Eight Reasons Why Your Brand Needs a YouTube Channel

According to recent figures, 74% of adults in the United States of America utilize YouTube. That is more than Facebook and nearly times the number of Instagram users.

These types of statistics are among the primary reasons why the majority of successful brands have already established a presence on this platform.

The public enjoys viewing videos, and a sizable portion of the population prefers watching videos to reading text. That is why YouTube has grown at a constant rate since its inception in 2005.

The platform has over 2.3 billion active users globally, and numerous brands use it as a hub for connecting with their target demographic.

If you're still on the fence about whether or not to use this video-based social network to boost your brand's online visibility, continue reading to learn the eight reasons why a YouTube channel is a must-have for brands now and in the future.

YouTube is Growing at a Rapid Pace

YouTube is currently the world's second-largest search engine, trailing only Google's parent company. Additionally, it is the third most viewed website on the planet, trailing only Google and Facebook.

Over a billion users visit the video-sharing site each month, and over 100 hours of video are submitted to the website every minute.

To summarize, YouTube has grown to such a size that you are certain to find an audience that will convert into eager followers and committed clients of your business, regardless of the industry in which you operate.

You will be able to tap into the website's horde of traffic with the appropriate method. All you have to do is concentrate on teaching, entertaining, and delivering solutions to your target audience's concerns.

Once you've established your approach, you'll be able to construct and grow your business, aided by the platform's ever-growing stream of leads.

Among the platform's most successful pieces of content are the following:

How-To Films: You may create high-quality videos instructing your audience on how to accomplish a specific task in order to promote your business, product, or expertise while also marketing your brand online via this popular social media platform.

Explainer Videos: Explainer videos assist you in communicating to potential customers the benefits of your product or service. These are more approachable and educational than promotional videos, which makes marketing to your audience much easier.

Another excellent strategy for advancing your brand on YouTube is to produce training videos that give your prospects a taste of what to expect from your business in the form of a video presentation.

Mailbird, for instance, uses its YouTube account to educate its audience through explanation and how-to videos. By utilizing this type of content, they were able to grow their audience, subscription base, and traffic to their site.

Another reason why a YouTube channel is necessary for your brand is that Google includes YouTube results in its search engine results pages (SERPs) (search engine results pages).

Google's Universal Search combines all search results, including videos, photos, books, news, and local searches, in order to offer users with the most relevant and useful results.

Recently, videos have appeared more frequently in search results, which is predictable given the growth in video usage.

The inclusion of more videos in search results demonstrates that Google views them as equally valuable as text-only pages for giving information to searchers.

This is something you can use by generating complimentary films for your site's articles and then uploading them to YouTube to make it simpler for the relevant individuals to discover your material. Utilizing YouTube as part of your entire marketing strategy has the extra benefit of generating backlinks to your website, thereby increasing your online visibility. As illustrated in the graphic below, research indicates that a high number of backlinks correlates with a high ranking in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, backlinks boost your reputation score, which has the extra benefit of increasing your searchability on Google. Additionally, more backlinks help to increase your website's authority, which improves your search engine rankings. Knowing your website's rating and stats is critical for determining where to direct your resources. A website ranking checker can be used to determine such metrics.

One of the primary benefits of having a YouTube channel is the increased credibility of your brand and the ability for businesses to have a say in their channel management strategy.

Having a YouTube channel for your brand can help you build trust with your fans, which is critical because people will not purchase from you if they lack trust.

You may start establishing trust by personalizing your video content and demonstrating the "human" side of your brand.

Generally, firms that direct users to a landing page that includes a video of a person speaking about their product/service see a huge rise in lead and sales generation.

When you can connect emotionally with your audience, it helps to increase their faith in your business. This results in an increase in conversions. However, keep in mind that anyone may create a YouTube channel, which does not automatically make them trustworthy.

Only truly excellent channels with high-quality, useful content get the greatest number of views and subscribers.

Viewers are savvy, and they can tell if you took the time to create your channel from a mile away.

The following are some strategies for establishing trust with your followers:

Utilize personalized graphics created with your preferred graphic design tools on your channel.

Include a section titled "About Us" with pertinent information.

Use links to each video you submit and use the proper video editing tools to make it look lovely.)

I will respond to every one of your remarks.

All of these actions demonstrate to your viewers that you are genuinely invested in building a channel worth watching, which boosts your brand's reputation and builds trust between you and your audience.

PRO TIP: Store all of your channel images in a photo management platform so that you can see what you've done previously and reuse images as needed.

Another reason to begin establishing your brand's YouTube channel is to demonstrate your company's individuality.

