The Great Pyramid By Doreal PDF


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The Great Pyramid by Doreal PDF: A Secret Book of Ancient Wisdom

If you are interested in the mysteries of the ancient world, you may have heard of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, a legendary book of occult knowledge written by an Atlantean priest-king who founded a colony in Egypt after the sinking of Atlantis. Thoth was also the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza, where he hid his secrets and records of ancient wisdom.

But did you know that there is another book that claims to reveal the secrets of the Great Pyramid and the Emerald Tablets? This book is called The Great Pyramid by Doreal, and it was published in 1912 by a mysterious author who claimed to have received the information from Thoth himself.

In this book, Doreal claims that he was contacted by Thoth in a dream, and that Thoth instructed him to go to the Great Pyramid and enter a secret chamber where he would find a set of tablets containing the true history and destiny of humanity. Doreal says that he followed Thoth's instructions and found the tablets, which he translated and published as The Great Pyramid by Doreal.

The book contains many astonishing revelations, such as:

The origin and purpose of the Great Pyramid, which Doreal says was built as a portal for the Monad, the source of all consciousness.

The meaning and symbolism of the various chambers and passages inside the pyramid, which Doreal says represent different stages of spiritual evolution.

The connection between the Great Pyramid and the Emerald Tablets, which Doreal says are two parts of the same book of secrets.

The prophecy of the end times and the return of Atlantis, which Doreal says will happen when humanity reaches a certain level of spiritual awakening.

The Great Pyramid by Doreal is a fascinating and controversial book that challenges many conventional views on history, religion, and science. It is also a rare and hard-to-find book that is not available in most libraries or online stores. However, you can download a PDF version of The Great Pyramid by Doreal from this link: [^1^]

If you want to learn more about the secrets of the Great Pyramid and the Emerald Tablets, download The Great Pyramid by Doreal PDF today and discover a hidden treasure of ancient wisdom.Here are a few more paragraphs for your article:

The Great Pyramid by Doreal PDF is not only a book of ancient wisdom, but also a book of modern relevance. It offers insights and guidance for those who are seeking spiritual growth and enlightenment in these turbulent times. It also reveals the hidden connections between the past, present, and future of humanity and the cosmos.

Many readers have found The Great Pyramid by Doreal PDF to be a source of inspiration and transformation. They have reported experiencing profound changes in their consciousness, perception, and understanding after reading this book. They have also discovered new aspects of themselves and their potential as spiritual beings.

However, The Great Pyramid by Doreal PDF is not a book for everyone. It is a book that requires an open mind and a willingness to explore beyond the conventional boundaries of knowledge and belief. It is also a book that challenges many established doctrines and dogmas of religion, science, and history. Some readers may find this book controversial or even offensive.

Therefore, if you decide to read The Great Pyramid by Doreal PDF, you should do so with caution and discernment. You should not accept everything in this book as literal truth, but rather as a symbolic expression of a higher truth. You should also test and verify everything in this book with your own intuition and experience. 66dfd1ed39

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