Source: Gossip Guy - 4th of November 2019

  • Ender Scholtens: Whaddup people! Before starting this podcast, I’d like to thank Sony Music for sponsoring this episode. I’ve told you before that I only like to work with people and brands I completely support. So today, I’m going to tell you about Sony Music Filtr playlist, called ‘Rap - Hip Hop - Trap’. The playlist has songs by some of my favorite artists, like A$ap Rocky, Travis Scott, Brockhampton, BBNO$ and lots more. I’ve been listening to the playlist in the past few days. During workouts or at my friends. And one of my favorite songs right now, is 'Highest in the Room’ by Travis Scott. So if you like listening to them or to rap, hiphop and trap in general, then go check it out. I’ll put the link for Spotify and Apple Music in the description, just in case you can’t wait. Though I would like you to listen to this podcast first, of course. Lastly, I would like to thank Sony Music for their interest and trust in this podcast. And you guys, for tuning in every week. So, please enjoy this episode with… Nora Dari!

*Link to the playlist in the description*

Let’s see. I don’t want a copyright claim, before we even started. Alright. Have you ever done a podcast before? Is my chair at the same height as yours? Yeah, it’ll be fine. You can still see the dirty dishes… Whatever. What did you say?

  • Nora Dari: That’s not okay.

  • E: No.

  • Nora: How often do you do the dishes?

  • E: Not enough. I just wait…

  • Nora: Just do it immediately after you eat?!

  • E: I usually do. But the last couple of days, I’ve been eating in the middle of the night. While editing. Thinking: 'Fuck it, I’m not go to…' Not good, right? I know. I was supposed to upload a vlog last night.

  • Nora: And you didn’t?

  • E: No. Ready to get started? Yes? Because we haven’t- Alright.

  • Nora: (What’s with the chair?) Isn’t that going to bother us?

  • E: If you can… sit still… maybe… Just don’t move anymore. It’ll be fine. Alright. Ready?

  • Nora Do you…

  • E: What?! What did I do?!

  • Nora: Do you use pencil eyeliner?

  • E: No?! Does it look like I did?!

  • Nora: Yes!

  • E: I used a little bit of pencil eyeliner, but that was weeks ago.

  • Nora: (Oh, okay…)

  • E: Does it really look that way?!

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: Damn, sounds like a compliment.

  • Nora: It is! It is. Beautiful.

  • E: Do you use it?

  • Nora: ... No.

  • E: Alright. I’m gonna start recording.

  • Nora: Great.

  • E: Great. Whaddup people, welcome to a new episode of 'Gossip Guy podcast’. My name is Ender Scholtens and today, I’m here with Nora. Everything alright, Nora?

  • Nora: I’m good. You?

  • E: Certainly. For the people who don’t know you, where could they know you from?

  • Nora: Euhm, I play in a Flemish tv series…

  • E: Yeah. "And you can’t say anything about it?“ Alright!

  • Nora: You’re quick! You’re quick!

  • E: Yes!

  • Nora: Anyways… From a French movie too, released recently. By Bas Devos. Called 'Ghost Tropic’.

  • E: 'Ghost Tropic’?

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: Alright. Didn’t hear about that?

  • Nora: Nobody did.

  • E: Nobody? Aw. Did you play a big role? One of the lead roles? Or…?

  • Nora: I played the daughter of the lead.

  • E: Ah, okay.

  • Nora: But the film premiered at Cannes. So I went to the Cannes Film Festival!

  • E: Seriously?!

  • Nora: Yeah, really crazy.

  • E: Did you win something?

  • Nora: No.

  • E: Aw. Bummer.

  • Nora: But I went!

  • E: Of course. So cool!

  • Nora: And Ghent too.

  • E: Okay?

  • Nora: Last week. No, two weeks ago. I went to that festival too, for the movie.

  • E: Nice. Do you watch a lot of Flemish movies? Because I watch- I know we have some quality films. But I rather watch… American ones.

  • Nora: Me too, though.

  • E: I love watching them in English, because it sounds more badass. As if I’m ten years old: "English is such a cool language”. But it just is.

  • Nora: True. The first Flemish film I ever saw, was 'Daens’. I think everyone saw that one.

  • E: At school, we had to.

  • Nora: Exactly.

  • E: Yeah.

  • Nora: The second one was-

  • E: A heavy movie, though.

  • Nora: 'Daens’?

  • E: 'Daens’, yes. I never saw the end, might’ve been sick the next day? Whatever, not relevant. Continue.

  • Nora: I’ve watched it three times, I guess?

  • E: Seriously?

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: You liked it that much?

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: Oh really? Okay.

  • Nora: Also… What’s its name?

  • E: 'Patser’? I don’t which- That’s one I saw recently.

  • Nora: But I don’t count it as a Flemish one. Even if it sounds weird.

  • E: Wow. Why not?

  • Nora: I don’t know. It’s 'americanized’, right?

  • E: Right. Maybe that’s what I liked about it.

  • Nora: I love- 'Patser’ is amazing.

  • E: ‘Patser’ is a good movie.

  • Nora: But 'Terug naar morgen’ is my favorite.

  • E: 'Terug naar morgen’…

  • Nora: With Matteo Simoni.

  • E: Matteo Simoni. Hot dude, of course. In 'Patser’ too.

  • Nora: Agreed.

  • E: I’m gonna be in a movie, from the creators of 'Patser’. Not from the two original directors-

  • Nora: What’s their names?

  • E: Adil? El Arbi?

  • Nora: Yeah, I know, I know.

  • E: The other one… The name of the movie?

  • Nora: No, you said the bosses? What did you say?

  • E: The team behind 'Patser’.

  • Nora: The production?

  • E: Yes. Not the two directors.

  • Nora: Same production as 'Torpedo’, right?

  • E: Indeed. Wow. Yes.

  • Nora: Yes. I know them really well.

  • E: Looks like it.

  • Nora: We’re like this. Thats why I’m-

  • E: Interested? Okay. I was really surprised.

  • Nora: Spill!

  • E: 'Yummy’. Did you hear about that?

  • Nora: No.

  • E: The first Flemish zombie movie.

  • Nora: Really?!

