Bard 39;s Tale C64 Download

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When beginning the game, the player may create up to six player characters, chosen from among the following classes: bard, hunter, monk, paladin, rogue, warrior, magician, and conjurer. The classes sorcerer and wizard are available to experienced conjurers and magicians. On some platforms, the player can import previously created characters from ________ and/or 1__________, which was somewhat revolutionary at the time of the game's release.

The Bard's Tale IV does succeed in some areas. Its biggest success is in the area of sound. Sound is an afterthought in a lot of games. I'll also freely admit that I can turn off the sound in games and still enjoy a game for its gameplay or story. I think if sound is important to you in a game, then you probably should play some The Bard's Tale IV just to see what the game accomplishes here. The voice acting, performed by Scottish actors, is genuinely good, as is the quality of the music, and Scottish folk music isn't what I prefer to listen to. The game also features bard songs. You use these songs to solve environmental problems. One songs blasts through weak walls, another rebuilds stone structures, another lets you talk to dead spirits, and yet another reveals hidden stashes of treasure. It's a typical element in The Bard's Tale IV, that you will come across areas that you can't access, and which you can return to later with the right song in order to open up a whole new area. Also, a number of the game's many riddles are sound oriented. Magic mouths will also address you upon your approach, chanting out their riddles.

The game also features an impressive crafting system. A large part of the loot you find are crafting materials. You can also find or buy a number of crafting recipes from inns. These let you make food, which you can use to heal outside of combat, potions and talismans that can be used in combat. There is no healing skill and only a limited amount of buff skills, so potions are actually pretty useful to have in tough battles. Also, you'll need alcohol for your bard to sing bard songs. Lockpicks and grappling hooks, which are important for accessing new areas and finding treasures, can also be crafted. Many things, like poisons, potions, and talismans can only be crafted buy spending a skill point on the appropriate crafting skill. The crafting system is in general easy to understand, but useful and deep. Especially when brewing potions you'll need to make some choices about how best to use your resources.

To put it simply the number of skills, the amount of equipment, the scope of character advancement, and the variety of monsters in The Bard's Tale IV would be far too little to support a traditional dungeon crawler, where one spends around 50% or more of game time in combat. That they are sufficient for Bard's Tale 4 is a testament to the fact that the vast majority of game time is dedicated to solving puzzles. Normally when you enter a dungeon floor in a traditional dungeon crawler you wander through a huge number of corridors and have to do your best to not get lost. That's not a problem in Bard's Tale 4 at the beginning, because most paths are shut off by doors that are closed until you find the right key or right switch, or are blocked by a barrier you don't have the right bard song for to open, or a monster encounter which your party can't defeat. That means most levels almost have a "puzzle like" feel. While many areas are optional to come back to, I had the feeling of being fairly constrained in where I could go in the 20 hours I played. While puzzles, switches, and keys aren't unusual features in dungeon crawlers, The Bard's Tale IV is so chalked full of them that you can hardly move without running into one. 5376163bf9

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