Berry Dads

Bringing together Berry's dads and father figures.

In association with Berry public School and The Fathering Project

Our core mission is to inspire and equip fathers and father-figures to be effectively involved with the kids in their lives, and consequently improve outcomes for young people.

As Fathers and Father figures, it’s easy to get lost in our other roles and forget what our first job is. Yet it’s the most important job we’ll ever do. Because what we do, or don’t do as Dads, has an enormous impact on the happiness and health of the kids we love.

Together, we can help build resilience, self-respect and emotional intelligence. We can show boys how men should treat women. We can show girls how good men behave. And, we can give our kids a great deal of self-worth, just by showing up and being there.

The Berry Dads group aims to positively promote the important role of fathers, and father figures. In association with The Fathering Project we aim to create an enjoyable, informal and social environment for fathers and father figures and the children they are responsible for. We organise four events each school year that build interaction, knowledge and skills within the town of Berry NSW.

See Future Events for more.