  • E: And I act in it for like… five seconds. Honestly, I really think it’s like five seconds max.

  • Nora: You’ve already shot it?

  • E: Yes.

  • Nora: Ah, okay. Cool.

  • E: I had to go one day, my scenes-

  • Nora: Why do you think you’re only in it for five seconds? Because it’s…?

  • E: I have *one* scene. Together with Fabian Feyaerts, a good friend of mine.

  • We were asked for a scene. And I mean… We were there for maybe… twenty minutes of shooting? So if you know the editing-

  • Nora: It’s gonna be very short.

  • E: Yes. If you’re only there for twenty minutes, then it’s a short scene. I don’t even think it was *that* long.

  • Nora: What did you have to do?

  • E: I don’t know if I can say. I probably can? I only have a small role! If you see a minivan in the movie…

  • Nora: It’s you.

  • E: Pay extra attention.

  • Nora: Okay! Do you know the release date?

  • E: December, somewhere. So… soon?

  • Nora: That’s really fast. When did you go to the shoot?

  • E: Some time ago.

  • Nora: If it was literally last week, then December would be really fast.

  • E: No, it really was a while ago. The trailers are already out. In the vlog that I had planned yesterday and I’ll probably post tonight, we went into a haunted house in 'Bobbejaanland’. From that movie. So the haunted house based on that. Crazy. Because I haven’t seen any screening yet. It was nice. All the actors were there too.

  • Nora: But do you want to act for real?

  • E: It’s fun thing to do, but no way that I would say “I’m an actor”. Even though, I played in a movie and a tv series, but come on…

  • Nora: Which series? Say it!

  • E: 'Vloglab’!

  • Nora: Ah, I know- Why are you laughing?!

  • E: Seriously? Because you played in bigger productions already.

  • Nora: That’s not bad? No, come on!

  • E: But if you see it and hear certain sentences I say, then you’ll probably think 'oof’.

  • Nora: “Wtf is this”?

  • E: Yes. Maybe a little.

  • Nora: What-his-name plays in that as well… The moroccan guy?

  • E: Shakir?

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: Yes.

  • Nora: And… Doesn’t … play in it? The TikTokker?

  • E: Stien. Edlund.

  • Nora: Stien. Yes.

  • E: There are a few TikTokkers.

  • Nora: A lot of known people, right?

  • E: Yeah, for sure. And me, of course, the most famous of all.

  • Nora: Yes!

  • E: No, no, I’m just kidding. It’s really cool. I always laugh with it, but it’s still amazing that they asked me.I don’t know. A year ago, I’d never imagined myself on tv. Then suddenly… …I don’t know what I wanted to say…

  • Nora: How did they contact you? Do you ever get people asking you things like: “How did you get to where you are now?”

  • E: Yes.

  • Nora: I get daily DMs. “How do I become an actor, actress? How did you do it?" I don’t have the answer. I can’t, I don’t know how to explain.

  • E: Maybe ridiculous to say, but just keep going? If you really like to act, then keep going to auditions. I guess? If you like doing things online, keep creating content?

  • Nora: Do you know what I think? That the ones who can give you that chance…

  • E: Yes?

  • Nora: That they… See the passion?

  • E: That’s possible.

  • Nora: So if you want to act just to act. Like purely for the fame? Then it won’t work. It might work, but it’s going to fade real quick.

  • E: Yes.

  • Nora: So if you have the passion, you’re going to get there.

  • E: Alright.

  • Nora: I think it’s like that. So if someone asks me how to be an actor,

  • can’t answer that. Go do it! Just go for it! Do it!

  • E: Could you spot their passion?

  • Nora: I think I do.

  • E: Yes?

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: Who’s the last person you met, that blew you away?

  • Nora: Let me think.

  • E: Nobody?

  • Nora: No, there are people. I just can’t remember. It doesn’t happen that often.

  • E: I’m asking you tough questions on purpose.

  • Nora: Or did you want me to say "Ah, yes you”?

  • E: Yes, actually!

  • Nora: Poor you!

  • E: No, just kidding. No. Wait, I wanted to say something. I wanted to say something. I forgot. Because you didn’t give me a compliment…

  • Nora: Sorry.

  • E: Something you’ve experienced recently, that you’d like to share, while I think about what I forgot? Difficult, huh?

  • Nora: Just something?

  • E: Anything.

  • Nora: Yes, I-

  • E: Difficult, right?

  • Nora: No, I have something in my mind, but-

  • E: Really?! But you don’t know if you can share?

  • Nora: I can. It’s just a touchy subject, right now.

  • E: Oh?

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: Okay, so no funny story?

  • Nora: Something no one knows. No, it’s not a funny story.

  • E: Your choice if you want to share it. If you don’t want to-

  • Nora: Of course I do…

  • E: Or was that a stupid question? No, tell me. I thought you were gonna say: “Before I came here, my boyfriend broke up with me”

  • Nora: No!

  • E: Holy shit!

  • Nora: I would never tell that.

  • E: No?

  • Nora: No. That’s personal stuff.

  • E: You’d never share your relationship on social media, if you had one?

  • Nora: No.

  • E: If *I* had a new relationship, I’d also be careful on social media.

  • Nora: Why?

  • E: I think there are- Not because I think my followers would hate it, but for me… like you said, it’s personal. And I think a relationship lasts longer, if you don’t constantly advertise it on social media. Like in my previous relationship, if I’m with that person, I’ll put my phone away. For me, it would suck if I thought of vlogging stuff. Or something like that. That would be weird… That…

  • Nora: But why? I’m just wondering. Why? You would post stuff with normal friend. You, together with a female friend?

  • E: Yes.

  • Nora: You would post that?

  • E: Yes.

  • Nora: But with your girlfriend, you wouldn’t?

  • E: It’s just… I don’t think it happens at my level, but I see a lot of posts of famous celebrities, like for instance, Shawn Mendes and Camilla Cabello, where the people in the comments are like: “Wow, they really don’t fit together”,“They shouldn’t be together”, “Shawn deserves better” or “She deserves better”.

  • Nora: That happens.

  • E: That’s so crude.

