Source: Gossip Guy - 26th of August 2019

  • Veerle Dejaeger: If I didn’t have it, the doll, then I couldn’t sleep at all.

  • Ender Scholtens: Seriously?! That’s intense.

  • Veerle: I also forgot her often, like in the ‘Colruyt’ or at godmother’s or something.

  • E: So you really had to go back to the 'Colruyt’?

  • Veerle: Yes, then my mom had to go get her, because I couldn’t sleep without it.

  • E: That’s cute.

  • Veerle: Most of the time, we didn’t knew where it was, so my mom had to call everyone like: “Did you find a doll?! Did you find a doll?!” When she was in the laundry…

  • E: Damn, tongue-twister.

  • Veerle: …That’s not okay…

  • E: What was the name of the doll?

  • Veerle: 'Poppemie’.

  • E: ‘Poppemie’? Damn, very cute. Mine was no better. It was a duck, named 'Ducky Duck’.

  • Veerle: 'Ducky Duck’. That’s still a difficult name for a child.

  • E: Yeah, I don’t know if *I* made that up.

  • Veerle: And I also had a ‘Doedoe’. It was just a blanket. A square blanket. I remember that I wrapped the doll inside the blanket. Then like… yeah…

  • E: Very cute, all of it.

  • Veerle: Right?

  • E: Cutie.

  • Veerle: And she smelled really great, you know? A bit like the scent of my laundry and my mommy and every… Cute, right?

  • E: Alright. Are you ready?

  • Veerle: Am I ready? Am I ready? I don’t know. I’m really a bit… Yeah, I don’t know.

  • E: Spill.

  • Veerle: Not really nervous, just excited.

  • E: I’m a bad bitch!

  • Veerle: I’m a… I wouldn’t define myself as a *bad* bitch.

  • E: I’m a bitch!

  • Veerle: I’m *that* bitch! … No, no.

  • E: Ait. I’ll…

  • Veerle: Okay.

  • E: Okay. Waddup people, welcome to a new episode of 'Gossip Guy’ podcast. Today I’m here with Veerle Dejaeger. Everything alright?

  • Veerle: Yes, 'ça va’.

  • E: Veerle, the people who don’t know you, where could they know you from?

  • Veerle: From a tv series… whose name I cannot say… And maybe from Instagram or Twitter.

  • E: Alright, great. Is everything okay? I’m asking, because yesterday night, at 1 am, you sent me something about 'Euphoria’?

  • Veerle: 'Euphoria’! Omg, yes!

  • E: A series you watched and I saw a tweet of you, saying 'The end was too heavy for me’? But in the meantime, you had sent something about today?

  • Veerle: No, you had sent me something and I thought it referred to my tweet.

  • E: Yeah, I said: 'I gotchu my G!’

  • Veerle: 'I gotchu my-’ Exactly, so I thought: 'Ah, you’d seen it as well!’ So my tweet…

  • E: No!

  • Veerle: It wasn’t, it was your address or something.

  • E: Was it really… You don’t have to spoil it, but was it that emotional? Did you cry?

  • Veerle: No, the thing is, there were a lot of stimuli at the same time. There were a lot of different storylines. It was made very abstractly. And… They jumped from one thing to another. I was like… totally pulled into it. You saw - they kept building up, it got more intense and intense, it all came towards me and I was like “wow, okay, okay.” Then suddenly, you had the climax… and I was like “Okay. WTF! WTF!”, but then it was the end on that climax, yet you really didn’t want it to end like this! I said: “No, this can’t- this isn’t okay!” If you’re going to watch it, you’ll understand, but I felt literally sick. I was… I don’t know.

  • E: Really cool if a series or movie can do that.

  • Veerle: The worst thing: there wasn’t anything spooky, even the storyline wasn’t very special, but the way they filmed it, was thought through. Their shots were stunning, the characters were really developed. Most of the time, you have characters in a movie or a series, who are either round or flat. The rounded characters evolve on-screen, to a small extent. Inside the storyline, they’ll fall in love - for example - and this changes their personality. However, in 'Euphoria’, all the characters are rounded, yet you see all their extremes. Usually, they’re inside a cocoon and they evolve a little bit, but here, you have the cocoon, which is the base of the character and literally all extremes that you’ll get to know. And that’s so intense. Because they switch, also in their personalities. Yeah, I didn’t feel good.

  • E: I saw it in your messages, thinking: 'Maybe I need to start watching this series’. I think it’s cool, when a series or a movie can make you emotional. Until recently, I hadn’t cried during a movie…

  • Veerle: And during which one did you cry? 'The Lion King’?

  • E: No, no- Yeah, as a child, I did.

  • Veerle: Ofcourse. Yeah, dude!

  • E: One time, I had tears in my eyes during 'Marley & Me’. Do you know that movie, by any chance?

  • Veerle: No.

  • E: It’s about a dog and all that-

  • Veerle: Like 'Hachico’?

