But with a new beta version of Yahoo Messenger 9 software (download it for Windows) released Thursday, users have new options for reconstructing networks of friends and contacts they've built elsewhere.

The new beta of Yahoo Messenger 9 can help user invite contacts on AOL, Google's Gmail and Orkut, Microsoft's Hotmail, MySpace, and other online services to connect through the Yahoo service. Version 9 also includes a special group of all people in your Yahoo address book, helping to connect with contacts users may have stored elsewhere within Yahoo itself.

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Also tying more deeply into the rest of Yahoo, the new beta can be used to reflect some other activities within the network--for example, when somebody spotlights a Web site of interest using Yahoo Buzz.

Also new in the beta is a better interface for setting status messages--even if you're away from your IM software, Yahoo said. And links to games present in Yahoo Messenger 8 has made its way to version 9, so users can play pool, checkers, and others. However, only those with version 8.1 or later can play games with those using the version 9 beta, Yahoo said.

Yahoo Messenger's icon, a frighteningly happy face, reflects the fact that people have a whole section of their brains just for processing facial information. Yahoo is tapping into that visual cortex a little more directly with the new beta, which uses larger emoticons.

When I first discovered the Yahoo! Messenger beta back in July of this year, I was pleasantly surprised. Gone was the once awful interface, replaced by a much more OS X-like user interface. The new client reminded me of the other Mac-only clients, clients like Adium, iChat, and Proteus. I had a feeling that this new build wasn't done by any old Yahoo! employee: this was a new hire.

After I tracked down Tristan, I interviewed him in July. Well three months later, the interview has finally made it through Yahoo! public relations and is ready to be released to you with all of its sanitized PR speak goodness. We talked about what it is like to develop at a large company, inspirations, and the thought process of revealing a beta to the public, all a part of keeping you In the Loop!

TO: The new 3.0 beta version of Yahoo! Messenger for Mac is a re-write from the previous 2.5 version. The entire user interface was developed using Cocoa, and the majority of the code is Objective-C. The Messenger team uses a shared client platform that allows us to write a native UI as appropriate, such as on this Mac 3.0 beta, and still have shared code across the Mac and Windows teams. This approach allows us to be very nimble and lets us focus more on optimizing the user interface for the Mac. The Messenger management team and our small, but mighty, Mac team are completely aligned in wanting to bring the best product to market that is optimized for Yahoo! users with Macs.

IL: Was it difficult to get Yahoo! to agree to do a public beta, or was it their idea? Is there some small amount of danger associated with doing a public beta, in that, if people don't like the beta they won't come back for the final?

TO: The whole team was excited to get users on our new Mac product as it had been well over 2 years since the last Mac release. We were confident with the reliability, UI and feature set in the beta, and we wanted to get it out to our users as soon as possible to capture their feedback. We've already received plenty of positive feedback proving that it was the right decision to go out with a beta.

Yahoo has rolled out a new beta version of its instant messaging client with a re-designed contact list and an inline media player for sending URLS to images, videos and maps which then show up in the chat window.

Like always with the beta releases, those additions may or may not make it to the final official release, whenever that may be, but thus far BlackBerry has a pretty good record of keeping the Hub additions through beta to official. For those not on the beta, well, at least we all know what's coming.

If you've got the beta downloaded, let everyone know in the comments how the Discord, Reddit, and Yahoo Messenger integration is working out for you or hit the forums if you spot anything else worth mentioning!

Yahoo has since closed down the chat.yahoo.com site (first having it redirect visitors to a section of the Yahoo! Messenger page, but as of June 2019 not even resolving that host name anymore) because the great majority of chat users accessed it through Messenger. The company worked for a while on a way to allow users to create their own rooms while providing safeguards against abuse[citation needed]. A greyed-out option to "create a room" was available until the release of version 11.

On October 13, 2005, Yahoo and Microsoft announced plans to introduce interoperability between their two messengers, creating the second-largest real-time communications service userbase worldwide: 40 percent of all users.[13][14] The announcement came after years of third-party interoperability success (most notably, Trillian and Pidgin) and criticisms that the major real-time communications services were locking their networks. Microsoft has also had talks with AOL in an attempt to introduce further interoperability, but AOL was unwilling to participate.

Interoperability between Yahoo and Windows Live Messenger was launched July 12, 2006. This allowed Yahoo and Windows Live Messenger users to chat to each other without the need to create an account on the other service, provided both contacts used the latest versions of the clients. It was not possible to talk using the voice service between the two different messengers.

