Allt om HTML och CSS

Flexbox, Grid, Transition, Transformation

CSS Zero to Hero innehållsförteckning

⌨️ (0:00:00) Course Achievements & Results

⌨️ (0:02:36) Introduction to Course

⌨️ (0:11:19) Downloading Necessary Software

⌨️ (0:12:30) Where to Find Project Files

⌨️ (0:14:28) What is CSS?

⌨️ (0:17:09) Creating & Linking a CSS Stylesheet

⌨️ (0:20:39) How to Test a Stylesheet

⌨️ (0:22:12) What is a Selector?

⌨️ (0:25:54) Classes & ID's in HTML

⌨️ (0:31:52) Specificity & When to use Selectors

⌨️ (0:39:13) Pseudoselectors

⌨️ (0:47:58) Advanced Selectors

⌨️ (0:59:30) Attribute Selectors

⌨️ (0:09:38) What are Properties?

⌨️ (1:12:59) The CSS General Rule

⌨️ (1:17:37) Types of Colors

⌨️ (1:24:53) Coloring Text

⌨️ (1:32:30) Background Colors

⌨️ (1:36:56) Images/URL's in CSS

⌨️ (1:42:30) Other Background Properties

⌨️ (1:48:59) Opacity/Transparency

⌨️ (1:52:17) Gradients

⌨️ (2:04:12) Introduction to Types of Units

⌨️ (2:15:57) Text Manipulation

⌨️ (2:23:54) Font Size, Bolding & Style

⌨️ (2:30:33) Font Families

⌨️ (2:37:08) Including External Fonts w/ Google Fonts

⌨️ (2:43:14) Using External Fonts

⌨️ (2:49:07) The CSS Box Model

⌨️ (2:53:18) Changing Content Size

⌨️ (2:59:07) CSS Borders

⌨️ (3:05:51) Margin & Padding

⌨️ (3:15:17) Float & Display Types

⌨️ (3:27:47) What is Flexbox?

