
Temporarily connecting a keyboard and a mouse in order to install the software.

After many attempts to install Linux + SDLMame + Wah!Cade and not getting them to work succesfully, I opted for WindowsXP + MAME + MaLa.

There are methods, and programs, to make starting your arcade machine directly into the frontend, regardless of the OS installed. It's much nicer than see the BIOS information, Microsoft logos, logon dialogs, etc.

The solution is to use automatic login, disable logos and other information, replace the system shell, etc. In these two links you can find detailed information:

  • Hiding Windows (by BYOAC): Link is no longer working

  • Fast Booting Windows (by BYOAC): Link is no longer working

Preferring something minimalist as frontend, I decided to create my own layout in MaLa, which is very simple with its built-in editor.

And we are ready to test! :-D