Where a passenger train must be hauled by a locomotive with no HEP supply (or an incompatible HEP supply) a separate generator van may be used [13] such as on the Amtrak Cascades train or Iarnrd ireann's CAF Mark 4 Driving Van Trailer (with twin MAN 2846 LE 202 (320 kW) / Letag (330 kVA) engine / generator sets, assembled by GESAN). KiwiRail (New Zealand) use AG class luggage-generator vans for their Tranz Scenic passenger services; Tranz Metro on the Wairarapa line use SWG class passenger carriages with part of the interior adapted to house a generator. The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus train used at least one custom-built power car that supplied HEP to its passenger coaches to avoid reliance upon host railway locomotives hauling the train.

Being on the road at night can be a bit scary, but at least the streets are lit up for players to see where they are going, Of course, it would be nice if these lights were a bit more realistic looking overall. SiSL makes their second appearance on the list with their mod "City Lighting."

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There are two things you need to take care of to open Nero Checkpoints: Finding a gas tank for a generator and then powering it up. There will always be one nearby, but sometimes you're going to need to climb on a rooftop to get to the other side of a fence, for example.

Go to the generator in the middle of the street and turn it on, but make sure to take out all the speakers first. Check the lines coming from the bunkers since there are at least five of them, plus one in the locked entrance that you can see blocking the path. There's no way to climb, so just shoot it.

 So the entire U.S. government has fallen? Didn't the U.S. exist for about a hundred years before there was electrical power? Yes, but the U.S. government pre-electricity had all of the things that pre-electricity governments needed to function. Lots of horses and wagons on hand when the tanks and trucks stop running? Steam or sailing ships to replace the diesel- and nuclear-powered Navy? Coaling and watering stations for steam locomotives? Or for that matter carbon paper and manual typewriters, to ensure that the all-important paperwork gets filled out? More importantly, enough people who know how to build and use all of these things effectively? Diesel would not have to be replaced; just modified with early 20th century fuel injection systems. One of the reasons the U.S. military relies on diesel-powered machines is that they could still work, after a few minor modifications, after an EMP from a nearby nuclear blast. An EMP fries and suppresses electricity for a moment. In the post-blackout would, electricity is continuously suppressed. Any electronics that were completely isolated from electricity producing components at the time of an EMP will fire up fine afterwards. Note isolation includes from charged capacitors, batteries, generators, transformers, certain light bulbs, and other more exotic components, anything that will produce electric or have its electricity altered by introduction of a strong magnetic force. BTW, hard drives and floppy disks will be erased if plugged in or not. Also, an EMP will induce current in all the telephone wires so anything plugged in will be fried even if switched completely off at the time. If it has a coil of wire inside (a transformer), it'll be fried even unplugged in a vacuum inside a lead box. But after that, electricity will continue to work. Electric starters have a coil, they'll fry. Everything attached to the starter will fry (battery, thus everything electric). Further down is a listing of all the diesel components dependent on electricity that would have to be 'replaced' post-blackout. In short, no modern diesel engine could be modified for post-blackout. You must start with an older engine, or from scratch. To much of the modern design depends on electricity.

