Ref.02 - Novag Printer Interface

Main Features:

  • It works with any Novag chess computer with a Serial communications port (RJ12): Super VIP, Super Forte C, Super Expert C, Super Nova, Diablo 68000, Scorpio 68000, Diamond, Sapphire, Diamond II, Sapphire II, Star Diamond*, Star Sapphire*, Citrine, ...

  • The use of a Novag distributor (or equivalent adapter) is not necessary: the interface itself performs this function.

  • Any ESC/POS printer with Serial port can be used, although it is recommended that it is 24 columns type.

  • It supports the connection of a Universal Chess Board (UCB), so you can play with it while the game is printed.

  • It has been assembled by hand, and meticulously tested.

  • The firmware is upgradeable.

NEW: In the latest revisions of the firmware, a new function has been added: while the moves are sent to the printer, they are also sent via USB in a format compatible with Arena Chess GUI for Windows (See handbook for details).

* Star Diamond and Star Sapphire chess computers communicate only at 57600 baud. They will be able to print and optionally to communicate with Arena Chess GUI, but they cannot be operated by the Universal Chess Board (UCB).

Handbook: Novag Printer Interface.pdf (+ Addendum)