  • E: Also a sad one. With that one, no tears. With 'Marley & Me’, for sure. I thought: 'Okay, this was the saddest film I ever saw, guess I’ll never cry’. That I wouldn’t cry with any other. The fucking day before yesterday, at 11:30 pm, it seemed like a good idea to start a gloomy movie. But I didn’t know it was a sad one, I thought it was a feel-good. 'About Time’

  • Veerle: I don’t know that one either.

  • E: Not so well-known. But I sat there, around half past 1-

  • Veerle: I think that’s cute.

  • E: Arms crossed, just full-on crying. Because it’s about the relationship with your parents and the important people in your life. It was just so beautiful. You felt something for every character. Then the next morning, I was like: 'WTF. Am I truly focussing on the right things in my life?’ That’s really weird.

  • Veerle: You were thinking about it.

  • E: Yeah. Like, okay, my dad is downstairs - alone - cooking eggs… while I’m here, scrolling through my phone, on my bed. I’m going to go downstairs now, to stand next him and talk, while he’s cooking. It’s just those little moments, those you don’t realize right now… how beautiful they can be or beautiful memories they can become. It’s weird. But it really got me thinking.

  • Veerle: All those little things, the 'now’ moments, which are important.

  • E: Exactly. Like, my dad goes to the bakery, I’ll just tag along, instead of sitting at home - doing nothing. Instead of watching or making a video. It really made me think about what’s important. That’s so cliché. People keep saying repeatedly that you have to focus on the small things in life and shit.

  • Veerle: But it means that… these filmmakers and actors touched the viewer, you know?

  • E: Certainly!

  • Veerle: That’s the point, that’s why you do it. Someone in that world, the movie world, an actress, that’s what you doing it for. To receive such stories, that you inspire people, that it affects them. What you performed. That’s good, right?

  • E: Yeah, of course. Someone had told me, that the movie was about time travel. And I thought: 'Okay, time travel, sounds fun!’ It *was* literally about that, but totally not the focus of the movie.

  • Veerle: There were more layers…

  • E: Indeed. Did you ever do something, to which people responded 'Wow, cool!’?

  • Veerle: Wait, two seconds… I think my phone is playing music.

  • E: Oops. I’ll keep chatting then… Oh, that’s what I was hearing! It thought it was my roommate again.

  • Veerle: Yeah…or… wait… You sure? I’m not sure. It was… We’ll see if we still hear a sound…

  • E: But my roommate sometimes plays loud music too. Sometimes to rile me up. Last time, with Silvio’s podcast, suddenly some hard beats in the background. Then messages like: 'Is it too loud? Is it too loud? Are you recording?’

  • Veerle: That’s just bitchy. That’s rude.

  • E: Funny. But he’s a good guy.

  • Veerle: Sorry, what was I saying? I’m easily distracted.

  • E: Did you ever get messages from people, about your job? A role you played? People who said: 'Oh shit, that really touched me?’

  • Veerle: Yes, sometimes I get those reactions. Sometimes, it’s just: 'You’re pretty’, 'You’re a good actress’ and other times, there are people really observing what I do, people who see what lies beneath it. What I tried to put in, the layers, that they discovered. That gives me a lot of fulfilment. Those kind of messages, they really make me happy.

  • E: I understand. That’s really cool.

  • Veerle: Yeah, makes me happy.

  • E: I get that completely.

  • Veerle: But it doesn’t happen that often. It’s difficult, too. Because I’m completely… absorbed in the projects that I do. For people, it’s- They see the images, not the amount of preparations behind it.

  • E: Of course.

  • Veerle: Or how deep you went in certain…

  • E: To give a compliment like that, you need to think about it more.

  • Veerle: Exactly. It really had to make an impression.

  • E: And compliments about being pretty or a good actress, that’s also nice.

  • Veerle: Yes! Of course! It’s super nice! But… that… Oh no, now I sound egocentric, right?

  • E: No, no, that’s not true. I get what you mean!

  • Veerle: But you get those more often. If you meet people and they start talking… Those are usually people who know about that world… That’s why 'Euphoria’ really left an impression on me, because I see and realize what’s behind it. It’s just amazing. I can’t express how amazing these things are. That’s… It’s wonderful.

  • E: Okay. What I sometimes think is crazy… Movies can connect with you in such a way, that you can’t perceive the actors anymore. While I often see a movie and know 'Oh, wow, that’s Ryan Reynolds’, not like 'Ah, it’s the character’. Okay, with Ryan Reynolds, I don’t have that. But in certain movies, I see actors speaking and not the characters. So, I think it’s nice if the movie is *that* well acted, that I’m being won over. And that happened with the latest one. I guess it didn’t even have a high rating, but I was really into the story. I didn’t saw the actors anymore. That’s impressive. If you can do that as an actor…

  • Veerle: That’s what you want to achieve. Preferably, as an actor, you portray someone that’s the farthest away from you. I would love to portray a psychopath.

