BES-Tea Seminar

This online seminar series aims at increasing interactions, stimulating collaboration, and fostering initiatives on research topics related to studying the nuclear matter equation of state and the QCD phase diagram through relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The meetings are likely to be of interest to researchers working on subjects related to numerous experimental efforts worldwide, including the Beam Energy Scan program at RHIC, the HADES experiment at GSI, and future experiments at FAIR and FRIB. 

In the academic year 2023-24, the meetings will take place every other Tuesday at 3 pm ET = 12 pm PT.

Please send an email to one of the organizers (Grégoire Pihan, Chun Shen, Mayank Singh, Agnieszka Sorensen) if you want to join the mailing list.

Upcoming Seminar Schedule

April 2, 2024

Speaker: Nicki Mullins (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Title: Stochastic fluctuations in relativistic fluids: causality, stability, and the information current


March 19, 2024

Speaker: Micheal Kahangirwe (University of Houston)

Title: QCD  Equation of state at finite density: lattice-based T'-expansion and critical point


March 5, 2024

Speaker: Johannès Jahan (University of Houston) 

Title: Testing new proxies for B, Q and S cumulants in Au+Au collisions at BES energies with EPOS4


February 20, 2024

Speaker: Zhiwan Xu (University of California, Los Angeles)

Title: Search for the Chiral Magnetic Effect in BES II data


February 6, 2024

Speaker: Dekrayat Almaalol (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Title: Influence of baryon number, strangeness, and electric charge fluctuations on spectra and collective flow at the LHC


January 23, 2024

No meeting due to the Workshop on Baryon Dynamics from RHIC to EIC

January 9, 2024

Speaker: Yevheniia Khyzhniak (Ohio State University)

Title: Charge dependent pion and kaon femtoscopy in BES


December 5, 2023

Speaker: Emmy Duckworth (Kent State University)

Title: Directed Flow of Protons and AntiProtons in RHIC Beam Energy Scan II


November 21, 2023

Speaker: Hai-Tao Shu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Title: Understanding of the heavy quark diffusion from lattice QCD


November 7, 2023

Speaker: Zuzana Paulínyová (Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika)

Title: Dynamical fluidization in the SMASH-vHLLE hybrid approach


October 24, 2023

Speaker: Lipei Du (McGill University)

Title: Thermal dilepton production in heavy-ion collisions at Beam Energy Scan (BES) energies


Past Seminar Talks: 2022-2023 series

May 31, 2023

Speaker: Xiaoyu Liu (Ohio State University)

Title: Measurement of Directed Flow with the Event Plane Detector at the STAR Experiment at RHIC


May 17, 2023

No meeting due to the FRIB-TA Topical Program on Theoretical Justifications and Motivations for Early High-Profile FRIB Experiments

May 3, 2023

No meeting

April 19, 2023

Speaker: Gabriele Coci (Frankfurt University)

Title: Dynamical mechanisms for deuteron production in HICs with the PHQMD transport approach


April 5, 2023

Speaker: Cameron Racz (University of California, Riverside)

Title: Reaction Plane Correlated Triangular Flow in BES-II and Its Connection to the EOS


March 22, 2023

Speaker: Kshitij Agarwal (University of Tuebingen)

Title: The Role of Heavy-Ion Collisions in Probing Dense Nuclear Matter EOS


March 8, 2023

Speaker: Chandrodoy Chattopadhyay (North Carolina State University)

Title: Far-off-equilibrium expansion trajectories of a quark-gluon gas


February 22, 2023

Speaker: Grégoire Pihan (Wayne State University)

Title: Dynamics of the conserved charges fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions


February 8, 2023

No meeting due to the INT Workshop on Intersection of Nuclear Structure and High‐Energy Nuclear Collisions

January 25, 2023

Speaker: Enrico Speranza (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Title: Spinning the Primordial Liquid


January 11, 2023

Speaker: Justin Mohs (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)

Title: The influence of light nuclei production and the EOS on flow in low-energy heavy-ion collisions


December 14, 2022

Speaker: Maria Stefaniak (GSI)

Title: HADES femtoscopy for equation of state studies


November 30, 2022

No meeting due to CPOD2022 Workshop on Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement

November 16, 2022

Speaker: Tetyana Galatyuk (TU Darmstadt)

Title: Exploring microscopic properties of matter across the QCD phase diagram with dileptons


November 2, 2022

Speaker: Ante Bilandzic (Technical University Munich)

Title: New Paradigm in Anisotropic Flow Analyses with Correlation Techniques


October 19, 2022

Speaker: Yuuka Kanakubo (University of Jyväskylä)

Title: Interplay between core and corona from small to large colliding systems


October 5, 2022

Speaker: Travis Dore (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Title: Critical Lensing in the QCD Phase Diagram both In and Out of Equilibrium


September 21, 2022

Speaker: Wenbin Zhao (Wayne State University)

Title: What is the baryon charge number carrier? Where is the limit of hydrodynamics?


