The chess board

The idea was to modify an "ordinary" wooden board into a sensory one, so you couldn't see the difference, except for the small mini-USB connector installed on the side.

The chosen board:

I protect it with plastic adhesive, to avoid scratches, and I begin with the milling on the bottom side:

It cannot be milled in this way: the board must be immobilized firmly.

Obviously the board is not solid wood.

Milling completed, with a depth of 10 mm

Detail of the space where the microcontroller board will be.

And now I prepare the surface and I install some wooden spacers, that will be used to fix the covers with screws:

Repairing defects with putty and installing the wood spacers for the covers.

The whole surface is white painted.

Making the covers from a 3 mm MDF panel:

In the following draw you can appreciate the measurements: