Ref.37 - GGM/MGS multi-rom cartridge

This multi-rom cartridge allows to switch easily between 4 programs for the Applied Concepts Great Game Machine (GGM), later marketed as  Modular Game System (MGS) by Chafitz.

The casing is made with a 3D printer, with a vinyl glossy sticker added to it.

The programs included are those corresponding to the "Master Chess Trio" and another one, which by default is Steinitz Ed.4:

The cartridge casing is available in two versions, one with a border and another flat version in which the DIP-Switch is slightly inserted down.

 UPDATE : Grünfeld-S and Capablanca-S versions are now available!

NORMAL version:

The top surface is flat, and the selector switches are slightly recessed.

Version with BORDER:

There is a border around the perimeter, so that the sticker is slightly below the plane. The selector switches are at the same level as the sticker.