De Nederlandstalige versie die u op deze CD-ROM vindt is verzorgd door het Nederlandstalige deelproject Op de webpagina's ervan vindt U informatie over OpenOffice.orgin het Nederlands (

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Open Office Windows 8 Nederlands Download

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De installatie van is hiermee afgerond. Wij wensen u veel plezier met het pakket! Informatie over het gebruik van vindt u op de webpagina's van het Nederlandstalige deelproject

Voor de oudere versie 1.1.5 kun je nog op deze pagina terecht. Voor versies in andere talen, en voor de broncode: zie de Engelstalige hoofdpagina van ons project

It can be downloaded from here:


After checking the "Ik ga akkoord" box (to agree with the license) the download button will be active. Just open the downloaded file in OpenOffice.

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Versie 4.1.14 van OpenOffice is uitgekomen. Dit opensource-officepakket is in 1984 begonnen als StarOffice. In 1999 is het in handen van Sun Microsystems gekomen en vervolgens is het in 2010 bij Oracle terechtgekomen. Nadat een groot aantal ontwikkelaars naar LibreOffice waren overgestapt uit onvrede over hoe Oracle dit project aanstuurde, is de broncode uiteindelijk aan de Apache Software Foundation gedoneerd. OpenOffice wordt geleverd met een tekstverwerker (Writer), een spreadsheetprogramma (Calc), een presentatieprogramma (Impress), een tekenprogramma (Draw), een databaseprogramma (Base) en een programma om wetenschappelijke notaties te maken (Formula). De changelog voor deze uitgave ziet er als volgt uit:

The mission of is to create, as a community, the leading international office suite that will run on all major platforms and provide access to all functionality and data through open-component based APIs and an XML-based file format.

The 2 series attracted considerable press attention.[152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159] A PC Pro review awarded it 6 stars out of 6 and stated: "Our pick of the low-cost office suites has had a much-needed overhaul, and now battles Microsoft in terms of features, not just price."[160] Federal Computer Week listed as one of the "5 stars of open-source products",[161] noting in particular the importance of OpenDocument. Computerworld reported that for large government departments, migration to 2.0 cost one tenth of the price of upgrading to Microsoft Office 2007.[162]

Main drawback is based on lack of real time sharing in the software. This will be a big requirement but today such drawback will be seen by many as a no no.However, in my case, team member uses the popular drop box for sharing and collaboration and this work great for sharing files across the organization and having an organized form of file collaboration, via web or desktop.So with an investment into a sharing platform eg. GDrive or Dropbox, one can have some good collaboration for open office files.

OpenOffice is excellent for a free and open-source office application suite. It offers all the essential core functionality of MS Office for the low low price of absolutely free! When I was a student and began my career I was using OpenOffice exclusively. If offers excellent capabilities right out of the box and is available even on Linux (my preferred operating system).

This Apache Openoffice in one of good alternative of Microsoft Office when it coming works with text documents, presentations and spreadsheets in offline. this software cost is very low compare with microsoft product. this software works all platform not only windows.

I liked the fact that the product is an open source software and is very easy to setup and use. OpenOffice did a fine job handling every office tools that any company needs to have. It is free and always will be

No browser support, we have to download application in order to use. Sometimes the format gets messed up when we open files that are edited on other office apps like Microsoft Office. It doesnt support few file formats like docs. UI looks outdated.

What I like most about the software is that it is inexpensive and the source code is available for me to modify to my liking. I like it that the software is able to save in many different formats that can be open on another computer using a different type of office.

What I like least about the software is the interface, the formatting and the navigation. The interface is not very attractive looking. The formatting changes if I saved a document and opened it in a different office, and the navigation is more difficult compared to products like Microsoft Office.

The functionalities that open office has are excellent, and it is important to spend time specializing in this open-source platform that can be used in various operating systems. In addition to that, it has been extensively tested by the community, and the reported bugs are corrected in the following versions that are released on the market. be457b7860

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