  • E: Yeah?

  • Veerle: Yes, really a- Do you know-

  • E: Is that really the opposite of you? You’re not a silent psycho?

  • Veerle: Maybe… Wait… What did I want to say? Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter? Just like that.

  • E: That’s cool.

  • Veerle: I would love that. Because then, you have to flip a switch and step into someone who’s farther away from you. Always! Every character that you play, has a piece of you, because you’re the one who portrays them. Yet, the longer the distance, the greater the challenge. If you can accomplish that, like - I don’t know the actress’ name?

  • E: Me neither.

  • Veerle: A really amazing actress. You don’t see her behind that character. That’s what you want. If you can get there… Like Johnny Depp, he can act *amazing* too.

  • E: Right.

  • Veerle: He becomes another person, at that moment. You see him become that. He steps onto set- Not that I know him! But you see it, when he’s being filmed that he’s…

  • E: His character.

  • Veerle: A character.

  • E: That’s amazing. About… Bellatix? How do you say it? Bellatrix Lestrange.

  • Veerle: Yes.

  • E: I always say 'Bellatrix Van Detta’.

  • Veerle: 'Van Detta’, yes. I don’t know if that’s correct.

  • E: No, 'Van Detta’ is the Dutch version, I always read the Dutch books back then. What I want to say… To portray such a role. She was always screaming and all that. I- I don’t have any ambition to become an actor, but you said that you wanted to play the opposite, I think it’s far more interesting - if I’m ever in a movie - to play an over-the-top version of myself. That’s more amusing. But that’s probably because I don’t have any ambition as an actor.

  • Veerle: No, but…

  • E: I could never scream like that.

  • Veerle: Exactly! The most important thing, while acting, is mostly trying. Trying to get out of your comfort zone.

  • E: I couldn’t.

  • Veerle: And that’s what makes it fun. Because you learn different parts of yourself or parts that aren’t yours and that you discover them. Afterwards, once you’re finished, they’ll complete you as a person. That’s what makes it fun, outside the comfort zone. Like… It’s ridiculous I’m saying this, but people who travel, they step out of the comfort zone. At that moment, they’re not in their usual environment, they’re not 100% themselves. Because they’ll get new stimuli and new cultures, but that will shape them. The moment you’re acting, outside the comfort zone, when you’re a totally different character, you’re inside the cocoon, once you step outside, it will gave given you stimuli. That’ll shape you as a person. From the moment I started acting more intensely, I grew more as a person. How much confidence I gained… Just because of all the things that completes you.

  • E: That’s nice.

  • Veerle: That’s really… yeah…

  • E: I never analyzed it like that.

  • Veerle: You never think about that! I know, I know.

  • E: The only acting job I ever did…

  • Veerle: Storytime!

  • E: 'Vloglab’, I don’t know if you know it?

  • Veerle: No.

  • E: I thought so. A very nice experience, by the way. Very nice people. For 'VTM Kids’. Another level than you ever did. But, no, it was really fun, I’m not minimizing it. Yet… It was just… I… Just… My friends laughed at me. Fair. I told them to watch.

  • Veerle: And laugh at me?! That’s what we do.

  • E: It was such an awesome experience. But I knew, I’m not an actor. I would love to play an extravagant me. But I could never portray big roles, where I have to scream or something. It was… With 'Vloglab’, for example, I never had the feeling of being enriched as a person. So it’s nice if you can find that, in a role you invest in. Because yeah…

  • Veerle: I’m encouraged now to try loads of other stuff. Yes, really. I’m ready to take it all. To portray.

  • E: Super. You study Business Engineering at the moment? In Brussels?

  • Veerle: Yes.

  • E: Are you planning to pursue something in economics? Or would you rather, continue acting? Doing something creative?

  • Veerle: At the moment, I want to act, but I’m also realistic. I know it’s a tough world. I saw that already, even though I’m doing this as a student job. But… Currently, it’s a bit of a back-up plan. Something that gives me certainty.

  • E: Something to fall back on.

  • Veerle: Exactly. At the moment, I want to see… I’m definitely getting my bachelor’s. I want to see how much I can grow in Belgium. How many projects I can draw in. Do I want to grow as a person, before I’m ready to take the step? To go after it completely? That I know everything better. My trajectory as well as the acting world. And… to be honest, I’m someone who’s open to a lot of things. I love gaining experiences. I’m not going to say that I like to study. Nobody likes to. I’m not. It’s interesting. I never studied economics in high school, but the fact that I’m now deal a lot with it, that’s new information for me. I love to learn more. There is a lot of math, it’s important. I’m someone who likes to be challenged, you know? I’m not saying I *like* it, but when I figure it out, it gives me a sense of satisfaction. A lot of it.

  • E: I get that completely. I can imagine.

  • Veerle: Hard work, great accomplishments. In every aspect.