Yahoo! Messenger users could listen to free and paid Internet radio services, using the defunct Yahoo! Music Radio plug-in from within the messenger window. The plug-in also player functionality, such as play, pause, skip and rate this song.

As of March 27, 2016, the only supported clients were the Android, iOS and web browser clients. The previous Windows, Mac, Unix and Solaris clients were not supported anymore, and their servers began shutting down on August 5, 2016,[24] with the clients no longer working by August 31, 2016.[25] It turned out that the servers for the legacy clients were finally shut down sometime between the mid-morning and early afternoon hours Eastern Standard Time on September 1, 2016, resulting in the legacy desktop clients no longer being able to access their buddy/contact lists.[citation needed] As of 2018 (with the last version), Yahoo! Messenger was available for computers as a web service, including both a messenger-only site and Yahoo! Mail integration. Apps were also available on Android and iOS. Pidgin could connect to Yahoo! Messenger by using the FunYahoo++ plugin.

Beginning in 2006, Yahoo made known its intention to provide a web interface for Yahoo! Messenger, culminating in the Gmail-like web archival and indexing of chat conversations through Yahoo! Mail. However, while Yahoo! Mail integrated much of the rudimentary features of Messenger beginning in 2007, Yahoo did not succeed initially in integrating archival of chat conversations into Mail. Instead, a separate Adobe Flex-based web messenger[51] was released in 2007 with archival of conversations which take place inside the web messenger itself.[52]

At the Consumer Electronics Show in January 2007, Yahoo! Messenger for Vista was introduced, which is a version designed and optimized for Windows Vista. It exploited the new design elements of Vista's Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and introduced a new user interface and features.[53] The application was in a preview beta until finally released for download on December 6, 2007.[54] As of October 24, 2008, Yahoo! Messenger for Vista is no longer available.[55]

Yahoo! Together was a freeware and cross-platform messaging service, developed by Yahoo![71] for the Android and iOS mobile platforms.[72] The software was introduced in beta on May 8, 2018, as Yahoo! Squirrel to replace Yahoo! Messenger and Verizon Media's AOL Instant Messenger.[73][74] In October 2018, it was renamed to its present name.[75]

Yahoo! Together was targeted to families and the consumer market rather than enterprise.[76] The app was compared to Slack.[77] Less than a year after its public beta release, Yahoo! Together went offline on April 4, 2019.[71]

Along with these features now all the contacts from your address book are also added up in your messenger list on the name of Adress Book contacts whom you can also contact using the above three features.

Yahoo Messenger 11 has finally left beta after seven months and been given a final release by Yahoo. Version 11 sees a number of new features, including support for Facebook, Twitter and other social media networks.

I have a mac mini and a logitech vision pro and am having the same problem. I am running the yahoo messenger 3 beta 156957 build and people can not see my cam. this is 2009 and you would think that they would have fix this by now

Just got a MAC Mini, and I am a yahoo Messenger user. Never had problems with Buggy software before, up to now. I downloaded this, thinking it'll work flawlessly. After installing, and it's initial execution, - it locked up the system.

When I read about the newer build 18274, I went to the beta msg home page to install it. When I slid the icon to my applications icon, then told it to install, it said I had a newer version. The version I show from the get info (on right click) says I have 17006. I told it not to continue. I notice on the new one I tried to install it says Mac OS Extended (Journaled) but wont show the build number since it isnt completely installed I assume. Any information anyone can share? 

I cannot view webcams, but I dont own one either. I have been reading many places that webcams dont work on this mac beta version, yet I see the screenshot posted. I dont know if I need to install a camera in order to view one? My friends try to cam me and I get a black box with a spinning icon like it is trying to load. After 10 - 15 mins I just X it out. I thought I use to be able to view cams back in April... but maybe not. I have an old pc set up by this iMac to view cams. 

I enjoy seeing the pics on this new beta version, but I think there is a lot of wasted space with the user bubbles and there is still no archiving that I can find. I have to save everything in a Text Edit program and keep in a folder... very annoying and very inconvienent when trying to see a history or a particular user. Also, the screennames are written in white in the bubbles, so when saving... I have to select all and select default to show the user names in black (if we use the same fonts and colors)... then I lose their color of font. So many frustrations with this !!

 I also dont like the fact that this newer version wont allow you to see a persons profile at random... only from a person in the msg list. I just go to my profile and then to the box for view by ID to search. 

I think Yahoo needs to step it up a notch... I see complaints Everywhere from Mac Users !! 0852c4b9a8

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