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The Basics of Landscaping

Tips & Tricks and Everything You Need to Know

So you've decided on setting up your own garden. But do you know how to style it? Do you know what plants and items can bring life to your lawn and yard?

If you answered "no" to these questions, don't worry! Our team of experts is here to help you make your dream garden come true.

In this blog post, we talk about the basic principles of landscaping. We set out a list of things to consider when preparing your landscape design. We explain the pros and cons of common landscaping styles. We show you concepts you need to know when selecting your theme and the best flowers for your style. Finally, we help you execute your plans and layout. You'll find all the must-knows of landscaping and garden styling right here!

Get the very best tips from [city]'s finest florists and gardeners on the ideal landscape design for your lifestyle! Learn how it can enhance your home, represent who you are as a person, and suit your daily activities and social hostings all at once.

Interested in a formal course? Want to get certified as a gardening expert? We recommend you look over associations offering classes in floristry, like:

First Things You Should Consider

Always keep in mind that the state of your yard come first before the style. Otherwise, it will never turn up right! This rule applies to every whichever style you choose for your garden.

Here is a lineup of the first things you should look into when you choose and plan out a design for your landscape!

Architecture of the House

Picking out the design of the landscape needs to complement your own home design. This will give your home a feel of balance and cohesion with your garden. It will also help tie your flowers and plants together with the style and structure of your chosen landscape design.

Sunlight and where it falls longest

Some plants need lots of sunlight. Some need a great deal of shade. So it's important to evaluate the direction of sunlight and where it falls the longest. It will help you plot out your plants with care and precision.

Position of potential or existing trees

Like the above factor, the position of existing trees or trees you intend to grow matters. Take note of this to make sure enough light and shade reach your cherished flowers and greens.

Depth and texture of soil

Look into which areas of your lot have shallow and rocky dirt. Check which sections have more depth and texture. This will help provide room for your plants' roots and growth.

Air quality, wind direction and strength

If you live in the city, you have to consider the quality of the air in your yard. This is to make sure your plants don't get stifled from too much smoke and smog from cars. Restaurant exhausts and the cramped city space can also be sources of this. So it's smart to keep this in mind.

The strength and direction of the wind change at different times of the day and throughout the year. These can affect plant growth and texture. So take note of this to help keep your plants nurtured and healthy.

Family pet and neighbor's pets

Do you have dogs, cats, or other critters that often go out to your yard? If so, make sure to get pet-friendly flowers, shrubs and trees. You might also need to put together a low-rise fence or something similar. This will keep them from damaging seedlings or, god forbid, doing their business in the garden bed.

Basic Steps to Designing Your Landscape

Regardless of what you settle on for your landscape design, there are simple steps you need to follow. Here are a few tips for styling your backyard!

Sketch the Plan Out

If you can, it's better to get the precise dimensions of your yard from your house's blueprint. This way, you get an overview of your design. It will even help you explore different styles while you're still in the preparation phase.

Pick out Flowers as Focal Points

Follow the classic rules of crafting bouquets! Choose the star (or stars) of your garden and base your accents and foliage off of the main flower.

Choosing Your Garden Style

It's essential to note here what you plan to do in your garden, as it affects how you do the landscaping in your yard. Is it for recreation? For get-togethers and playtime? For rest and relaxation? Strike a balance between lawn and planting areas. With this, you have adequate room to move while appreciating the beauty of nature in your garden.

Borders and Edging

It's also important to know the best kind of materials for the borders and edges of your garden. Whether it's wood, brick, stone, or anything else, consider your theme and style. Make sure to complement your main flowers and accents with the material you'll use.

Selecting Your Plants

Now you're at the phase of selecting your flowers, shrubs, and trees for your garden. In line with that, it's essential to know the full size of a plant before planting them in the soil. This is to make sure they don't get overcrowded once they arrive at maturity.

Putting it All Together

You've taken your pick of landscape design, borders and edging, focal flowers, accents, foliage, and plants. Now you need to tie them all together!

A basic knowledge of the color wheel comes in handy here. Also, look into the textures, shapes, and sizes of various types of flowers and shrubs. Make sure to check how well they complement each other.

Pros & Cons of Different Landscape Designs

Which landscape best complements your home design and architectural structure? Which landscape design best reflects your lifestyle and day-to-day life? Whatever your answer is, you can find ideas here! Below is a short list of standard landscape styles you can choose from.

Want to create a personalized design and get creative? Go ahead! You can pick some aspects from these styles and integrate them into your own. Let your inspiration flow and make your dream garden come true!

English Garden.

Features: Lush shrubs and perennials to match your home's architectural style. Sometimes includes birdbaths and arbor.

Oriental/ Japanese Zen

Features: Water, rocks, and evergreens akin to how Asian style gardens look. Features a selection of plants in complementing shades and hues of green.


Features: Takes after its name. Mirrors the natural way that flora and fauna grow as seen in forests and wooded areas. Needs less regular maintenance.


Features: Symmetrical arrangements, straight lines, and clear-cut geometric shapes with manicured, well-trimmed appearance. Needs a lot of maintenance.


Features: Curved edges and asymmetrical arrangements, placed in plant beds.


Features: Bountiful ferns and shrubs with brightly-colored blossoms and tall trees. Similar to a tropic rainforest.


Features: Secure plant containers on lines of brick or stone, intermixed with flowering plants and blossoms.