This is an excellent method for:

Differentiate yourself from the competition; cultivate an engaged and loyal audience on social media platforms, and motivate prospects and customers to learn more about your products.

Sharing your narrative on social media is one way to demonstrate your brand's individuality. Bear in mind that individuals purchase from those they know, like, and trust. Thus, by infusing your brand storis with personality, you make it easier for your audience to connect with you.

Another option is to engage your audience in discussion rather than delivering a one-sided diatribe. Utilize a conversational tone throughout your messages to establish a connection with your audience.

Consider how PandaDoc transitioned from instructional to conversational podcasts on YouTube:

If it fits your business, another way to help your company stand out is to incorporate comedy into your material. Our brains respond to novelty, and this may be an effective approach for you to capture your viewers' attention and inspire them to engage with your business.

These recommendations will not only assist you in showcasing your company's individuality but will also assist you in enhancing your entire brand messaging, allowing you to build a stronger reputation for your organization.

YouTube is a terrific medium for influencer marketing, and your YouTube channel may serve as an ideal platform for connecting with industry influencers via interviews.

Indeed, more than 70% of brands cite YouTube videos as the most successful content type for influencer marketing.

Additionally, if your films go viral, it might be a way to generate free word-of-mouth publicity for your product.

If you can develop a creative notion that your audience will find impossible to ignore and then collaborate with an influencer in your sector to share it with a larger audience, your content is very likely to go viral, generating tremendous visibility and interest in your business.

This is one of the most difficult categories to navigate, but after you have a good grasp of your target demographic and the YouTube Creator tiers, you will be able to identify YouTube influencers with whom to collaborate on effective marketing campaigns.

If done correctly, your YouTube channel might serve as an additional revenue stream for your organization.

While it is beyond the scope of this post to detail all of the various methods you may monetize your videos, the following is a fast synopsis of what your brand can do to create cash from your YouTube channel:

AdSense for Video: This is one of the most often used methods for monetizing your YouTube channel. To begin making money from your video material, all you need to do is create a Google AdSense account and enable the video monetization options.

License Your Content to the Media: If your business generates a viral video, you may capitalize on its widespread appeal by licensing it to media outlets, online news sites, morning shows, and other artists.

Sell Things or Merchandise: There are a plethora of products available on YouTube that you may sell to earn money with your channel. Merchandise is an excellent option because it boosts your visibility by putting your brand and personality on display in the physical world.

As long as you continuously develop and publish relevant and useful content, your audience will promote your brand and purchase from you.

Increase Dwell Time on Your Blog

One of the benefits of establishing a YouTube account for your brand is that your videos are not restricted to that platform.

By embedding the videos on your blog, you can increase your exposure. This is also an excellent approach to decrease bounce rate, enhance engagement, and lengthen page stay time.

Google considers the duration of your visitors' stays on your website when ranking your website in its search engine.

If visitors do not stay for an extended period of time or depart immediately after viewing a single page, this is not good for your site.

The longer visitors stay on your page, the better, and more interesting videos that play for a few minutes will help you entice people to stay on your blog a little longer.

The best part is that you receive all of these benefits without taking up a lot of space on your website or degrading the speed at which pages load.

After uploading your film to YouTube, you can simply copy and paste the embedded code into your own website to share your YouTube videos with your website visitors.

Grow Your Email Subscriber List

Finally, you can use YouTube to grow your email list by including calls to action within your video content.

Although it is last on our list, this is one of the most significant benefits of using YouTube for your brand. After all, your email list is critical to driving conversions.

It generates warm leads for you to update, follow up on, and hopefully convert into paying clients.

When you continuously generate high-quality, informative, and entertaining video content, you not only attract new visitors who might not have encountered your business otherwise but also enable you to connect with and strengthen connections with those visitors.

Along with putting calls to action at the conclusion of your films, you can also use the video editing software on Youtube to insert sign-up forms straight within your videos. Before continuing, viewers can pause the movie temporarily to rapidly subscribe to your email list.

Additionally, you can put videos on your landing pages, increasing the likelihood that prospective consumers would click the "subscribe" button.

This is a highly effective strategy that makes it significantly easier to grow your email list while offering your audience compelling material they enjoy.


That concludes the discussion. Eight reasons why your brand must have a YouTube channel.

Simply bear in mind that the main value of your brand's YouTube videos is not in direct income, but in developing trust, enhancing your reputation, bolstering your credibility, and interacting with prospects and consumers.

This will eventually assist you in selling more and growing your business through video, and it all begins with the creation of a YouTube account for your brand.