  • Nora: That’s fucked up. If you look at Justin Bieber- (Oh, sorry.) Justin Bieber and-

  • E: And Hailey.

  • Nora: Yes. Hailey gets- Really, almost 90% of her comments are "Selena Selena Selena Selena", come on.

  • E: Yeah!

  • Nora: Insane.

  • E: 'Beliebers’ who-

  • Nora: On their wedding pics too. Just like that.

  • E: Crazy.

  • Nora: And now that Selena released a new song… 'Hate you to love me’ or something?

  • E: 'Lose you to love me’.

  • Nora: Yes, like that.

  • E: Right. It’s insane. That’s also why… I don’t know. It’s the reason why my parents never appear on my socials. Because the internet is so fucking rude

  • Nora: (Right?) Do you get a lot of hate?

  • E: I never received hate. I can count my blessings. I’m very lucky with my audience. The people who watch me.

  • Nora: I was happy the first time I received hate.

  • E: Really?!

  • Nora: Yes. Because I was like, okay, means I’m doing something different. You know?

  • E: Ah, right.

  • Nora: I looked at it in a positive way. Yet, too much hate, would be annoying. But I get dumb hate.

  • E: Dumb hate?

  • Nora: Yes… So, back to the girlfriend on insta!

  • E: Just, the people who are close to me… Like my parents, they jokingly said that they want to be in a video. Don’t mind being in a podcast or stuff like that. But I know how cruel people on the internet can be and weirdly enough, I want to protect my parents against that. Not that my parents would be like incredibly cringy.

  • Nora: I get it.

  • E: It’s just, say one thing wrong and the internet will tear you apart.

  • Nora: True.

  • E: My parents wouldn’t say something *that* bad, causing an entire attack of the internet. Yet…

  • Nora: I don’t know. People on the internet. People on Twitter.

  • E: Twitter is unbelievable, right?

  • Nora: People are *really* sensitive. Really sensitive.

  • E: Right.

  • Nora: If you say: “My favorite color is red.”

  • E: “What? Huh?!”

  • Nora:“Euh, why?! What’s the reason?!” Actually so dumb. Dumb. I don’t get it.

  • E: Right.

  • Nora: There’s always something.

  • E: I completely agree.

  • Nora: So if you had a relationship, we wouldn’t know?

  • E: Not immediately. If I have that feeling, like okay yes… If that person… I don’t know. It depends, I guess. If it’s someone that I think is… Dude. It’s a tough question.

  • Nora: Tough one, right?

  • E: I just know that… if I find someone, they have to be 'supportive’ of the stuff I do. I’m really involved with social media. It’s difficult to- If they hate social media or the people I work with, then it’s difficult for me to keep continuing this and be with them.

  • Nora: Yeah.

  • E: Difficult. We’ll see.

  • Nora: Would you rather date someone known or unknown? Unknown, as in, not the same world as you.

  • E: The same world? That’s the thing, I don’t have- I really don’t care about that. For example, Sarah Lien Klerks, a good friend of mine-

  • Nora: Who?

  • E: Sarah Lien Klerks, an actress, played in 'Familie’?

  • Nora: Ah, yes, yes. I know her. I mean, 'know’ her.

  • E: She has tons of followers and all that, but I *never* watched an episode of 'Familie’.

  • Nora: (Me neither.)

  • E: Other people too. I mean… You and Veerle play in a show, that we can’t talk about and I didn’t see. I saw parts.

  • Nora: Me too.

  • E: For me, it’s like… I saw things on the internet and thought: 'Hey, they seem nice people.’ It’s rather, when I think someone is interesting online, that I do something with them. Not because they’re super famous. I know more well-known people, yet I don’t want to make a podcast with them. Yeah. It’s way more interesting for the podcast too. People watch this video, not for me, but for you. I know that.

  • Nora: For *us*!

  • E: For *us*! The convo! I don’t know. Whether I’m together with someone who has followers or not, it doesn’t make a difference. You? Would you like to be together with a famous person?

  • Nora: The complete opposite, I think.

  • E: Rather not? Someone who’s less into fame?

  • Nora: Yes. I think so.

  • E: Otherwise you’d think if they’re with you for-

  • Nora: No, not because of that. Just… That world is already very busy. Really fake too.

  • E: Ah, yeah.

  • Nora: Then I’d rather pick someone, who brings me back to reality.

  • E: I have that with my friend group.

  • Nora: Right?

  • E: I have *that* with my friends.

  • Nora: You need that. You really need that. Boyfriend, family, friends.

  • E: I agree.

  • Nora: I rather have someone who’s not-

  • E: Not into the media bullshit. I get that. I mean, my friend group has that, I- Last time, I was at a 'cantus’. I wasn’t drinking, but tending bar for my friends.

  • Nora: A 'cantus’?

  • E: A 'cantus’, you know that? That’s- If I have to explain, it might sound like a dumb concept, maybe. You come together. You sing songs. And you drink. That’s it.

  • Nora: You come together, you sing- Which songs?

  • E: 'Cantus’ songs, but I don’t know, I put together a playlist with a friend of mine, filled with sing-along songs. From 'Baby’ to 'Hoe het danst' to any song that people can sing. And… So, that’s the thing. You sing, you do challenges, you laugh. And you drink.

  • Nora: Okay, sounds fun.

  • E: I don’t like drinking *that* much, so I suggested that I just tend bar and fix that they always had beer. And… At that moment, before the 'cantus’ they said: “People, some rules, we’re not going to film or vlog.” I was standing in the corner and everyone turns to me. For me, it’s fucking amazing. A reality check. “You’re just a loser here too, Ender”. That’s chill.

  • Nora: I think it’s difficult sometimes.

  • E: Difficult?

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: Because?

  • Nora: When I’m with my family, they often use the nickname 'the actress’.

  • E: 'The actress’?

  • Nora: While I rather not address it, in my free time.

  • E: And is it-

  • Nora: It’s not who I am. It’s what I do!

  • E: Is it a joke or?

  • Nora: Just for laughs.

  • E: Yes?

  • Nora: Yet, it’s… If you walk through the city, for example, it still surprises you. You don’t think: 'People will recognize me’. When someone does, it’ll pop up. Oh right, my job. 'My job’. What I do. You’ll be confronted with that. So if you go home to your family, you don’t want it to happen again. I don’t know.

  • E: I get that.

  • Nora: They see me… Sometimes I’m seen as… As 'Nora Dari’. Not just 'Nora’. You know?

  • E: That’s not what you…? Because if you don’t want to be 'Nora Dari’, while still hoping to be an actress in Hollywood… A bit of a contradiction, right?

  • Nora: I know. That’s why I said to you, that I’d rather have a management who fixes things. The business side, I don’t like it. What I like, is acting.

  • E: Of course.

  • Nora: That’s what I like. The fame… That’s why I contradict myself, because I like acting. And preferably in Hollywood movies, since I grew up with that. What I watch. But the fame and all that?

  • E: No?

  • Nora: Fuck that.

  • E: I can get that. It must be a lot. Because - I know I can’t say anything - you all, in the series, gained a certain level of fame in a short period of time. Instantly. Some need to work towards that. So it must be crazy to get that spotlight. It must be difficult… To handle that. I can’t imagine. Or don’t you have the feeling that-

  • Nora: No, it wasn’t that difficult.

  • E: No?

  • Nora: I somewhat expected it? I knew we were making something amazing.

  • E: Yeah, alright.

  • Nora: Never been done, I mean. We all kind of expected this, but *how* crazy? A bit… Next level.

  • E: Okay. By the way, I saw that you dyed your hair blonde?

  • Nora: Yes!

  • E: Yes?! Why that choice? On a wim?

  • Nora: Like this. If you look back on my Twitter, I once tweeted it. Popped inside my head. 'I want to go blonde.’ I tweeted: “Maybe I’m blonde on Sunday”. And because I did that…

  • E: Okay?

  • Nora: I was like: 'Fuck, I gotta do it, you know?’

  • E: So like, tweeting it and then 'oh shit’.

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: Oh no. Okay, yes, then maybe tweet later: “I have to give Ender Scholtens 500 euros?” 'Oh no, it’s on my Twitter!’

  • Nora: No, no, no! Not that.

  • E: Alright.

  • Nora: I just did it. A problem, of course.

  • E: Yes? Yes, I can imagine it may cause some problems.

  • Nora: Yes, it’s unprofessional, right?

  • E: Certainly if you still have to film stuff.

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: By the way, I saw something on your Twitter… I thought, I don’t know-

  • Nora: What’s your background?!

  • E: Well, I got an app and-

  • Nora: Wtf?

  • E: Your friends can be on there as well. It’s called 'WallClaimer’.

  • Nora: I don’t know that.

  • E: You can set up a background for all your friends. Like, for example-

  • Nora: Ah, dope!

  • E: This photo. Cool pic. I can that send to… Olaf, my little brother. 'Send’ and now it’s on his background.

  • Nora: Okay, I think that’s a bit creepy.

  • E: Creepy, sometimes annoying, if you’re… I don’t know… At your manager, for example. Suddenly a nude pic on your background. That’s possible.

  • Nora: A nude pic…

  • E: Yes.It happened to me. A semi-naked pic from one of my friends, sitting on the toilet.

  • Nora: And you still laugh with it?!

  • E: But that’s super funny!

  • Nora: That’s not funny! That’s not funny.

  • E: No?

  • Nora: No, dude.

  • E: By the way, if someone wants to send me a 'WallClaimer’: Ender Scholtens. How funny is that? Imagine if someone randomly-

  • Nora: Okay, but I’ll do it.

  • E: Yes, later!

  • Nora: I just looks like hacking to me.

  • E: Indeed.

  • Nora: How can someone go into my system?

  • E: It’s the permission you give to the app.

  • Nora: That means the app can go in your phone. You know that, right? If they can go into your system and upload a photo, set it up as a background. That’s crazy, you know that right?

  • E: Correct, but I don’t think you want to know, which kind of info or power we give to certain apps.

  • Nora: Yes, it’s not the only one. I know.

  • E: The things you say 'Yes, yes, good, good, good’ to, the moment you download the app, it could say: "If Mark Zuckerberg needs a kidney, he can take yours".

  • Nora: Yes. Of course.

  • E: It might say that! I wouldn’t know. You?

  • Nora: No.

  • E: Crazy, right? I don’t know. Are you ever scared of that? No? Don’t think about it?

  • Nora: You don’t think about it. But my father-

  • E: Yes, tell me.

  • Nora: Is really good at that stuff.

  • E: Those things, what do you mean? Hacking or in…? Okay! Cut! Okay, tell me later then.

  • Nora: I’m dying with laughter!

  • E: Oh, that’s what I wanted to say. I saw something on your Twitter, I don’t even remember if it was yours, but- Or did I check the wrong Twitter? Looking at another Twitter? Yes? What?! You’re being so mysterious!

  • Nora: Yes!

  • E: Alright.

  • Nora: It was someone else’s Twitter!

  • E: Someone else…

  • Nora: I don’t even have Twitter…

  • E: You don’t have Twitter? Really?!

  • Nora: Don’t have Twitter.

  • E: Don’t have Twitter? So I’ve been following, checking out someone else’s?

  • Nora: Yes, yes, there is someone who’s copying me.

  • E: Yes? Gosh, I keep believing you. That’s just me…

  • Nora: Yes?

  • E: But wait-

  • Nora: I’m truly serious.

  • E: I’m not following. Do you have Twitter or not?

  • Nora: No, I don’t have Twitter.

  • E: Okay… Weird… What the fuck?! Okay, super, I believe you now. But you keep laughing like that! I don’t get it! Alright. Another subject. I’m going to, by the way- I *do* have Twitter and every week I post: “Hey, if you want a shout-out in my podcast, retweet this tweet”. So I posted it again.

  • Nora: That’s cute.

  • E: Yes, I really try to. Here. Who would you like to give a shout-out?

  • Nora: I need to have a reason, you know? I’m just not-

  • E: Of course.The previous part, by the way, where we kept laughing and I kept saying that you were laughing, must be *so* incredibly vague on Spotify.

  • Nora: I like this guy’s…

  • E: Okay.

  • Nora: … profile pic.

  • E: Which guy?

  • Nora: 'Mahmoet Djan’! 'Mahmoet Djan’.

  • E: 'Mahmoet… Can? Kan?’

  • Nora: No, I think 'Djan’, pronouncing it like that?

  • E: 'Djan’? Okay. Ah, yes.

  • Nora: “By the way, they call me BBC - Bad Bitch Can”. Okurr!

  • E: Okurr! Alright.

  • Nora: Ah, look!

  • E: Yeeees!

  • Nora: How cute.

  • E: A great pinned tweet: “I’m on fucking Ender Scholtens’ story, OMFG”

  • Nora: How nice, dude.

  • E: Really cool. You articulated his name better than I did?

  • Nora: I have a lot of Turkish friends, right?

  • E: Ah, okay. So *how* would you pronounce his last name?

  • Nora:'Djan’, I think.

  • E: ’Djan’, 'Mahmoet Djan’. Alright, 'Mahmoet’, amazing! Thanks for listening! Really fucking cool. It’s weird- Was that a kissy that you did? Yes? And then I hit my knee, just when I wanted to be smooth! Hit my knee on the table. You’ll hear that in the podcast, I guess.

  • Nora: You’re such a - how do you call it - clumsy person?

  • E: Clumsy? Klutz?

  • Nora: Klutz. Klutz? Klutz!

  • E: Klutz or clumsy person. Both is fine. 'Clumish’?

  • Nora: Now you’re exaggerating, dude.

  • E: 'Clumish’ sounds like… A gnome!

  • Nora: Gnome… 'Gnome Klutz’!

  • E: 'Clumish’? I don’t know if that exists? You have 'Klus’… 'Lui’… 'Kwebbel’…[He’s naming fictional gnomes from a kid show] … And 'Clumish’. We just made him up.

  • Nora: Okay.

  • E: Okay?

  • Nora: I accept him… I accept him.

  • E: The best way to skip this whole topic. No. By the way- Why do I have black outs the whole time?! I wanted to ask you stuff.

  • Nora: Do I make you nervous?

  • E: A little bit.

  • Nora: How come?

  • E: Not going to tell.

  • Nora: Okay.

  • E: Something about blonde hair… Yes! So many girls-

  • Nora: Suddenly blonde?

  • E: Yes!

  • Nora: I think- You know what I believe in? When you think or dream about things, that you’ve seen it in real life.

  • E: Yes, unconsciously-

  • Nora: Yes, unconsciously, you’ve seen it everywhere. Probably where that energy came from, to turn blonde. Since I’ve seen it a lot.

  • E: And you thought: 'Waw, this is so original’.

  • Nora: Yes, ooooh.

  • E: “Ooooh, look at me.”

  • Nora: But I’m turning it back to brown, next month.

  • E: Next month?

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: Ever thought of doing something really crazy? Like pink or something?

  • Nora: No. No.

  • E: Blue?

  • Nora: Never!

  • E: Never?!

  • Nora: The day that I do that…

  • E: Then I’ll do it too?! Imagine!

  • Nora: No, but the day that- For a movie or a tv show, however, I would. Even go bald.

  • E: Really?! Yes?

  • Nora: Yes. Yes, of course.

  • E: If they ask for 'Vloglab’… ?

  • Nora: No, get out!

  • E: And Hollywood, so you can join them?

  • Nora: Then I would do it. I would.

  • E: Well, okay. That’s dedication. I might do the same.

  • Nora: I think you’ll do it. You seem like you would.

  • E: If Hollywood really asks me to-

  • Nora: And Flanders?

  • E: But I don’t know in which Flemish production I would really like to play. If it’s a movie on the same level as 'Patser’? Yes! 'Torpedo’ or 'Yummy’ or something like that?

  • Nora: Have you seen 'Torpedo’ yet?

  • E: No.

  • Nora: I haven’t either.

  • E: Later, go see it later? 'Torpedo’, yes… What was I saying? Ah, for those types of movies, I would.

  • Nora: Okay. But for a tv show like 'Code 37’?

  • E: I haven’t seen that one.

  • Nora: Me neither.

  • E: But apparently it’s good.

  • Nora: It sounds like it’s on the same level.

  • E: Sounds good.

  • Nora: It’s on Netflix.

  • E: Really?

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: Wow, cool. You know what’s also on Netflix? 'Avatar, the last airbender’.

  • Nora: Yes, but…

  • E: That’s something I’ve been binging lately, like crazy. No, not that much…

  • Nora: I saw one episode…

  • E: And stopped?!

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: Seriously?!

  • Nora: I know, I know, but the first season is just so boring.It’s just really boring.

  • E: Ah shit, let’s go with the internet hate! Nora has never seen- Nora thinks 'Avatar’ is-

  • Nora: No, that’s not what I’m saying! That’s not what I’m saying!

  • E: Just joking.

  • Nora: I’ve seen it all on 'Nickelodeon’.

  • E: Yes?

  • Nora: Yes, I even saw 'The legend of Korra’ until the end. I know everything, everything.

  • E: Oh, damn! Okay, so I was too too fast with my hate? Shit.

  • Nora: Yes! And you *just* told me: "Everyone is so critical", “The whole of Twitter judges” and this guy is judging me?! Anyways. That’s okay. This time.

  • E: Now it’s still alright.

  • Nora: But I couldn’t get through S1.

  • E: No?

  • Nora: No.

  • E: Because you saw it already?

  • Nora: No idea. Too boring. I think I’ll just skip to S2.

  • E: Okay. The story does built up very slowly, I understand that. But I never binged it like that before. I’ve seen random episodes, mixed on Nickelodeon.

  • Nora: Which part did you like the most? Of the whole 'Avatar’ series?

  • E: I haven’t completed it yet…

  • Nora: So far, then?

  • E: I’ve only binged S1. I haven’t seen a lot- I’ve had too much side projects.

  • Nora: Did see the part with Zuko… With the fire or electricity, I don’t remember, that he was like this.

  • E: Bending lightning. That’s really cool, right?

  • Nora: Yes. And that he doesn’t get it? He freaks? He’s like talking to God, I mean, 'God’…

  • E: Yes.