September 7, 2022

Speaker: Oleh Savchuk (Bogolyubov Institute For Theoretical Physics)

Title: Enhanced dilepton emission from a phase transition in dense matter


Past Seminar Talks: 2021-2022 series

June 17, 2022

Speaker: Prithwish Tribedy (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Title: Opportunities with the isobar runs at RHIC


June 3, 2022

Speaker: Paolo Parotto (Pennsylvania State University)

Title: Equation of state of QCD from the lattice: recent results from an alternative expansion scheme


May 20, 2022

Speaker: Bill Llope (Wayne State University)

Title: Correlations and fluctuations from STAR


May 6, 2022

Speaker: Shuzhe Shi (Stony Brook University)

Title: A Family of New Exact Solutions in 1+1D Ideal Hydro


April 22, 2022

Speaker: Maneesha Pradeep (University of Illinois Chicago)

Title: Freezing Out Fluctuations in Hydro+ Near the QCD Critical Point 


March 25, 2022

Speaker: Gabriele Inghirami (GSI)

Title: A study on the applicability of hydrodynamics in heavy-ion collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=2.4-7.7 GeV using the transport code SMASH


March 11, 2022

Speaker: Volodymyr Vovchenko (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Title: Critical point particle number fluctuations from molecular dynamics


February 25, 2022

Speaker: Anna Schäfer (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)

Title: Dynamical Description of Heavy-Ion Collisions - From FAIR to LHC energies


February 11, 2022

Speaker: Mayank Singh (University of Minnesota)

Title: Stochastic approach to study hydrodynamic fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions


January 24, 2022

Speaker: Jamie M. Karthein (University of Houston)

Title: Correlators of QCD Conserved Charges


January 10, 2022

Speaker: Elena Bratkovskaya (GSI, Darmstadt & University of Frankfurt)

Title: Dynamical description of strongly interacting matter


December 13, 2021

Speaker: Zhangbu Xu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Title: Evidence from BES data that gluon junction carries baryon number


November 29, 2021

Speaker: Niseem Magdy (University of Illinois Chicago)

Title: Summary of the flow correlations and fluctuations measurements across the beam energy scan energies


November 15, 2021

Speaker: Dmytro Oliinychenko (Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington)

Title: How to constrain the speed of sound in dense nuclear matter from heavy-ion collisions?


November 1, 2021

Speaker: Lipei Du (McGill University)

Title: Baryon transport and the QCD critical point


October 18, 2021

Speaker: Misha Stephanov (University of Illinois Chicago)

Title: Fluctuations in hydrodynamics


October 4, 2021

Speaker: Kaijia Sun (Texas A&M University)

Title: Enhanced yield ratio of light nuclei in heavy-ion collisions with a first-order chiral phase transition


September 20, 2021

Speaker: Débora Mroczek (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Title: Mapping out the thermodynamic stability of the BEST EoS using machine learning


Past Seminar Talks: 2021 series

July 30, 2021

Speaker: Chun Shen (Wayne State University)

Title: Probing early-time longitudinal dynamics with the Λ hyperon's spin polarization in relativistic heavy-ion collisions


July 16, 2021

Speaker: Yvonne Leifels (GSI)

Title: Heavy ion reactions in the SIS18 energy regime: some observations and conclusions

July 2, 2021

Speaker: Mauricio Martinez Guerrero (North Carolina State University)

Title: Constraining the initial stages of ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions


June 18, 2021

Speaker: Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Title: What is still missing for hydrodynamics at low beam energies?


June 4, 2021

Speaker: Paweł Danielewicz (Michigan State University)

Title: Equation of State Below 10AGeV


May 7, 2021

Speaker: Thomas Schaefer (North Carolina State University)

Title: Dynamics of diffusive fluctuations


April 23, 2021 

Speaker: Scott Pratt (Michigan State University) 

Title: Searching for a 1st-order Phase Transition in Heavy-Ion Collisions — Lessons from the Liquid-Gas Phase Transition


April 23, 2021 

Speaker: Agnieszka Sorensen (UCLA

Title: Opening Remarks
