Bright Minds Bio

Canada's Psychedelic Future

In recent years, Canada has been at the forefront of psychedelic research. From psilocybin mushrooms to MDMA to LSD, researchers have been investigating what these mind-altering substances can do to help treat conditions ranging from PTSD to addiction to anxiety and depression. Because of its forward-thinking approach, Canada has become a hub for psychedelic research, and it’s only going to continue to grow as people learn more about how psychedelics can be used as potential therapeutic agents. These are the top reasons why Canada will continue to be a hub for psychedelic research in the future.

1) Legalizing Medical Marijuana

While many U.S. states are on board with legalizing marijuana, Canada has become one of the first countries to legalize it for medical purposes, so patients can use it as a pain reliever or appetite stimulant. And Canada’s government is about to announce legislation that will make it legal for recreational use as well.

2) Wellness Tourism

Canada’s growing reputation as a world leader in medical and recreational cannabis research has now spilled over into psychedelics. Because of Canada’s lax regulatory environment, researchers from around the world are flocking to our country to study how psychedelic compounds like LSD, psilocybin (the compound found in magic mushrooms), and MDMA (commonly known as ecstasy) can be used to treat mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Many see psychedelics as a better alternative to traditional antidepressants, which come with many unpleasant side effects including nausea, sexual dysfunction, weight gain, and insomnia. If you take these drugs without proper guidance from a therapist or medical professional—particularly someone who is familiar with hallucinogens—there is potential for negative effects; however, many studies show that certain substances like LSD and psilocybin not only improve symptoms of mental illness but also may allow people to quit addictions such as alcohol and cigarettes without withdrawal symptoms.

3) Medicinal Cannabis Research Programs

The CED (Center for Excellence in Drug Research) at McMaster University is growing fast. Because of our climate, Canada offers great potential for psychedelic drug research. In fact, some would argue we have an advantage over other nations due to our respect for recreational cannabis use. We believe psychedelics are mind-expanding therapies—not drugs as most western nations view them—and we know there are many therapeutic benefits of their use.

These days, scientists are exploring how micro dosing magic mushrooms can improve workplace focus and productivity; why MDMA might be used as a treatment for PTSD; or how LSD could improve our ability to empathize with others.Brights Mind Bio is one such biotechnology company which is solely focusing on exploring therapeutic benefits of psychedelics drugs and how they can help the people with mental health problems.

4) Funding Opportunities

A big part of why Canada is becoming a hub for psychedelic research is funding opportunities. Canada’s state health insurance, universal healthcare, covers medical cannabis. Additionally, psilocybin-containing mushrooms are not controlled under international drug conventions. This has created an environment where it is easier to do research on psychedelics in Canada than in many other countries because it does not require jumping through lots of regulatory hoops to study them.