  • E: I understand. Alright. I’m similar. If I work hard and I get something out of it, see results…

  • Veerle: Did you just shut it off?

  • E: No, I switched it on. It got cut off. That’s my camera, every few times, it shuts off.

  • Veerle: So part of this, is *poof*?

  • E: No, no, I usually notice it, within the minute.

  • Veerle: Okay, so we’re back. Hey.

  • E: We’re back.

  • Veerle: What were you saying?

  • E: A sense of accomplishment. Of course, I think everyone has it. If you work hard enough for something, if you can see the results… Sounds bad, but I have it even more, when I make a video or a project for someone. Sometimes when I make commercials for other people. If that’s finished and they say: 'Well done’, then I feel really good, I never had that in my studies. Which is fucking dumb. I have re-exams, again, two years in a row, if I would just think, during the year, that I could pull off the same sense of achievement, I’d have better grades and shit.

  • Veerle: School is sometimes so overrated, in my opinion. Truly. Our school system is just awful. I mean, sorry, but I had four courses this semester… One I didn’t take, because I had a very busy semester, with the shoots and all that. So one removed and four left, I’ve only showed up for class to two of them. You know? The rest, five days- 'Management’, a light course load, the other was 'Entrepreneurship’, a heavy one, but 'Management’ - never even opened the book - I studied five days before the exam. Done the exam. Passed. Violà! What’s the purpose? Nothing, nothing! Do you think I remember something? No. Did it teach me something? No. That’s why it’s so vague that- In the end, it’s just a piece of paper. It doesn’t define you. People who- I get good grades at school, but am I worth something in a company? I don’t know. Am I something as economist?

  • E: It’s funny you say that. It’s something I keep nagging about, every other podcast.

  • Veerle: Really? We’re back at it again.

  • E: We’re back at it. No, but I heard-

  • Veerle: But what are your ambitions, Ender?

  • E: No idea.

  • Veerle: Don’t know. That’s okay, that’s okay.

  • E: I’m not stressing that I don’t know what to do. I’m happy with the stuff I do. And I know I can work hard, because I work for the things I post and for others,

  • Veerle: I saw that, when I came in. You were busy.

  • E: See? I’m just… I came from the library, when you arrived, so I know I can work hard. But I can’t find out-

  • Veerle: In which way you can use that.

  • E: And I don’t know what I want to work hard for. That’s it.

  • Veerle: But that’s why it’s important, now you have the space, to explore.

  • E: Exactly! That’s why I’m doing all this bullshit, in the end. When people ask me, do you want to try this? If they ask me for 'Vloglab’. Yes! I want to try it all. It’s the only time in my life, that I have-

  • Veerle: Freedom?

  • E: Freedom.

  • Veerle: True.

  • E: And make reckless decisions. Because soon - after five years of studying - we have to go to work.

  • Veerle: But still, with your degree, even if you feel like 'Fuck what I’m doing’, that’s never the border. Not: 'Here, your degree, that’s your path.’

  • E: Exactly, also one of my frustrations, because they’re people who study to be lawyers and suddenly, a few years later, they’re shrinks or something.

  • Veerle: Yes.

  • E: I think that’s… Okay, yes…

  • Veerle: You think that’s frustrating? I think it’s amazing.

  • E: But then I think: am I wasting my years now?

  • Veerle: Okay.

  • E: Studying economics?

  • Veerle: You’re never wasting something. At the moment, you’re learning what you like and don’t like. But you need to keep busy, because if you’re not…

  • E: I know, I know. Of course, I’m not planning on dropping out. I just came from the library, I still plan on studying. I have to say this, my mom is listening.

  • Veerle: Hey, mom!

  • E: I’m still going to do the best I can, for my studies. I haven’t given up. I’m not going to say: Okay, I’ll be doing social media full-time. Because that’s not a decent plan for future either.

  • Veerle: It can become very vapid, very fast, too.

  • E: Of course. And if you have to live off this, then it’s a sponsored pic per day. There are people who can do this, but I only have a measly 5,000 followers. I’m not going to promote myself constantly, in the hopes of survival. I think that’s… I don’t know.

  • Veerle: Would you feel satisfaction then?

  • E: No, definitely not. Recently, I had to make my first sponsored post. I felt sick, psychically. It was a product that I really supported-

  • Veerle: Psychical, how?

  • E: I posted it and I thought: 'WTF’. I felt like a sell-out. It was a good product, I truly support it. But people started following me to see fun things and sometimes a stupid joke-

  • Veerle: 'And now I take advantage of it’?

  • E: Yes, a bit like… A breach of trust. So, I’m gonna watch out with that in the future.

  • Veerle: Be picky?

  • E: I’m going to be very picky. And for example, I think I would have less problems with saying things in the podcast like: 'By the way, this podcast is sponsored by…’

  • Veerle: Then you’re honest.

