Find Out Which Hair Transplant Method is Right for Your Hair Loss Situation

Millions of Indian men and women struggle with hair-related woes, including hair loss, thinning, and baldness. For those facing significant hair loss, getting the Best Hair Transplant in India is the only effective solution.

A Hair Transplant is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves extracting healthy hair follicles from the donor site and transplanting them onto the recipient site, which is the area affected by hair loss and balding.

Getting a Hair Transplant is a big decision and you need to choose the right method for your treatment. Opting for the Best Hair Transplant in Delhi can ensure quality, real-looking, and lasting results.

Hair Transplant Methods:

There are three methods for the best hair transplant in India that can give you desirable results.

  • Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):

FUT is one of the most common hair transplant procedures. FUT involves removing a strip of skin with healthy hair follicles from the donor area, usually the back of the head. This strip is divided microscopically into small units of hair follicle tissue known as ‘follicular units’ or grafts. These grafts are then prepared and implanted in the hair loss-affected area.

  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a modified technique that delivers similar results as FUT along with additional advantages. In FUE, hair follicles are individually extracted one by one, unlike FUT which requires harvesting an entire strip of tissue. This reduces scarring and removes the need for suturing.

The delicate hair follicles are carefully preserved, prepared, and then transplanted into the recipient area. Since FUE requires more precision, skill, time, and advanced equipment, it is more expensive compared to FUT.

  • Direct Hair Restoration (DHR):

DHR is a revolutionary hair transplant technique. The DHR process involves simultaneous extraction and implantation of individual hair follicles from the donor area into the recipient area using a specially-designed DHR Implanter tool.

This technique allows greater control in regards to the depth, angle, and direction of graft placements. DHR offers higher graft preservation, no visible scarring, and quick recovery. The technique can be slightly more expensive as compared to FUE.

Choosing the Best Hair Transplant Method

Your hair transplant method decision will depend on factors such as hair loss pattern, hair characteristics, quantity of donor hair, your budget, and your expectations. Your surgeon will recommend the method that suits you best.