  • Nora: “You keep giving me shit. I just want you to help me."

  • E: Yes. Yes.

  • Nora: Or uncle Iroh. (Oh my god!)

  • E: Yeah, that’s an emotional… Episode, right?

  • Nora: That dude has quotes. Waw.

  • E: Indeed. Do you watch it in Dutch or English?

  • Nora: (Dutch.)

  • E: Dutch?

  • Nora: We’re used to it, right?

  • E: Indeed, I saw that version too, but I’m now watching it in English.

  • Nora: Different, right?

  • E: Right.

  • Nora: Maybe I should do that. While watching the first season.

  • E: A whole new show!

  • Nora: New, yes! Sarcastic!

  • E: A little. Sarcasm is… In this podcast it’s still okay.

  • Nora: What do you mean?

  • E: My sarcasm. I’m usually *way* more sarcastic.

  • Nora: It’s the nerves.

  • E: Correct. I’m incredibly fucking nervous right now. No, I- See, again. I don’t get it. But I never prepare.

  • Nora: Did you prepare something now? No?

  • E: No.

  • Nora: Okay, cool.

  • E: Did you? I asked you if you got my e-mail? With the preparations?

  • Nora: What?! You’re lying!

  • E: I did-

  • Nora: You don’t even have my e-mail address. What the hell. No. I was starting to feel bad.

  • E: Why would I send a mail?!

  • Nora: I was like 'no, no, no’. Can’t be.

  • E: Can’t be. No fucking way.

  • Nora: Unprofessional.

  • E: True. I haven’t. Maybe I should!

  • Nora: What?

  • E: Should I prepare questions?

  • Nora: No, then it looks forced.

  • E: Yeah?

  • Nora: Do you know that 'Chicken’- what’s it called?

  • E: 'Chicken’?

  • Nora: In England, you have-

  • E: 'Hot ones’? … Where they eat chicken? Spicy? No?

  • Nora: No.

  • E: That’s another series. Really cool.

  • Nora: With M Huncho. They also did one with Dave or Krept and Konan.

  • E: And that’s a podcast?

  • Nora: Not really… Forget it! … Yeah.

  • E: Alright.

  • Nora: It’s just genuine and real. That’s way more fun than something that’s…

  • E: Yes?

  • Nora: Than you giving me topics to talk about. Not fun. We’re just talking.

  • E: Alright.

  • Nora: Yeah.

  • E: The questions I would prepare… I’d make them completely absurd.

  • Nora: How do you mean?

  • E: As shitty as possible. "Who do you hate?!” “Go!”

  • Nora: You’re not going to get answers then, just silence.

  • E: Probably.

  • Nora: You’re doing it great, like this.

  • E: Damn! Thanks! Ever listened to them? Yes, busted!

  • Nora: I did, to Veerle’s podcast. Or the one with Ilias.

  • E: Ah, yes.

  • Nora: How many podcasts? Do you have a lot?

  • E: I think we’re at thirty-something. Crazy, right? No joke.

  • Nora: Who did you do?!

  • E: Who did I do… [Sexual innuendo]

  • Nora: This man!

  • E: I did Veerle, Ilias, Anisa, Silvio… I mostly did my friends.

  • Nora: Sounds weird, huh?

  • E: Really crazy. The first twenty or so, were mostly my friends. Now I try to combine, alternate between friends and people I- Because we never met before today.

  • Nora: Never.

  • E: Never.

  • Nora: (Never. Keep it that way.)

  • E: Never before and hopefully, never after this. Like that?

  • Nora: No, it’s a joke.

  • E: No, I think it’s cool. Like this. In a conversation, you get to know the person. Right? You usually don’t have that opportunity. When you meet someone for the first time, they’re often surrounded by other people. That’s not really an introduction. *This* is getting to know each other. All my podcasts are introductory meetings.

  • Nora: How many viewers do you have?

  • E: Euhm, three. Three, most of the time. And with you, it’ll be two, I think. No, I usually have around 1000 if it’s with my friends. Or lately, maybe more.

  • Nora: Really good.

  • E: With Veerle, I had 30 000.

  • Nora: That’s, that’s- That’s Veerle Dejaeger, huh?

  • E: Crazy, right? Weird though, because I had one - for example - with a girl that had gotten hate on Twitter. And…

  • Nora: Which girl?

  • E: Most people know this,I’ll tell you later. But I don’t want to burden her with this, again. Because her haters retweeted it, she got 10 000 views or something too.

  • Nora: What’s the saying?Advertising is advertising, right? Whether it’s positive or negative?

  • E: Correct. Publicity is-

  • Nora: Yeah, that.

  • E: Wait, I also forgot how it goes.

  • Nora: What’s with your hair?

  • E: That’s weird, huh? How it goes its own way? It’s a bit too long to be decent. It’s different every time.

  • Nora: I don’t get it.

  • E: No? You don’t get my hair?!

  • Nora: No. No.

  • E: I don’t know what’s to get.

  • Nora: You can style it in any way?

  • E: Yes.

  • Nora: And it stays that way?

  • E: Yes.

  • Nora: Waw.

  • E: Wait… Spotify, you can’t see anything. I’m going to put it on the other side. Ugh, that’s ugly!

  • Nora: Correct.

  • E: Yeah, it’s still fucked. Anyway.

  • Nora: Tousled, is nice.

  • E: Yes?

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: Can’t style it any other way. If I want it differently, it simply doesn’t work. Someone suggested to put it backwards- I *can* style it differently, but never how I want it. So, every day, I just have to accept how it is.

  • Nora: Do you use gel?

  • E: A bit of wax, not a lot. But I never shower, that’s probably why it’s always standing up.

  • Nora: You never wash your hair with shampoo?

  • E: No, I just never shower.

  • Nora: Sorry, but behave!

  • E: What?!

  • Nora: What the fuck?

  • E: No, of course I shower. With shampoo, of course. It’s just-

  • Nora: No, maybe you should stop using shampoo? Only conditioner? I heard it works.

  • E: Seriously?

  • Nora: Shampoo isn’t that good for your hair.

  • E: Are you for real?

  • Nora: I am.

  • E: I never heard that.

  • Nora: Look it up.