 So the nice lady flips on her anti-anti-tech dingus and her electricity turns on... powered how? After 15 years of no infrastructure there's no power plants running and no fuel to run generators. Solar panels would be conspicuous. Batteries would have run down long ago and would still have to be recharged. Also, her computer syncs up with another using what sounds like an analog modem. Connected how? A secret array of still-working telephone lines all equipped with shielded tech? A radio transmitter with a nice big obvious antenna? This gives us a clue to possible pseudo scientific explanation of the workings of the electricity suppressing nanobots. Electricity does not happen then gets suppressed, it must be prevented before it can start. On an atomic, sub-atomic or even quantum level. So, capacitors, batteries, lightning, would keep their charge _perfectly_, I don't mean ginsu knife edge perfectly or even unhindered neutrino perfectly, I mean _perfectly_, _perfectly!_. The moment they were unsuppressed, they continue their discharge as if nothing had happened. Battery-backed memory would not be erased. All those cars, provided nothing in them had been dismantled, would have their lights turn on. Their solenoids would discharge and spark plugs would fire, many engines engines would start. Bear in mind, nothing is _corroded_. Rusted sure, but corrosion is an electrical process. Expected rust for electric things would be much slower that expected as well, since electricity can speed rust (rather, electric things would rust naturally as fast as non-electric things ). Generators wired to fire when grid-power was lost would most certainly fire. Ones that were running at the time would fire their spark plugs and possible start. Anything battery powered and not switch-off post-blackout would be on (note, a gameboy on during blackout could be switched on and off many times post-blackout, but would continue to be on running its game if it was on at the time of the surge). Power plants? Coal plants, no-way. I wonder (other but related issue) if nuclear plants would have melted down. The alternative is a fail safe reaction crash, these plants would not fire up after. Windmills, Solar panel, hydro, they'd through current into wires if they were still intact. Wires are big problem, all the telephone wires still intact? This is a big no-way fail for scientific accuracy. Yes, many thing around the world would power on. But the shows writers reached way to far having grid connected things turn back on. A windmill wouldn't be unexpected on her farm; this could be used to run a generator to charge batteries (or even power her computer directly). And an antenna could be installed in her attic and still work. Yeah I did wonder this too, however (if I am remembering this correctly as the series ended a little while back now) the pendant does not just inhibit the anti technological (I wanna say nano tech) it is actually a power supply in its own right. Capable of powering all low voltage electrical devices in a radius of a few metres. Which makes no sense at all. Does it just make current flow through any bits of metal nearby? How does it know which things are machines? Which direction the current ought to be flowing? How would a computer, which depends on current flowing through some bits and not others, hope to work? And just what is the upper limit on the pendant? It can power a cell phone (around 6 volts DC), a desktop computer (120 volts AC), the battery on a Humvee (around 12-18 volts DC), the power supply aboard a helicopter (anywhere from 28-400 volts DC), and the lighthouse (God only knows). Does it depend entirely upon what the plot needs at the time? If I remember the episode with the lighthouse properly, I think when when pendant powered up, the first things powered were a few lights down in the basement where the protagonists were, and then what appears to be a diesel generator BEFORE the lighthouse's main lamp powered up from the generator. I'm going to believe the generator had an automatic start and the pendant just powered the battery to start it and allowed it to produce electricity for the main lamp. Why it stopped running and just produced no electricity when the pendant powered down is still a headscratcher. The pendant seems to act as a power source and a power enabler. It seems like it can allow a generator to start and produce electricity, but the electricity will only flow and work within the range of the pendant. In effect, the generator acts like an amplifier for the pendant's power potential, but not its range as the actual in-universe amplifier does. I thought it was batteries. And I believe I saw some reason to believe the modem was attached to packet radio. Is radio affected by the nanites? I'm guessing not, since radio waves are ultimately just light emissions and not electrical impulses. Radio waves are electrical impulses, which are in turn part of the same electromagnetic spectrum that includes visible light (this was James Clerk Maxwell's great discovery, which made radio possible in the first place).

 One thing that bugs me is why didn't that one man shoot the officer (I can't remember his name), instead of the rank-and-file soldier. From what I can see of Monroes military, they seem to follow the British model per-Nepoleonic days. IE, the officers are 100% in charge, and no one under them is trained to know how to do their job. Ergo, if you take out the officer, those under him will disintegrate into an unorganized rabble. On top of that, the Rank and File soldiers lack automatic/semi-automatic fire arms, meaning that they only one ONE shot before they have to reload... yet this guy had a revolver which meant that he had at least 5 shots at his disposal That was only one of the many things wrong that entire scenario. I understand that the rebels may not exactly be well trained (they are, after all, led by a priest) but some common sense would've been great. Aside from assassinating the officer, the rebels had a serious advantage. The Militia only entered through one point, so a group of bowmen should've been able to keep them at bay, as they would've been bottle-necked into a great firing zone. adding to this is the fact that when it comes to Muskets Vs Bows in close quarters, bows are going to win every time due to their firing rate being about way faster and easier. If they had acted with any degree of competency, that battle should have been a clear victory for the Rebels. be457b7860

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