  • E: … Red Bull or something. And that I can say my own thing. Just, because, an insta post is so limited. Everything you put in the caption, looks like ad chitchat. If I say: I think that Red Bull’s tasty and I use it for this and that, that’s sincere.I drink that constantly. It’s a just product I support, that I can talk about.

  • Veerle: That also characterizes you.

  • E: And something of value for my followers. I’m not saying everyone should drink Red Bull right now…

  • Veerle: I get what you’re saying.

  • E: Something that I support, that I can share in my own way with my audience. That seems cool. Much cooler than Instagram.

  • Veerle: That’s the thing, social media is, just, it’s all numbers. You’re totally not the people behind it. In a way, it’s really superficial. Because they see a super surface level of you. Yet, at the same time, you can use it to engage, to inspire people. Like the art pages, we were talking about the taboo earlier. A page has a voice, they create something. That’s the beautiful side of it. But you have to find a right balance, between utilizing it as a platform to reach the people or promote it as a platform for-

  • E: Money.

  • Veerle: Yes, or to praise yourself.

  • E: I fully agree. That’s why, it wasn’t my intention to praise myself, because if you look at my Instagram, the pics are very nonchalant. I rather make a fun caption and then I think: 'I look fucking good in this one’. Because you can see… I can’t pose. That’s an art I don’t want to master either. I don’t need to be a model. I rather be- That’s why I prefer to focus on my podcast or my vlogs, where I feel like I share more. Not only about yourself, but also about the way you think. Those are more fun platforms to explore than Instagram. Instagram is nice and I like making stories, yet posts are limited. You can do something amusing, of course, but I don’t know…

  • Veerle: It depends on the choice, who you want to be.

  • E: That too. Of course.

  • Veerle: Even though, people can put nonchalant posts, or try to be 100% themselves on social media, but how other people interpret it, you’ll never know. Because it’s limited, indeed. You’ll always make choices: I post this or don’t post this. Like… I’m also someone who… I have quite a lot of followers on Instagram, but that won’t stop me of using in a different way. Yet I think about what I share to outside world.

  • E: Of course, some stuff…

  • Veerle: Exactly.

  • E: For example, one of your friends is super drunk and they are vomiting, if you have 10 followers, it’s funny to post a video on your story. If you have more… That’s one of your best friends lying there and you think: 'I can’t share this.’

  • Veerle: Of course not! I would-

  • E: I wouldn’t share it either, but…

  • Veerle: I get the point. You’ll have to be more picky. But, anyway, I have a finsta, for my best friend. The content on there, it can’t be shared with the outside world. It’s just funny. My alter ego, a bit. I have a bit of an alter ego, sometimes.

  • E: Alright?

  • Veerle: Yeah, no. It’s a bit… It’s just… Veerle, but more extreme.

  • E: Just… For laughs.

  • Veerle: Yes.

  • E: Of course, I get that. A finsta where you can post stuff, that you would want to share, but think: 'Ooof, maybe not for everyone to see.’ I understand.

  • Veerle: But it’s a first step, that people are aware of it. That’s the most important thing. Don’t take social media too seriously. I often have that feeling. Actually, I met a lot of people via social media, who match my energy and I like to hang out with. Who are a bit of soul food. At the same time… I’m… I’m actually somewhat against it, because social media is taken too seriously. Something like… All that 'sliding in DMs’… You know? I’m like… I mean, I get it. You’re attracted to someone, due to their pics, but… it’s taken too seriously. 'I see that person, they give me that vibe, I’m going for it.’ Even though, it’s done in a very forced way…

  • E: You can have the feeling that you truly know someone, send messages, have online conversations and think: 'Wow, I know them’.

  • Veerle: Exactly.

  • E: But seeing them in real life… It’s way easier, on social media, to be direct and more spontaneous, more witty. I have a problem with that. If I - said this a couple of times to you guys - if I see someone on Instagram, and - it doesn’t happen that often - I think: 'Wow, that’s a nice girl’, then I ask: 'Can we hang out sometime?’ Then we do and I get to know her. With you, for example, I haven’t texted hours and days, like 'Oh, I think it’s nice that you act’ and stuff like that. I thought you were an interesting person, so I asked 'Do you want to be in this podcast?’ You said yes, thank god. No, but, I think… a lot of people replaced real social contact with social media contact.

  • Veerle: Yes.

  • E: It’s difficult when people say to me: 'You don’t text me enough.’ If you want to talk, we’ll hang out, right? It’s not like I don’t have time, I make time for my friends and the people I want to meet. So… It’s just… I appreciate and validate social contact *so* much. Instead of the constant texting. I work a lot with social media, I post daily and shit. But, texting is a pain.

  • Veerle: A separate cocoon.

  • E: Do you think that’s social contact? I’ve done a whole rant, but it’s possible you think differently?

  • Veerle: Actually, I do have regular contact with my friends via social media, that’s often pure entertainment for me. Someone is calling me.