  • E: What does conditioner do?

  • Nora: I don’t know, give it a nice smell?

  • E: Chill.

  • Nora: Yes, but shampoo really isn’t good.

  • E: But does it clean?

  • Nora: Yes?! Water does it too?

  • E: Yes? I don’t know everything.

  • Nora: With conditioner, it’s even better.

  • E: Alright, cool.

  • Nora: Yes, so quit it. Toss it later. Your shampoo.

  • E: The whole bottle, in the trash. Conditioner, never bought that.

  • Nora: Conditioner, yeah. What?!

  • E: Never bought that. Never use it, only shampoo.

  • Nora: The easy life of a man.

  • E: Yeah, true.

  • Nora: Waw! I’ve got conditioner, hair mask, plain shampoo - three actually.

  • E: Hair mask?

  • Nora: Yes?

  • E: A hair mask?!

  • Nora: Not a mask, like this. But a mask… So, you wash your hair…

  • E: Yeah? Now I’m truly fascinated by all the products you can use.

  • Nora: Wash your hair, use conditioner.

  • E: Yeah, okay.

  • Nora: Let it rest, until you’re done showering. At the end, you put in the mask. Then you’re out of the shower.

  • E: Okay, I’m still following.

  • Nora: Do it on a Sunday or a free day. Let it stay in for the entire day and at the end, rinse it out. Then go to bed.

  • E: Now I want to know how it looks like.

  • Nora: I can film it for you?

  • E: Do it!

  • Nora: A new video thingy.

  • E: Next time you use a hair mask, send me a video. I’m actually intrigued by it.

  • Nora: Yeah?

  • E: Yes, I am.

  • Nora: Okay, cool.

  • E: Really intrigued.

  • Nora: Okay.

  • E: Alright, I learned something new.

  • Nora: I learn new things constantly.

  • E: Yes?

  • Nora: Yeah, right?

  • E: What the last thing you learned?

  • Nora: About you? No, I mean, I learn something new about you, each time.

  • E: Ah yeah, true. But this was something that I never heard of.

  • Nora: Really?

  • E: Yeah. Alright, my fascination with make-up and stuff… Last time, I told you, I had a pencil eyeliner. Not anymore of course. Really difficult to remove.

  • Nora: How did you?

  • E: I didn’t.

  • Nora: Yeah, ugh. Oh.

  • E: I just showered and rubbed my eyes every time. I had some black stripes, which were easy to remove. Woke up two days with black smudges underneath my eyes. And then it was gone.

  • Nora: You should’ve taken a- What’s it called?

  • E: A cotten pad?

  • Nora: A cotten pad. And make-up remover, for your eyes.

  • E: I don’t have that. I didn’t think about-

  • Nora: Do you have a sister?

  • E: No.

  • Nora: A mother?

  • E: Yes. But I was in Brussels for the week.

  • Nora: And you don’t know people in Brussels? Veerle?! You should’ve texted Veerle!

  • E: I could’ve done that.

  • Nora: Yes?!

  • E: Goh, yeah. Laziness, I guess.

  • Nora: I think so too.

  • E: Still funny. No?

  • Nora: Got a picture?

  • E: I’ve got one. But it’s- Wait, I’ve got it here. I took one with a disposable camera.

  • Nora: I really love that. I’ve bought one, the other day and let the pictures develop. They’re beautiful.

  • E: It’s like a time capsule.

  • Nora: If you look at them, you- I don’t know. You relive that moment. You don’t have that with normal pics.

  • E: Insane, right? Amazing. For example, this guy. Pretty, huh?

  • Nora: I do like it.

  • E: Seriously?!

  • Nora: I do.

  • E: Okay, from now on, I’ll put on eye shadow- No, pencil eyeliner constantly. Sorry. No? Could it be my new look?

  • Nora: No. It’s too much.

  • E: But you already thought I was wearing it in the beginning.

  • Nora: Did you open your window?

  • E: No?

  • Nora: It’s cold.

  • E: Is it cold?

  • Nora: Yes, but I get cold easily. Really fast.

  • E: I’m not cold. But, yeah, sometimes there is a draft in here. I don’t know where it comes from.

  • Nora: I’m going to put on my coat.

  • E: Yeah? Alright. Ever… Wardrobe- No wait, outfit change? Is that a thing? I don’t know. What?! Posing for the thumbnail. That’s something I don’t do for the vlogs. Thumbnail- For the podcast, I mean. Choosing a specific one. Too much effort. Alright. A thick coat. Better?

  • Nora: Much better.

  • E: Super. And now closing the podcast, right when you put on the coat. Nah.

  • Nora: Already?

  • E: No, but how long do you think we’re talking? You just saw it. How long?

  • Nora: I don’t know. I didn’t-

  • E: No? What do you think? What do you think? How long did we talk?

  • Nora: Seven minutes?

  • E: Seven minutes?!

  • Nora: Yes?

  • E: Is that a joke?! We’ve been talking for 42 minutes. Insane, huh? Incredible, right? That’s… yeah.

  • Nora: How many … do you need? Data storage?

  • E: I’ve got this. This a hard drive. With all my videos. Vlogs. Podcasts. That’s 3 terabyte. So that’s quite a fucking lot of… data storage. Hours of video. To record. Oh, I’ve got not enough on my camera. Right now. But I can delete this. The past three years of my life, can be purely seen on this hard drive. If you type in a date, you’ll see immediately what I was doing that day.

  • Nora: Really? Each day?

  • E: Almost each day, yes.

  • Nora: Waw.

  • E: Insane, huh?

  • Nora: You know what I did?

  • E: Tell me.

  • Nora: Before wtFOCK started, I kept a diary of some sorts.

  • E: A diary?

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: Okay. From-

  • Nora: Literally during the casting period. A diary. Yes.

  • E: Wow, alright.

  • Nora: I’m planning on releasing it one day. The casting for the French movie too.

  • E: Okay, yes?

  • Nora: Really before I was known.

  • E: Of course, that very interesting.

  • Nora: I’ve filmed myself and I remember saying: "I’m not sure I’ll get the role in the Flemish series".

  • E: A diary to a camera? Or written?

