaw on the rewoven jacket is hardly noticeable in person, unless you are looking at it directly in a specific light, or you know what you are looking for.

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OK, there are probably more than 10 different ways to repair frayed laces due to wear and tear. This is just another way. In my opinion most simplest & quickest method that I could think of using minimal requirements. Just two actually. (well If you skip the glue, just one.)

So you need

1. Thread (Preferably cotton, as it soaks in lot of glue and grips better)

2. Any glue used for crafts, leather repair, furniture repair will do But NOT superglue! I used craft glue 'Fevicol'

3. Toothpaste (Optional)

Wrap one end of thread around your finger. Take the other end of thread and start winding the thread around the tip, starting from about 1cm opposite to the frayed end & finish towards the tip. Try to wind it as closely & tightly as you can. The more tight you wind, the thinner the end will be. Don't worry if you leave a sopt. You can comeback and cover the missed spot. At this point glue will start to drip. Just wipe it and continue.

I've bought and installed new cables for my bicycle, but I didn't have any cable-ends to crimp the ends. I've been riding for a few days now and just noticed that one of my cable ends has unwound itself due to movement or vibrations. Now I have a frayed set of wires sticking out of the end of my brake calipers.

I'm going with a scanned image representing a map. I want to produce a frayed, frazzled effect for this image, leaving the center parts intact and giving the outer parts a look like - well - a frayed map. :-)

I'm not sure if it would be better to try and find a different transition strip that would cover the frayed area, or try to pull the carpet back, cut off the frayed area and re-attach the carpet to the strip (fixing the poor padding cut job in the process). If I were to cut off a quarter-half inch of this carpet would I even be able to pull it forward? Any advice would be greatly appreciated

I installed carpet with a professional for two years right out of college. I don't think you need to buy anything. You need to pry the lip of that transition piece up so you can get the carpet loose along the entire length, then stretch the carpet forward more with a knee kicker. You can hold the carpet in place with the kicker while you use a rubber mallet to hammer down and lock the carpet under the transition again. If the carpet is frayed bad, you can trim a little to give the tabs more meat to grab onto. Most guys could do this in 5 minutes. If you call a local installer and ask him to swing by one day when they are in the area, they may do it for $50 cash.

Dr. Nwachukwu has a series of hip mobility and strengthening exercises to help patients avoid surgery for a frayed labrum. These exercises also help alleviate the symptoms of a frayed labrum. This series of videos can be found here: Hip Exercise Videos.

There are three exposed wires - green, white and black. The insulation around the white and black wires has been damaged (apparently from twisting) and the wiring within is now exposed and frayed, as can be seen in the attached picture. I just noticed sparking from where those wires are exposed while the charger was plugged in and connected to my computer, and I have two main concerns;

The electric cord on your appliance contains a live wire that is securely insulated. But if a cord becomes frayed, the live wire can be exposed. This is dangerous and can leave you vulnerable electric fires. The following are ways to protect yourself from such dangers: 589ccfa754

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