Before you start this project

  • This is not like a DGT e-board: this project is based on the emulation of a USB keyboard in order to use it connected to a PC (or Tablet, Smartphone, etc.) to play with chess programs which support the input of the move via keyboard. It's a "home project", which has nothing to do with professionals DGT e-boards: no recognition of pieces (with all the limitations that entails) the communication is unidirectional (only from the chessboard to the PC), etc.

  • Microcontroller: in the corresponding section you can download the program SolusChess compiled for development boards Teensy 2.0 (Atmel ATMEGA32U4) and Teensy++ 2.0 (Atmel AT90USB1286), because they are ideally suited to the needs of the project, they have an affordable price, etc.

  • Economical cost: some components used in this project are expensive. It's advisable to evaluate the overall cost before you start, or reuse for example a chessboard with magnetic sensors such as the Mephisto Modular (or Exclusive), or do without the PCBs (wiring instead), etc.