⌨️ (3:31:35) Creating a Flex Container

⌨️ (3:34:09) Flex Direction & Wrap

⌨️ (3:38:26) Content Alignment

⌨️ (3:44:45) Flex Item Order

⌨️ (3:49:32) Shrink, Grow, & Basis

⌨️ (4:00:03) The 'flex' Property

⌨️ (4:03:21) Item Alignment

⌨️ (4:08:16) Grid vs Flexbox

⌨️ (4:11:14) Creating a Grid

⌨️ (4:13:30) Template Columns & Rows

⌨️ (4:21:12) Justify & Align Grid

⌨️ (4:28:10) Row & Column Gaps

⌨️ (4:33:13) Column & Row Lines

⌨️ (4:40:46) Grid Area

⌨️ (4:44:38) The Transition Property

⌨️ (4:58:05) Transformation Functions

⌨️ (5:12:26) Creating Animations w/ Keyframes

⌨️ (5:20:30) Adding an Animation

⌨️ (5:23:23) Animation Properties

⌨️ (5:34:49) Website Transformation Challenge

⌨️ (5:38:22) Website Transformation - SOLUTION

⌨️ (6:13:32) What to Learn Next

Learn HTML and CSS innehållsförteckning

1)What is HTML - 2:47

2)Google Chrome and Visual Studio Code - 5:11

3)Download Google Chrome - 6:02

4)Download Visual Studio Code - 8:11

5)Create A Project - 13:58

6)First Webpage - 16:09

7)Visual Code Settings - 20:35

8)Download Live Server Extension - 22:48

9)Basic HTML Document Structure - 26:59

10)Implementing Basic Document Structure - 29:05

11)Word Wrap and Emmet - 34:50

12)Heading Elements - 40:24

13) Paragraph Elements - 44:33

14)White Space Collapsing - 47:50

15)Lorem Ipsum Dummy Text - 49:22

16)Images - 51:17

17)Multiple Path Options - 57:15

18)External Images - 1:00:06

19)Nice Images - 1:02:43

20)Width and Height Attribute - 1:05:49

21)Crop Images - 1:08:40

22)Proper Path-1:12:07

23) Comments And Line Breaks - 01:15:37

24) External Links - 01:19:47

25) Internal Links - 01:23:32

26) Links Within Page - 01:25:53

27) Empty Links - 01:30:10

28) Sup And Sub Elements - 01:32:39

29) Strong And Em Elements - 01:34:39

30) Special Characters In Html - 01:37:02

31) Unordered Lists - 01:38:58

32) Ordered Lists - 01:41:25

33) Nested Lists - 01:42:18

34) Table Element - 01:43:57

35) Forms - Input And Submit Elements - 01:46:10

36) Forms - Textarea - Radio - Checkbox - 01:58:12

37) Prettier And Code Formatter - 02:09:40

38) Keyboard Shortcuts - 02:14:56

39) External Resources - Head Element - 02:26:06

40) Html Project Intro - 02:30:15

41) Project Setup - 02:32:16

42) Download Images - 02:35:17

43) Logo, Heading, Navigation - 02:39:02

44) Home Page Completed - 02:42:51

45) About Page - 02:54:30

46) Numbers Page - 02:58:09

47) Contact Page - 03:04:14

48) Resource Files - 03:09:11

49) Text Editor Setup - 03:09:42

50) Css Intro - 03:16:03

51) Workspace Setup - 03:17:35

52) Inline Css - 03:20:22

53) Course Resources - 03:23:40

54) Internal Css - 03:25:01

55) External Css - 03:28:00

56) Power Struggle - 03:39:40

57) Basic Css Syntax - 03:44:17

58) Element Selectors - 03:52:27

59) Grouping Selectors - 03:55:15

60) Id Selectors - 03:57:27

61) Class Selectors - 04:02:09

62) Id And Class Selector Summary - 04:06:17

63) Div And Span Elements - 04:08:30

64) CSS Inheritance - 04:16:44

65) More Info On Inheritance - 04:20:08

66) Last Rule, Specificity, Universal Selector - 04:22:30

67) Colors Intro - 04:27:33

68) Color And Background-Color Properties - 04:28:13

69) Color Names - 04:32:33

70) Rgb - 04:33:30

71) Rgba - 04:37:46

72) Hex - 04:44:33

73) Vs-Code Color Options - 04:50:58

74) External Resources - 04:52:57

75) Units Intro - 04:55:39

76) Pixels, Font-Size, Width, Height - 04:56:18

77) Percent Values - 05:02:13

78) Em Values - 05:05:44

79) Rem Values - 05:11:42

80) VH And VW - 05:14:41

81) Default Browser Syles - 05:19:14

82) Calc Function - 05:29:07

83) Typography Intro - 05:33:38

84) Font-Family - 05:34:07

85) Font-Stack Generic Fonts - 05:36:47

86) Google Fonts - 05:39:23

87) Font-Weight Font-Style - 05:46:00

88) Text-Align And Text-Indent - 05:53:30

89) More Text Properties - 05:56:52

90) Box-Model Intro - 06:04:31

91) Padding - 06:04:53

92) Margin - 06:13:28

93) Border - 06:19:01

94) Border-Radius, Negative Margin - 06:23:57

95) Outline Property - 06:27:24

96) Display Property Intro - 06:34:58

97) Display Property - 06:35:19

98) Basic Horizontal Centering - 06:43:26

99) Mobile Navbar Example - 06:48:11

100) Box-Sizing Border-Box - 06:58:29

101) Display Inline-Block - 07:06:46

102) Display:none, Opacity, Visibility - 07:09:29

103) Background-Image Intro - 07:16:20

104) Background Images Setup - 07:16:43

105) Background-Image-Property - 07:19:43

106) Background-Repeat - 07:27:45

107) Background-Size - 07:34:07

108) Background-Position - 07:36:58

109) Background-Attachment - 07:41:18

110) Linear-Gradients - 07:47:04

111) Background Image Shortcuts Combined - 07:56:49

112) Linear-Gradient Colorzilla - 08:06:56

113) Float Position Intro - 08:11:08

114) Float Property - 08:11:47

115) Float Property Column Layout Example - 08:19:18

116) Position Static - 08:25:59

117) Position Relative - 08:30:44

118) Position Absolute - 08:33:18

119) Position Fixed - 08:38:42

120) Media Quries - 08:42:30

121) Z-Index - 08:57:07

122) ::Before And ::After Pseudo Elements - 09:06:04

123) Css Selectors Intro - 09:27:14

124) Basic Selectors - 09:28:26

125) Descendant Child Selectors - 09:31:07

126) First Line And First Letter - 09:35:50

127) :Hover Pseudo-Class Selector - 09:36:56

128) Link Pseudo-Class Selectors - 09:40:03

129) :Root Preudo-Class Selectors - 09:44:36

130) Transform,Transition,And Animations - 09:51:01

131) Transform:transition() - 09:52:17

132) Transform:scale() - 09:58:52

133) Transform:rotate() - 10:01:20

134) Transform:skew() - 10:04:47

135) Transition Property - 10:06:31

136) Multiple Transition - 10:09:13

137) Transition Delay - 10:11:11

138) Transition-Timing Function - 10:16:36

139) Animation - 10:25:51

140) Animation-Fill-Mode - 10:35:51

141) Last Module Intro - 10:40:53

142) Css Variables - 10:41:32

143) Font-Awesome Icons - 10:56:19

144) Text-Shadow Box-Shadow - 11:07:55

145) Browser Prefixes - 11:14:44

146) Semantic Tags - 11:19:23

147) Emmet Workflow - 11:24:11