What are the benefits of bamboo pillowcases?

What is the best way to use silk and bamboo pillows to help your hair?

Silk pillowcases and bamboo pillowcases for hair and skin are a soft and smooth texture that helps reduce frizz. The cotton pillowcases create too much friction within the hair, which can cause skin irritation and can leave a bedhead to be found in the morning. Silk pillowcases and bamboo pillowcases for hair and skin are smooth, allowing your hair to glide effortlessly across the smooth surface. The lack of friction could aid in extending a blowout and is good for those whose hair is prone to frizz.

A silk or bamboo pillowcase is great for those who have damaged, curly hair that is textured or damaged. Hair types tend to dry faster, and cotton pillowcases can exacerbate the issue. However, silk and best bamboo pillowcases for hair and skin will not wick moisture from your hair when you sleep, and you'll wake up with more hydrated hair, as you've probably guessed that hydration is the key to strong, healthy hair!

Silk, satin, or bamboo Which is the best hair pillowcase?

Then, I'll explain the advantages and disadvantages of each material below, and I'll provide my final recommendation.

Bamboo pillowcase

Bamboo pillowcases are made of bamboo plant, which is growing rapidly. To make the fabric, bamboo is crushed to create pulp; then, the natural fibers are taken from the pulp before being made into yarn. Bamboo is a sustainable fabric because the bamboo plant, classified as a grass, can expand to as high as 90cm in one day!

Bamboo's advantages over pillowcases:

  • Bamboo is extremely soft and is often described as cashmere. The soft, smooth texture keeps hair from frizzing and tangling at night.

  • Similar to silk, bamboo absorbs moisture and blocks the growth of dust mites.

  • The bamboo fabric is naturally cool and breathable, which allows you to maintain the "cool side of the pillow" feeling all night long. Say goodbye to the days of greasy hair!

  • The bamboo pillowcases are also extremely durable, machine washable and will appear brand new even if you wash them repeatedly.

  • Bamboo has antibacterial and antifungal properties (it combats fungus). This is great news for those suffering from acne. Additionally, these qualities protect the pillowcases from developing an unpleasant odor over time.

Bamboo's disadvantages pillowcases:

  • Though smooth and luxurious, bamboo pillowcases aren't nearly as smooth as silk pillowcases. But many consider this a positive since silk pillowcases are typically so slippery that they slide around a lot while you sleep!