Gabriele Benomio

Gran Sasso Science Institute

Viale Luigi Rendina 26-28

L'Aquila AQ, 67100, Italy

Office: PT-13 (Ex-INPS Building)

Email: gabriele (dot) benomio (at) gssi (dot) it

I am a fixed-term assistant professor at the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) in L'Aquila (IT). I study partial differential equations and related mathematical problems in general relativity.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral research associate in the Princeton Gravity Initiative at Princeton University (US).

I obtained my Ph.D. in mathematics from Imperial College London (UK) in August 2020, under the supervision of Prof. Gustav Holzegel. My second advisor was Prof. Claude Warnick. My thesis is available here.

Curriculum Vitae [pdf]

Publications and preprints

[arXiv, 50 pages]

Preprint, 2022 (submitted).

[arXiv, 129 pages]

Preprint, 2022 (submitted).

[arXiv, 60 pages]

Analysis & PDE 14 (8), 2427-2496 (2021).

Upcoming seminars

Video recordings

[princeton, harvard, lisbon, geneva, beijing]

