Benjamin Soria

Massachusetts Institute for Technology

Candidate for Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Candidate for Minor in Mechanical Engineering

Engineering & Software Portfolio

Hello! I'm a fourth year EE & CS major at MIT. I spent the first three years of my undergraduate education pursuing a degree in Mechincal Engineering.  However, I felt encouraged by my experiences in software, robotics, and autonomous machines to switch my major to EECS at the start of my Senior year. Very bold move I know! I enjoy interfacting software with the real world. Whether it's designing and implementing a self-parking algorithm for a racecar, engineering an AMR to deliver packages, or designing my own sensing protocols, I'm always ready to apply my software, mechanical, and electrical skills towards exciting projects. 

Dive into my personal interests! Everything frmo weight-lifting to volunteering and outreach to coffee!

From concept to creation, each project tells a unique story of innovation and dedication.

Detailed insights into my skills, experiences, and contributions