  • E: Alright.

  • Veerle: It’s my mommy!

  • E: Mommy. Do I need to pause this?

  • Veerle: No, I’ll call her later.

  • E: You sure? No problem, you can pick up.

  • Veerle: No, it’s okay. I’ll call her back later. She’ll probably say: 'You’re gone again?’

  • E: I have that often.

  • Veerle: It’s really bad.

  • E: I have that too. For example, this weekend, I was thinking about going back home, because my little brother is in India, so my parents are alone.

  • Veerle: India, that’s… How old is he?

  • E: He’s 17.

  • Veerle: Wow.

  • E: Crazy, right?

  • Veerle: He’s allowed to travel alone?

  • E: No, he’s with a group, set up by the school. In summer vacation, they can-

  • Veerle: Okay. I’m going to pick up.

  • E: I’ll pause it.

  • E: Alright, we’re back. But I don’t remember what we were talking about?

  • Veerle: Me neither. You can’t rewatch it?

  • E: No, that’s difficult. Anyways…

  • Veerle: Oh no, now it’s going to be a failed podcast.

  • E: I think it’s going to be okay.

  • Veerle: You think?

  • E: Yes.I don’t think it’ll be terrible.

  • Veerle: Ender, don’t make me a fool!

  • E: No, no, it’ll be fine. No, you are- you study Business Engineering in Brussels and you passed all your classes?

  • Veerle: Yes.

  • E: That’s crazy. Your first year is always… You’re often distracted by things like partying and shit. That’s really fucking awesome. Do you study in the library or at home?

  • Veerle: In the exam weeks, always at home. But when I have free periods, I can…

  • E: Seriously?

  • Veerle: The library…

  • E: I do the exact opposite. During the year, I study at home, but if I *have* to study, then in-

  • Veerle: Ah, no.

  • E: The library. I can’t study anywhere else.

  • Veerle: But… I’m a bit weird sometimes, when I study.

  • E: Alright.

  • Veerle: I need to scream or something…. Or do weird stuff.

  • E: Like-

  • Veerle: Yes, but no! If I’m frustrated, then I need to… explain it to myself. I don’t know!

  • E: Just out loud?

  • Veerle: Yes, out loud! And… My alter ego kicks in sometimes during studying.

  • E: Okay?

  • Veerle: I get weird. You have that! I’m sorry, but if you’re studying day after day… I literally get it, that highly intelligent people, who need to make new mathematical theorem or proofs, go insane. I have that too, while studying. Once, I had an exam. My fourth year of high school. It was the pythagorean theorem and all that. And I remember, I studied until nighttime, because I was nervous. I really had a teacher, who was *bloody* tough, back in the days. I remember that I was still half dreaming about math, it whirled around in my head and I had to pee. So I’m on the toilet and next to it, was a splash mat. A square. In my head, I was thinking: 'I can cut it in half like this, then I have two right-angled triangles. Then I can use the pythagorean theorem on it.’ I was… You know? I *really* get why intelligent people are *so weird*! Like, if you focus on an object that much…

  • E: I get what you mean. A mathematical subject…

  • Veerle: Exactly. Exactly. So if I study too much, I can’t be in the library. Not really.

  • E: Not for you, but for the people around you?

  • Veerle: Yes.

  • E: I understand.

  • Veerle: Don’t want to wish that on people…

  • E: The only thing I don’t like about the library… are the people who sit there day after day. The ones who make themselves at home. Shoes off, like-

  • Veerle: That would be me.

  • E: Do you take them of in the library?!

  • Veerle: Dude, yes.

  • E: Really?! Then I think: Oop, what’s happening?!

  • Veerle: But usually, I don’t feel embarrassed… I mean, I wouldn’t describe myself as- I guess I’m polite and all that, but I’m not someone who’s-

  • E: If you feel good about it, you do it?

  • Veerle: I feel comfortable. Quickly.

  • E: Alright.

  • Veerle: But I get them. Sorry, if you’re studying, it’s difficult to sit like this at your table, right? You need to be…

  • E: At ease.

  • Veerle: You have to change positions, a lot. I usually sit cross legged, then you can’t wear shoes.

  • E: Maybe I don’t get it, because I haven’t studied in one long stretch?

  • Veerle: Try it once, you’ll see.

  • E: I’m not sure whether I’m going to do anything tonight…

  • Veerle: Yes! I’m going to make you. Tonight I’ll text you: 'Ender-’

  • E: 'Studying?’

  • Veerle: 'Study now!’ Sorry, but I’m doing that. I know it works, because otherwise you’ll feel guilty.

  • E: Actually, I probably will.

  • Veerle: Right?

  • E: So, I see we have some 'Aïki Noodles’ and keys… Because you saw the mic and you thought: 'Wow’.

  • Veerle: I thought… A S M R. I love that. It’s a bit of a weird, geeky side of me. That I love ASMR.

