Hi, this simple addon is very useful for addons devs.

we tire of restarting Blender to ensure the changed code works.

basically this addon will shutdown & restart blender automagically.

Note that it will not save anything. it will simply shut down & restart Blender.

I wanted to share this useful Blender addon that adds a restart button in the file menu.

The addon, and related info, can be downloaded here. Look at the .zip file in the august 2021 message.

I think this is useful for testing the modified files during an addon development instead of quit and restart Blender every time.

This addon and the symlinks to "bim", "core" end "tool" folders really speed up the work.

Maybe this is already obvious, but i didn't find this advice when i started so i wanted to share to help everybody.



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I see that others have complained of a similar problem, and that a faulty SD card has been suggested. This is highly unlikely as: (1) I have just written a new card with a large OS; (2) other system changes such as to its hostname persist across boots; (3) installing the Terminal & SSH add-on persists across reboots.

The reason your file is lost is because nothing on the host system is mounted to /root. Therefore it is transient. Every time you restart an addon the container is stopped and removed and then remade from the image. So the only files you can create which survive restart are the ones where a folder on the host is mounted to:

Main purpose of the ssh addon is to enable usage of the HA CLI. Which either does. You can also use it to modify the configuration files in vim, nano or the editor of your choice. I do that sometimes but I prefer using studio code server for that. Besides that I use it for a variety of miscellaneous tasks:

Idk hard to describe. I use it a lot. The community ssh addon more so then the official one since it also has access to the docker CLI. I use that a fair amount to debug stuff and fix things when there are issues.

You can set up ssh access to the host if you want but its kind of pointless. HA OS is an appliance install, the intent is for you to manage the system entirely via HA and its CLI. As such the actual host OS is extremely locked down. It has an extremely barebones set of packages and services installed (basically exactly what it needs to run), there is no package manager available for installing things you might want and most of the filesystem is read-only. The only parts not read-only are the parts which are mounted into HA containers, which you could already modify from the SSH addon.

I would look at WHAT is using all the memory. A swapfile will help, but it's like adding a bucket to stop a leaking roof. It's possible that there is a memory hog - which is quite possible as a lot of addons are not optimised.

I just upgraded to Firefox 57.0, refreshed/reset everything to default, and made new 5 add on extensions, which worked. But the followings happened.1. When Firefox was restarted, all 5 extensions became disabled; I did not set for auto-disable;2. When computer reboots, all 5 extensions disappeared.

A bit more detail and discovery. Even though my Extension listing looks or appears empty, the 5 add on items are working because I enabled them, used them, before I shut down and rebooted later to use the computer again, and I can use these 5 add on properly. So, only that the extensions are listed for me to see and make changes.

Dear Cor-El,I rebooted and the extension list is still showing for Firefox. Problem solved.So it is the removing of the Compatibility Setting and Extension.json files that solve my type of problem; where add on items work and continue to work while the extension list is not displayed. Many thanks.

As it is now becoming clear that large collections of addons in the community folder can really slow down the sim startup, various techniques are being used out here to restrict the number of thes addons active at startup.

It would be useful to be able to add/remove or activate/deactivate scenery addons from within the running sim (as is done in P3D, for instance) without having to shut the sim down, make changes, and restart.

If I install extensions in configrure.nix the extensions are displayed as built-in. While if I install them from browser they are displayed as manully installed. If I disable all built-in extensions the Extension is disabled after reboot. Finally I install the extension which I installed from browser in the configrure.nix to make it a built-in extension and it works well now.

I'm trying to debug a Gnome Shell extension called multi-monitor addon. I'm running PopOS. I was using the multi-monitor addon just fine for quite some time, and yesterday I rebooted and the extension became disabled.

In the Extensions UI control panel I see the Multi Monitor Add-On, but I cannot enable it. It simply ignores attempts to click on the enable/disable slider. This is the same behavior I get in the Gnome Extensions Firefox addon website when I try to enable it there as well. I've also removed it and added the extension again with no change in behavior.

i have recently set up CoreELEC-S905.arm-8.95.3 and am very impressed with the performance boost over android. i still use android sometimes (mostly for browsing internet) and find the option in the estuary power menu to reboot to eMMC / NAND most useful, negating the need for me to remove the SD card to boot to android however - i use AEON NOX Silvo and the option is not there. i do have option to configure the power menu with custom command however.

