Welcome! I am an RTG Postdoc at the University of Oregon under the supervision of Nick Addington. I received my PhD from the University of Illinois at Chicago. My advisor was Benjamin Bakker.
Here is my CV.
Research Interests
Algebraic geometry, Hodge theory, singularities and moduli of symplectic and Calabi-Yau varieties, Hodge modules.
Symmetries and vanishing theorems for symplectic varieties (Submitted).
On an Example of Aspinwall, Morrison, and Szendroi, with Nick Addington (Submitted).
The Holomorphic Extension Property for k-Du Bois Singularities (Submitted).
The LLV Algebra for Primitive Symplectic Varieties with Isolated Singularities, to appear in Épijournal Géom. Algébrique.
Math 256 (An introduction to differential equations).
Reading course: Hodge Theory and Complex Algebraic Geometry (Voisin I)
Reading course: Rational Points on Elliptic Curves (Silverman)