  • E: You really listen to it?

  • Veerle: Yes.

  • E: To calm down? To concentrate? Why?

  • Veerle: Why? I don’t know, I think it’s very satisfying. Especially when they make figures in some sand. And clay. I don’t know, it’s satisfying.

  • E: I think visual stuff could be satisfying.

  • Veerle: And sound?

  • E: But some whispers? It makes me uncomfortable, very quickly.

  • Veerle: No… If they’re eating, things that make crackly…

  • E: Yeah?

  • Veerle: … sounds. Ah, yes. Super satisfying.

  • E: I want to try, but for me it’s… It’s not… I once tried it. I filmed it. And it was just not my thing.

  • Veerle: You filmed it?

  • E: Yes.

  • Veerle: But what did you do?

  • E: I have friends who love it, but I really tried it, with some earpieces. Watched ASMR. I think it’s a bit uncomfortable.

  • Veerle: Uncomfortable. 'You have to be open to it! You have to flip a switch!’ No, not true…

  • E: There are people who love it, others who…

  • Veerle: There are people who… I don’t have that, so I don’t know if it’s bullshit, but some people claim that it tickles in their head.

  • E: Wow.

  • Veerle: Do you know… Open your mouth. Do this. Do it.

  • E: At the top?

  • Veerle: Yes. Wiggle it.

  • E: In your head, but harder?

  • Veerle: Do you feel that? But, normally, if you stop now… You still feel it?

  • E: Holy sh! Yes!

  • Veerle: It stays.

  • E: My whole head is suddenly hot, or something.

  • Veerle: That’s… Apparently the only spot you can tickle yourself. But that…

  • E: Holy fuck!

  • Veerle: Oh, I can’t stand that feeling! It keeps on going!

  • E: It’s very annoying!

  • Veerle: Yes!

  • E: Why did you make me do this?!

  • Veerle: I don’t know! Because I know… It’s probably similar to that feeling, the tickles in your head. ..Something fell, what? Wtf… They feel tickles inside their head.

  • E: But I don’t get it, why would you do that? I think it’s annoying. Is it really that similar?

  • Veerle: They call it 'brainorgasms’.

  • E: Really?!

  • Veerle: Yes.

  • E: But… Okay, it doesn’t sound bad…

  • Veerle: Try it out sometime!

  • E: But no, I tried ASMR… What’s good ASMR?

  • Veerle: No, that’s… too intense… however…

  • E: We’re going too…

  • Veerle: But you have to shut up, then.

  • E: The next minute, is ASMR.

  • Veerle: ASMR?

  • E: Yes. I’m setting you free. You can do what you want.

  • Veerle: Now I have some stress. Okay, wait. You can’t laugh!

  • E: Sorry!

  • Veerle: You’re ruining it for the viewers!

  • E: I’m going to lower this, so you can see what happens with the mic.

  • Veerle: Nothing happens with the mic, it stays there.

  • E: No, but that the people…You have YouTube Spotify Itunes, that people can see what you’re doing. I don’t know if it was clear, that you were playing around with the noodles. Get it?

  • Veerle: Yes.

  • E: Okay!

  • Veerle: Do you have food? Do you have food?

  • E: Barely.

  • Veerle: Barely.

  • E: Wait…

  • Veerle: Go look. Why are you laughing?

VOICE-OVER - ENDER: I’m interrupting this podcast. Because during the recording, Veerle and I kept looking for food - for the next 10 (!) minutes - that makes funny noises during ASMR. For the people on YT, my face is placed weird. But I thought that this was the perfect opportunity, to give the shout-out of this week, because I forgot. So, Eva-Luna Geebelen. Thanks for listening! Super cool! And to those still listening, tweet Veerle that I’m better at ASMR than her or if you don’t have Twitter, react to my latest Instagram post or something. It seems funny to me. And enjoy the rest of the podcast!

  • E: Alright. I have pens, by the way, if you…

  • Veerle: Okay, no, I don’t have inspiration, dude.

  • E: No inspiration anymore?

  • Veerle: I’m not that good in ASMR.

  • E: I don’t have enough…

  • Veerle: Or wait, this can be fun. Why do you have toilet paper… Do you all have your own roll?

  • E: Yes.

  • Veerle: Is this what’s left?

  • E: Yes, so I urgently need to buy some.

  • Veerle: Pathetic. Okay. Wait. That’s… Oh, sorry. Sorry. Oh, fuck. I’m going to do one more. I’m not that good at this. I’m sorry.

  • E: Alright. Now, do we need to build up to normal levels or?

  • Veerle: No, no. Not necessary. I guess.

  • E: Aït.

  • Veerle: But I don’t know how it all works.

  • E: That was the ASMR for this week. My stock of toilet paper is depleted now.

  • Veerle: Dude…

  • E: No, it’s okay.

  • Veerle: You can reuse this. Look.

  • E: Of course, of course.

