Gratis Film Uwais Al Qarni Subtitle Indonesia


Gratis Film Uwais Al Qarni Subtitle Indonesia: A Biopic of the Prophet's Companion

If you are looking for a gratis film Uwais Al Qarni subtitle Indonesia, you are in luck. Uwais Al Qarni is a biopic film that tells the story of one of the Prophet Muhammad's companions, who never met him in person but loved him dearly. The film is directed by H. M. Lukman Hakim and stars Reza Rahadian as Uwais Al Qarni, a humble shepherd who devoted his life to Islam and helped spread the message of peace and compassion.

The film is based on the historical accounts of Uwais Al Qarni, who lived in Yemen during the 7th century. He was known for his piety, generosity, and wisdom. He was also a healer who cured people with his prayers. He was one of the few people who received the Prophet's cloak as a gift, which he later gave to Omar bin Khattab, the second caliph of Islam. He died as a martyr in the Battle of Siffin, fighting for Ali bin Abi Talib, the fourth caliph and the Prophet's cousin.

The film is a masterpiece of Islamic cinema that showcases the values and virtues of Uwais Al Qarni and his love for the Prophet. It also depicts the historical events and challenges that shaped the early Muslim community. The film has received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike, and has won several awards, including the Best Film award at the 2016 Indonesian Film Festival.

If you want to watch this gratis film Uwais Al Qarni subtitle Indonesia, you can find it online on various streaming platforms. You can also download it for free from some websites. However, make sure that you respect the copyright of the filmmakers and support their work by buying the original DVD or Blu-ray.

Gratis film Uwais Al Qarni subtitle Indonesia is a must-watch for anyone who wants to learn more about the life and legacy of Uwais Al Qarni, one of the most beloved companions of the Prophet Muhammad. It is a film that will inspire you to follow his example of faith, humility, and service.

Who is Uwais Al Qarni?

Uwais Al Qarni was born in a village called Qarn in Yemen. He was an orphan who was raised by his mother, who was blind. He worked as a shepherd and took care of his mother with utmost respect and kindness. He embraced Islam after hearing about the Prophet Muhammad from a group of travelers. He wanted to meet the Prophet in person, but his mother did not allow him to leave her. He obeyed her and stayed with her until she passed away.

Uwais Al Qarni was known for his sincerity, honesty, and devotion to Allah and His Messenger. He spent his time in worship, charity, and learning. He was also gifted with the ability to heal people with his prayers and touch. He was admired by many people, including some of the Prophet's companions who visited him in Yemen. The Prophet himself praised Uwais Al Qarni and said that he was the best of his generation.

Uwais Al Qarni participated in the Battle of Siffin, which was a civil war between the supporters of Ali bin Abi Talib and Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan. He fought on the side of Ali, who was the rightful caliph according to him. He was wounded in the battle and died as a martyr. His grave is located in Raqqa, Syria.

Why is Uwais Al Qarni important for Muslims?

Uwais Al Qarni is important for Muslims because he is an example of how to love and follow the Prophet Muhammad without seeing him. He is also an example of how to be obedient to one's parents, even if it means sacrificing one's own desires. He is also an example of how to be humble, generous, and compassionate to others, especially the poor and the needy. He is also an example of how to be loyal to the truth and justice, even if it means facing hardship and persecution.

Uwais Al Qarni is a role model for Muslims who want to attain a high rank in the sight of Allah and His Messenger. He is one of the awliya, or the friends of Allah, who are close to Him and enjoy His protection and blessings. He is one of the tabi'een, or the followers of the companions, who inherited their knowledge and wisdom. He is one of the salaf, or the righteous predecessors, who followed the Quran and the Sunnah faithfully.

Uwais Al Qarni is a source of inspiration and guidance for Muslims who want to improve their faith and character. He is a reminder of the beauty and nobility of Islam and its teachings. He is a proof of the mercy and grace of Allah and His Messenger. 66dfd1ed39

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