Esser Tools 8000.epub


Esser Tools 8000: A Comprehensive Guide to Fire Alarm Programming Software

Esser Tools 8000 is a Windows-based software that allows users to program, diagnose and maintain fire alarm panels from ESSER by Honeywell. It supports various models of fire alarm panels, such as System 8000, IQ8Control, FlexES Control and Gateway. It also enables users to edit extended supplementary text in  VGA display[^1^].

The software is available in multiple languages, such as Czech, Danish, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Slovakian, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Russian[^1^]. To use the software, users need a field bus interface (Part No. 789862.10) to connect their computer to the fire alarm panel[^1^].

Esser Tools 8000 has many features that make it a convenient and powerful tool for fire alarm programming. Some of these features are:

One software for all panels: Users can switch between different panel models without installing separate software[^1^].

Start-up: Users can configure the basic settings of the panel, such as date and time, language, network address and loop topology[^1^].

Programming: Users can create and edit zones, devices, groups, logic functions and other parameters of the panel[^1^]. They can also import and export data from other panels or files[^1^].

Loop diagnosis: Users can monitor the status and communication of the devices on the loop[^1^]. They can also perform tests and simulations to check the functionality of the devices[^1^].

Maintenance: Users can view and clear the event log of the panel[^1^]. They can also update the firmware of the panel and the devices[^1^].

Esser Tools 8000 is a user-friendly and versatile software that can help users to program and manage their fire alarm systems efficiently and effectively. It is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10 operating systems[^4^]. The latest version of the software is 1.25, which was released on January 1st, 2021[^4^].

If you are interested in learning more about Esser Tools 8000 or downloading it for free, you can visit the official website of ESSER by Honeywell or watch some YouTube videos that demonstrate how to use it[^2^] [^5^]. You can also read some reviews from other users who have used it before.Esser Tools 8000: A Practical Example of Fire Alarm Programming

In this section, we will show you a practical example of how to use Esser Tools 8000 to program a fire alarm panel. We will assume that you have already installed the software on your computer and connected it to the panel using the field bus interface. We will also assume that you have a basic knowledge of fire alarm systems and their components.

For this example, we will use an IQ8Control C fire alarm panel with two loops. The first loop has 10 IQ8Quad devices (Part No. 802378) and the second loop has 10 IQ8Alarm devices (Part No. 802379). The IQ8Quad devices are multi-sensor detectors with sounder, voice alarm and strobe functions. The IQ8Alarm devices are sounder bases with voice alarm function. We will program the panel to create two zones: Zone 1 for the first floor and Zone 2 for the second floor. We will also program the panel to activate the voice alarm function of the devices in case of fire.

The following steps will guide you through the programming process:

Launch Esser Tools 8000 and select the IQ8Control C panel from the list of available panels.

Enter the password for the panel (the default password is 1234) and click OK.

Click on the Start-up button on the toolbar and select the Loop Topology tab.

Select Loop 1 from the drop-down menu and click on the Scan Loop button. The software will scan the loop and display the devices that are connected to it.

Double-click on each device and assign it a name, a zone number and a group number. For example, you can name the first device as "Detector 1.1", assign it to Zone 1 and Group 1.

Repeat the same process for Loop 2 and name the devices accordingly.

Click on the Save button to save your changes.

Click on the Programming button on the toolbar and select the Zones tab.

Click on the Add button to create a new zone. Enter a name for the zone (e.g. "First Floor") and select a color for it (e.g. red).

Select the devices that belong to this zone from the list on the right and drag them to the list on the left.

Repeat the same process for Zone 2 and name it as "Second Floor" with a different color (e.g. blue).

Click on the Save button to save your changes.

Click on the Programming button on the toolbar and select the Logic Functions tab.

Click on the Add button to create a new logic function. Enter a name for it (e.g. "Voice Alarm") and select a type for it (e.g. "AND").

Select two inputs for this logic function: one from Zone 1 and one from Zone 2. For example, you can select "Zone 1 Fire" and "Zone 2 Fire" as inputs.

Select one output for this logic function: "Voice Alarm ON". This means that if there is a fire in either zone, the voice alarm function of all devices will be activated.

Click on the Save button to save your changes.

Click on the Programming button on the toolbar and select the Extended Supplementary Text tab.

Select Loop 1 from the drop-down menu and double-click on each device. Enter a text message for each device that will be displayed on the panel's screen in case of fire. For example, you can enter "Fire in Detector 1.1" for the first device.

Repeat the same process for Loop 2 and enter appropriate text messages for each device.

Click on the Save button to save your changes.

Congratulations! You have successfully programmed your fire alarm panel using Esser Tools 8000. You can now test your system by clicking on the Loop Diagnosis button on the toolbar and selecting Test Mode. You can also simulate a fire by clicking on any device and selecting Fire Simulation. You should see your text messages appear on the panel's screen and hear your voice alarm messages from your devices.

We hope this example has helped you to understand how to use Esser Tools 8000 effectively. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us at support@esser 66dfd1ed39

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