  • Veerle: I’m going to put it back.

  • E: Second-hand toilet paper, that sounds dirty. But it is.

  • Veerle: Ripped by…

  • E: Omg.

  • Veerle: Veerle Dejaeger.

  • E: Veerle Dejaeger.

  • Veerle: Yes.

  • E: Super. Now I’ve experienced it. Sorry if somebody didn’t like ASMR.

  • Veerle: Or sorry if *you* ruined ASMR for the viewer…

  • E: Well, I think I kinda ruined it.

  • Veerle: You kinda ruined it. I don’t think they’re relaxed. I don’t think they got a brainorgasm.

  • E: My sincere apologies. If you want to have brainorgasm, Veerle is going to start a ASMR channel on YouTube.

  • Veerle: That’s absolutely not true.

  • E: Would you ever start a YouTube channel or something? Or isn’t that your thing? Or is it only for losers, like me?

  • Veerle: A little bit… No, no! Somehow, it might appeal to me. I think I could do fun things with that. But the most important thing for me, right now, is the focus on acting.

  • E: I understand completely.

  • Veerle: Putting all my energy and time in that. And, if I’m invited somewhere, of course I like that. To… help other creatives!

  • E: Yes!

  • Veerle: But…

  • E: I heard- You told me, that this was your first podcast?

  • Veerle: Yeah, it’s my first… appearance. 'Interview’.

  • E: Outside…

  • Veerle: Yes, yes.

  • E: Cool. That’s weird, because I thought you had done some… With all the stuff you’ve done…

  • Veerle: The thing is, sometimes there are offers, but you don’t have to respond to all-

  • E: Indeed.

  • Veerle: You have to consider things.

  • E: I noticed. Because, in the beginning, it’s super exciting.

  • Veerle: Yes.

  • E: And you want to go everywhere.

  • Veerle: And it’s difficult sometimes to say no. Because it’s all… Yeah…

  • E: Indeed.

  • Veerle: Triggering.

  • E: It’s an honor if someone asks you for something. It’s crazy if… Oh shit, heavy rain.

  • Veerle: Really? Oh no, those poor people, eating cake outside.

  • E: Oh, outside, there’s a birthday party going on.

  • Veerle: A birthday party, yes.

  • E: Oh no, that’s so sad, but really funny, sorry! That’s so sad.

  • Veerle: I really want that cake though.

  • E: Yes. We just talked about it, in the part we cut, that we should crash it.

  • Veerle: Maybe.

  • E: Like 'hey, sorry’.

  • Veerle: Are we?

  • E: I’m into it.

  • Veerle: I’m really hungry. But you don’t have any food at home.

  • E: I don’t have any food.

  • Veerle: Violà.

  • E: Dammit.

  • Veerle: We should party crash. For some snack. Snacks!

  • E: It’s just done. The rain shower.

  • Veerle: I don’t think it was rain, Ender.

  • E: What else comes out the sky?

  • Veerle: Were there drops? I didn’t see!

  • E: No?!

  • Veerle: I think it was the sound of plastic or something.

  • E: ASMR after-vibrations.

  • Veerle: We’re straying, dude.

  • E: We are. I think it’s time to conclude. Where can they follow you?

  • Veerle: Where can they follow me?

  • E: Yes, on social media.

  • Veerle: Yeah, just…

  • E: At?

  • Veerle: At? I don’t even know. @veerledejaeger, I guess?

  • E: If you type in 'veerledejaeger’…

  • Veerle: You’ll find me. I’m not that creative with my…

  • E: I’m also just 'enderscholtens’.

  • Veerle: Some have cool Twitter names. Sometimes it’s annoying, because they retweet and I’m like: 'Wait, who are you?’

  • E: Same. Like-

  • Veerle: I had that with-

  • E: Now! Now it’s really raining!

  • Veerle: I see nothing.

  • E: No?! Look here!

  • Veerle: Oh, yes, yes! Okay.

  • E: I thought: 'Am I insane?’

  • Veerle: I’ll have to go through that, later!

  • E: You can wait a while, until it stops.

  • Veerle: Okay. What did I want to say? Ah, I had that with Bo. Her username is 'ik’. (= me) For a while, I was like: who is she?

  • E: Just 'me’.

  • Veerle: Yes, 'me’. Ah, that’s Bo.

  • E: Did *I* tweet this, huh? Yeah… Alright, indeed, follow Veerle - @veerledejaeger. Follow me, wherever, at @enderscholtens and subscribe to the podcast, of course. Super important. Thé most important thing you’ll do today. Thanks for stopping by.

  • Veerle: You’re really welcome.

  • E: Something you want to say?

  • Veerle: Once you say stop, there will be something I want to say, but at the moment, I don’t know anything.

  • E: Damn! Okay, no. Then, I’ll tweet it: 'Veerle wanted to say this.’

  • Veerle: Okay.

  • E: Okay. So, see you next Monday!