Swensonthen set fire to the ground at Elaine's feet and then the Man-Thing's,but he was immediately thereafter shot in the upper back (or neck) andapparently killed by Grafton and his men, who saw the Man-Thing as ayeti and wished to capture it in order to gain great wealth.

(Man-ThingII#3) -When a group of "Yeti" brought the Man-Thing (and Elaine Simpson) totheir camp, the aged yeti was instantly struck by the Man-Thing'sface's central root, which reminded him of the trunk of their mammothgod.

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Pained bySwenson's madness, anger, etc., Man-Thing prepared to strike Swenson, butwas calmed by the aura of the "old yeti," leaning on his gnarled staff and watching through eyes "as translucent as yellow ice."

(Man-ThingII#3) - Hours after dusk, the "ancient one" approached the ice pit and loweredthe ladder, leading the Man-Thing to scale the ladder and follow the "ancient yeti" adistance to a cleft in the rock, from which they entered a dark tunnelbefore arriving in an illuminated cavern, the "Temple of the Yeti People."

After showing the Man-Thing their gong and motioning toward it repeatedly (and futilely, as the Man-Thing had no idea what he was trying to tell him), the aged yeti took the Man-Thing back to the ice pit and bowed to him again before taking the ladder and departing.

Swensonthen set fire to the ground at Elaine's feet and then the Man-Thing's,but he was immediately thereafter shot in the upper back (or neck) andapparently killed by Roger Grafton and his men, who saw the Man-Thing as ayeti and wished to capture it in order to gain great wealth.

Description: The word "yeti" is believed to have come from the Sherpa phrase "yeh-teh", meaning "rock thing." Yeti are large anthropoid creatures, covered by fur that is generally white. Their faces and chests are hairless, their heads are elongated and slightly pointed, and they have long arms. Depending on region, yeti can range from about five and a half feet to almost eight feet tall. These animals weigh anywhere from 440 to 800 pounds, with males weighing more than the females. Yeti inhabit remote mountain forest habitats, living at altitudes of up to 20,000 feet. There are small populations of yeti scattered across Asia, ranging from China, the Himalayas and on up into the former Soviet Union to Siberia.

Researchers believe that the yeti is distantly related to homo sapiens. Some speculate that the modern yeti is a direct descendant of Neanderthals who retreated into remote areas with the advent of Cro-Magnon man. Another possibility is that the yeti belongs to a different branch of the hominid tree, and is more closely related to the Gigantopithecus species. There is also some evidence indicating that the yeti may be much more closely related to the modern-day Sasquatch or "Bigfoot" of North America. It is quite possible that continuing research into the yeti and its kin will provide us with more information on our own evolutionary past.

In the wild, yeti are elusive creatures which tend to avoid contact with people. Little is known about their social habits. They often travel in small family groups, sometimes consisting merely of a mother with a single offspring. Solitary males have also been spotted. Yeti walk upright upon their four-toed feet, sometimes dragging their long arms along the ground beside them. Young yeti generally have bright red fur, which darkens as they mature. They communicate with each other through a range of whistle-like sounds. Yeti can attain speeds of up to 35 mph: twice the speed of human sprinters.

It is believed that the yeti share some characteristics with the mountain gorilla. Like the gorilla, the yeti has an undeserved reputation for fierceness. In reality, a yeti will flee from confrontation, and is believed to have a shy and gentle nature. Yeti tend to live in caves, and may build nests of vegetation for sleeping similar to those constructed by mountain gorillas. Although omnivorous in nature, the yeti is known to prey mostly upon yak and sheep, supplementing its diet with forage. Yeti are primarily nocturnal in nature, although they may also be active during part of the day.

Yeti tend to do poorly in captivity. Like the yak, the yeti's lungs are adapted to the thin air of their mountain homes, and they are prone to develop lung disease when exposed for long periods to the heavier air of lower altitudes. Despite their extreme scarcity, yeti do not make popular exhibits for zoos, as they rarely emerge from their shelters while people are watching. be457b7860

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