I've tried to use Amazon S3 but the download speed isn't good and it quickly becomes expensive.I've tried to use Amazon S3 + CloudFront but files are too large and the downloads too rare: the files didn't stay in the cache.Also, I can't create torrent files in S3 because the files size is too large.I guess the cloud solutions (such as S3, Azure, Google Drive...) work well only for small files, such as image / css / etc.

The current AWS pricing for your volume is about $0.09/GB for BW out to the internet. Assuming your ~50 files at an average of 10GB, that's about $50/month for BW from cache servers to your end users - not bad? You could start with c4.large for low/average usage regions ($79/month). Higher usage regions might cost you about ~$150/month (c4.xl), ~$300/month (c4.2xl), etc. You can get better pricing with spot instances and you can tune performance based on your business model (e.g. VIP vs Best-Effort).

Best Download Manager To Download Large Files On Pc

Download File 🔥 https://urlca.com/2y2F85 🔥

You may also want to look into file acceleration software, like Signiant Flight or Aspera (disclosure: I'm a product manager for Flight). Large files (multiple GB in size) can be a problem for traditional HTTP transfers, especially over large latencies. File acceleration software goes over UDP instead of TCP, essentially masking the latency and increasing the speed of the file transfer.

One negative to using this approach is that your clients will need to download special software to download their files (since UDP is not supported natively in the browser), but you mentioned they use a download manager already, so that may not be an issue.

I'm using Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS and the default file manager is not good when it comes to handling large numbers of files. It frequently locks-up, even with preview disabled. Can anyone recommend a decent replacement? Number of files is > 50,000.

Your request has been debated several times already and we did not find a solution that would balance both ability to view large files and keep a good user experience, in particular making sure that UI remains responsive when showing a lot of code. And we want to keep SonarQube focus on browsing quality issues, and not making it a full code viewer (gearing towards IDE features)

Thanks @RSchaeferHIG, this is actually already the case (if you click (twice) on the grey bar left of the duplicated code).

The problem raised by @Jonah_IntegraDev is how to find quickly the duplicated blocks, on a large source file. I have no good answer to that. Anything we tried in the past to both have a good user experience on reasonably short files (< 2000 lines) and a not so bad experience for long files (> 5000 lines) was generally detrimental to the user experience on short files, which is the vast majority of files, so for the moment we decided to not do anything special for long files.

Your response implies that I have to have a paid account in order to download a large file that was uploaded by someone with a paid account.

Someone uploaded a 76GB file and shared it with me. I have been wasting my time trying to download this file for 2 days. I get about 30-36GB downloaded, and the download fails, WITHOUT A MESSAGE STATING WHY IT FAILED.

It seems to me, DropBox is just wasting my time. If someone has a paid account, they should be able to share their files with anyone they choose. At minimum DropBox should warn them if the person they chose to share their file with, won't be able to download the file because of DropBox limitations.

Based on what I've read here, I will not be spending a dime on DropBox.

I'm using a MacBook Pro to download movie files ... I've tried Chrome / Safari / Firefox ... also tried as suggested Incognito and of course my download managers won't work with DP because it's perfect and should resume any breaks in download itself ... irritatingly like many whose comments I've read ... watching the file download, it might get to 28.8 gig of a 28.8 gig download ... then says "network error"

I'm mainly downloading individual Quicktime movie files of around 5 - 10 gig but then also Zipped files around 3 or 4 gig, generally containing 3 or 4 smaller files of say a gig each ... those never total no more than say 15 gig. The larger files up to 30 gig are only ever one long movie file.

On the web client, there is a download button so they can download the contents of that folder. However, everyone who tries to download the files get the same message: "file is too large to download".

The File is too large to download message is referring to the limits for downloading a folder of files, which is 1GB in size or containing 10,000 files. Anything above those limits will produce an error if they try to download the folder whole. Instead they would need to download the individual files within the folder.

I advise you in this case to use some fast File manager. you can use gnome-commander it's 5X to 6X times faster than nautilus and this ratio gets bigger when dealing with large number of files. It's not that pretty GUI but it should help you to fix your problem.

Dolphin is the file manager used in KDE distributions such as Kubuntu. You can install it and run it just fine on the Ubuntu Desktop, although the footprint might be quite large, as it has to download and install a lot of KDE dependencies.

I tried Thunar file manager with images in the order of 10,000. Displays thumbnails fairly quickly on local drives and opens network drives too but much slower. I have not tried it for a larger number of files, though. But at least, it does a much better job than Nautilus without compromising the graphical interface

With Git LFS enabled, you'll be able to fetch, modify, and push large files just as you would expect with any file that Git manages. However, a user that doesn't have Git LFS will experience a different workflow.

My next idea was to defer the downloading of files to Azure Functions, getting Logic Apps to retrieve the records and call an API endpoint with a function behind to pull the file from CM and push it to Blob storage. However Azure Functions appears to not support uploading files larger than 100MB to Blob storage.

My use case involves streaming large files into Azure Blob. I am assuming I would need to send it to an alternate file store, unzip it there, then upload the unzipped file to the blob and delete the original. This would not be an ideal solution for me as it would likely necessitate an additional server based compute service in Azure with a sizable object store to do the unzipping.

When choosing the best free download manager for you, you'll want to start with considering how simple the download process is. Does it happen swiftly in a few steps, or is it an elaborate process that demands file decompressing and extraction?

Download managers can be especially helpful when you routinely need to download multiple files, especially large files, such as databases or backups. The ability to organize, prioritize, and streamline your downloads process can be invaluable, especially to avoid time-out errors.

Alternatively, you can use a service built for large file transfers, like MASV. Simply connect your Google Drive to your MASV account and you\u2019re done. From there, you can automatically send large files you receive from MASV into Google Drive.

But despite our love for most things Google, nothing is perfect. The G-experience can sometimes leave a little to be desired when it comes to uploading and sharing extremely large files. While uploading normal-sized documents is usually a snap, large file uploads to Google Drive are notorious for technical difficulties, upload failures, and user frustration.

There is a shortcut combination that reveals hidden folders on your Mac. By hidden, we mean various system items and files that applications deliberately chose to close from view. They are not large but still might be worth your look.

Apple provides helpful recommendations at the top left to help you optimize your storage. Here you can choose to store all your files in iCloud, remove large files like movies and TV shows, turn on Empty Trash Automatically, and reduce clutter.

A faster way to hunt down large files is to use CleanMyMac X and its module named Space Lens. It deeply scans your Mac and provides you with a visual comparison of all the folders you have. This way, you can see where to find the largest files.

Another way to locate large files on your Mac is to use Terminal. Although some users find commands complicated, if you use them correctly, you can find anything on your Mac. So, you can locate the biggest files on your device just like that:

In fact, you can also delete large files to save more space on your computer. These files include temporary files, expired files, invalid files and a series of junk files. They tend to take up a lot of space, but are often overlooked by users because of their hidden locations and large numbers.

As you can see, its "Delete Large Files" feature can help you deep scan large files in the target drive or folder, you can see the detailed information of these files from the scan results, including file location, file size and last accessed. And some important files will be automatically marked in red, so you need to be careful when dealing with them. Finally, just click "Delete" to completely delete the target file from the PC to free up space. You can download the demo version to see how to find large files on Windows 11 with this tool. ff782bc1db

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