
In order to make MAME run properly, especially if you just want to run classic ROMs (years 70-80) like in my case, you can use almost any computer. I reused an old Pentium IV at 1.9 GHz. The graphics card used, however, has an important impact to the performance, by determining the maximum frames per second (FPS). I performed tests with three different cards, as you will see in the pictures, until I found the optimal combination.

First of all we modify the power supply, by incorporating a general switch which also controls the fluorescent of the marquee and the audio amplifier:

Installing the Power Supply, the Motherboard and two aluminum supports to house up to two hard drives:

The power supply unit is ATX type, so the support is standard, and both it and the motherboard will be replaced without problems in case of failure.

Detail of aluminum sheet connected to ground (GND),covering the entire underside of the motherboard, to serve as shielding.

Computer controls (volume, LEDs, USB connectors and start button) are mounted on a piece of aluminum, adequately mechanized.

And the computer part is complete...