The Power of Digital Printing in Flexible Packaging Industry

Digital packaging has opened exciting and creative opportunities in the world of flexible packaging. It has taken the packaging to another level and has become the biggest trend on-demand. It has a lot of benefits over conventional methods of packaging like flexography, offset and gravure. New trends come in the market as up gradations takes place in the technology but how it settled over the flexible packages is commendable enough. This is the reason largest flexible packaging companies in India opted for digital printing methods.

This is how the power of digital printing has affected the flexible packaging industry

  • It is a quick process

Once the digital file is created as per your design and requirement, it gets ready to be printed in few minutes itself instead of weeks that it used to take when conventional methods were applied. This in turn decreases the shipping time, cost of production, makes the process faster and the product reaches the distributors and consumer in no time with zero spoils or breakage.

  • Changes in the designing are just a click away now

There isn’t any need for a lengthy process if you need to make any changes in the design. Besides, it doesn’t include any additional cost for making the changes; it’s just a new file that you have to create with some or the other changes here and there. It has eliminated the cost, headache and delay that used to be there.

It became convenient to make changes in the list of ingredients or when you have to change the logo or add. It is easy enough to adjust the design, make a few alterations and update the design immediately.

  • More response to market demand in real time

This allows you to print as per the demand; this implies that you don’t have to keep much inventory. Brands are now able to keep the cash in the business while decreasing the risk of loss because of the updates in printing that takes place every other day.

  • Flexibility of customization

Now brands have the flexibility to give their ideas and innovations that they want to add to the printing of the packaging of their product. Flexible packaging manufacturers in Delhi welcome the ideas suggested by the brands that bring more digital consumer engagement because the brands knows better because they are manufacturing the material that has to be packed inside the packaging created by the flexible packaging companies.

  • Possibility of short run packaging with digital printing

Brands often don’t opt for placing large orders and go for seasonal and promotional packaging instead. This allows them to come up with fun with a limited time of promotion. They change their packaging as per the festivals and seasons so that the customers can exchange as gifts as per the occasion and the brand also remains updated. Moreover, all the brands want to promote themselves with some or the other new thing so seasonal promotion proves to be the best in such cases. Modern flexible packaging in Delhi is now encouraging these type of promotional packaging.

This is how digital printing came as a game changer and made flexible packaging even more attractive and appealing.

Related link: How Flexible Packaging Works to Extend the Shelf Life of Products?