I am preparing to upgrade numerous apps and add-ons. I will be using deployment server for all changes. The changes will affect searchheads, indexers, and forwarders. How do I determine if the target nodes need reboot after a change is applied?

if you have a multisite cluster, you cannot use DS to update Indexers, eventually, it's also possible to use DS to update Master Node that deploys upgrades to Indexers

Anyway, for Forwarders, reboot isn't a problem.

For Search Heads, if you have a cluster, you can manually upgrade Apps on Deployer or use DS to upgrade the Deployer that will upgrade SHs.

I have a number of Raspberry Pi based Volumio systems in the house, and have had then running 24/7 for months/years, but over that time I have had a number of occurances where selecting the shutdown-reboot option causes the unit to shut down, but then fails ro complete startup. As far as I have been able to determine, the problem appears to be caused by some bad data in the ram disk that is written to the SD card during shutdown.

But I guess that the problem is in some way related to the presence of the touch screen addon, which is using a Chrome browser, which will, over time be adding data to the browser cache, which while in RAM is not a problem, but on issuing the shutdown/reboot command, the ram drive data (including the ever changing browser cache data) gets written to SD card. But then fails to reload after power up/restart.

Seems it would be easy with PS; just depends on how the web looks at the item; I would assume you would like this item in the device information area. It is a good idea to understand what people are doing. Specially when there is a issue; we can see when they last restarted.

Provide data on the last reboot

Why are the services not starting up, the "Message" section gives a few different messages each time I reboot. The dump beneath is after the server has been up for at least 12 hours so it does not seem to fix this by it self.

@UKBanger421 If you want to see the cars in traffic, then using them addons might end up with a similar problem. If you only spawn them for the player to use, then it should be okay. I have 27 cars as addon, including the one I mentioned above (which is the Toyota GT86) and I've never had a problem with memory allocation errors.

@LeeC2202 To be honest, at first I wanted the cars to spawn in traffic but now it is causing a few problems and I can't keep the game open any longer than 10 minutes ( that was the final test ) think its best to just add the cars as dlc addons and spawn them when I need them.

I saw on the comments on the -mods.com/misc/gta-5-gameconfig-300-cars that people have had over 400 cars replaced and x amount of addons and the author stated that he has 1100 cars in the game but he doesn't say whether they are replacements or addons......So would be good if someone with experience of using addons came on in.

Just ran the security dashboard to see old passwords, and changed one. While doing so the browser hung, and didn't appear to let me complete. Had to close the full chrome window, but when it came back up again the chrome extension couldn't be clicked, the pulldown wouldn't appear. I disabled/uninstalled the extension, reinstalled, and had the same issue. It hung as soon as it brought up the vault. I removed all history/cookies/user data in chrome, restarted, and then reinstalled the extension after reboot. Same issue - extension doesn't work, hangs!

Found a number of other posts with a similar issue. In my case, deleting all files from C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\databases\ and rebooting chrome did not resolve things. Installing the extension afterwards still showed the same problem.

When you run Anno 2070 Complete (and sometimes other editions) for the first time, after the opening credits it will inform you that an add-on activated and the program needs to "reboot". For a lot of people what happens next is that a command prompt window opens with some telemetry on your system files, and then the previous instance of the programs either crashes or exits and a new instance of the program opens. This new instance then says that the program needs to reboot again. This cycle then continues infinitely ( =bWu3Uskn7GM).

All this is due to changes Ubisoft made related to the autopatcher 2 years ago and still hasn't fixed ( _updates_breaking_anno/). This can be worked around by replacing AutoPatcher.exe with one of two versions. In either version it may ask for a key, as the deep ocean expansion has Tages SolidShield DRM, and you simply enter your uPlay key for Anno 2070 again. You can do this either by running the game and letting it reboot to run AutoPatcher.exe or in some cases running AutoPatcher.exe first directly. Don't worry if you get a warning about a missing manual or the game itself crashes when launching the autopatcher. e24fc04721

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