  • Nora: Yes, to a camera.

  • E: Okay, yeah.

  • Nora: Where I said- Nobody knew me back then. Nobody knew I wanted to act. So I said in the camera: “I don’t know what’s going to happen. I hope everything turns out well. But we’ll see.”

  • E: Yeah?

  • Nora: Then I played in a Finnish series, a Flemish series and a French movie. And I went to London two times for-

  • E: Insane.

  • Nora: It was crazy. But I also filmed the less fun parts of life. Like when my grandpa died. I put it in there too. Just to show that even though you’re building a career or you’re doing something, life will always get in the middle.

  • E: Indeed.

  • Nora: Life will always intervene.

  • E: Certainly. But life continues too.

  • Nora: Yes, of course.

  • E: So, you don’t have to-

  • Nora: But it’s like that, when you’re 'famous’. People assume you can’t be sad anymore or have a bad day.

  • E: 'Because you have it all now’.

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: 'What are you sad about’?

  • Nora: Yes. I’ve said this a couple of times before, but if I’m having an off day and don’t want to laugh, people think I’m 'high class’. Or 'I’ve changed’.

  • E: Looking down at people.

  • Nora: Indeed. While I simply have a bad day. You have bad days too. Your mother has off days too. Might be annoyed.

  • E: Of course. Sometimes I have- Not often, but when I walk down the street, with a neutral face, because you don’t always smile, and someone tries to make eye contact… I look back at them with a serious face, I’ll see their face change. Like 'Oh shit, they don’t want any contact with me’. Then I think: 'Oh, no, I didn’t want to seem angry’. It happens. I think it’s…

  • Nora: That sucks.

  • E: Goh, sucks… Sorry if I ever left an angry impression on you!

  • Nora: It sucks, if I don’t laugh at them by accident.

  • E: If you seem bitchy by accident.

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: Do you have a resting bitch face?

  • Nora: No? I think so.

  • E: Yes?

  • Nora: I think so. I’m not sure. Sometimes I hear I have one. Sometimes when I look around, someone says to me: “Nora, why do you looking so angry?” “Behave, why are you looking like that?" and I say: "Huh, what?”

  • E: “Do I look angry?”

  • Nora: Yes, while I’m thinking about something else. I don’t know. But if I have a resting bitch face? I don’t know, man.

  • E: I don’t think so.

  • Nora: How do you know?

  • E: I don’t know, I wanted to make you feel better. But you never received commentary like 'Wtf, you have a resting bitch face’?

  • Nora: No.

  • E: No? That’s good. Then you probably don’t have it?

  • Nora: I hope so.

  • E: But you are bitch, if I may say so.

  • Nora: No, dude. I’m not a bitch. Do I look like one?

  • E: No.

  • Nora: Honest truth?

  • E: No.

  • Nora: How do you perceive me? Straight up?

  • E: In a conversation?

  • Nora: Honestly.

  • E: In a conversation, you’re not one.

  • Nora: Then how do I look like?

  • E: Like a cunt, not a bitch. No! No, you’re great girl. Honestly. There wasn’t a moment where I thought: ‘Shit, I want this conversation to end’.

  • Nora: Okay.

  • E: But now I’m going to end it. No! Imagine.

  • Nora: That would be harsh.

  • E: How do I look?

  • Nora: Very down-to-earth.

  • E: Down-to-earth? But I don’t have anything to feel the opposite, I think.

  • Nora: You do.

  • E: Yes?

  • Nora: Yes. You’re humble, that too.

  • E: Humble, wow.

  • Nora: Yes, you are.

  • E: Keep the compliments coming.

  • Nora: I’m going to stop here.

  • E: No, I don’t know. Some people say that, but… I really appreciate the compliments, humble and all that. I think that’s something you have to be. And certainly- Because, look! Imagine that… In Belgium, you’re huge. Like you said, you walk down the street and people recognize you, without you realizing. If you would go to America, they wouldn’t recognize you. Who am I? I have 7000 followers and I’m very thankful for that, that’s super cool. 7000 followers. I can’t imagine 7000 people here, in front of my window, for example. But… I can’t walk around the street and think: 'Everyone will recognize me’. Because that’s fucking ridiculous. Then I’m lying to myself. So down-to-earth and humble, okay, is for me just… Logic. I don’t *have* anything, I could never say 'Hey, everyone knows me’.Or walk into a club like 'Everyone will stare at me’.

  • Nora: Because you compare yourself with this.

  • E: Of course, who else should I compare myself to? A classmate from ten years ago? Then I’ll probably have more followers and have three more people that recognize me outside, but… I don’t know.

  • Nora: Believe me, I know people who don’t have anything and still…

  • E: I feel that there are people that- There are some people who are on the 'come up’. Who recently found fame, and think that they’re the shit, because of the attention they’re getting right now.

  • Nora: I know.

  • E: Yeah, but whatever. I also think that you and Veerle are fucking down-to-earth. Even with all these things happening in your lives. That you’re still… Staying humble.

  • Nora: Ah, I love Veerle.

  • E: Veerle is great.

  • Nora: Yeah.

  • E: This morning, I *thought* I was going to have class with Veerle, but they were two tutorials of-

  • Nora: What do you study?

  • E: 'TEW’. Applied Economic Sciences.

  • Nora: Yeah, yeah.

  • E: Yeah.

  • Nora: How’s your math?

  • E: Math?

  • Nora: How is it?

  • E: Honestly? Less tough than Leuven, because I switched from Leuven to here. But it’s not easy. It’s doable. Why?

  • Nora: Math, I get nightmares if I think about it.

  • E: No? What do you study?

  • Nora: Business management.

  • E: Okay, and where? Antwerp?

  • Nora: No, in Hasselt.

  • E: Hasselt? Alright.

  • Nora: PXL.

  • E: Ah, cool. Happy there?

  • Nora: Yes. I was at KDG at first.

  • E: Ok, yeah.

  • Nora: No hate for KDG, but…

  • E: But pffff, okay. Says enough.

  • Nora: Yeah, wasn’t regulated well.

  • E: Ah, okay. So funny, these are the questions I ask in the beginning of the podcast. “And, what do you study?”

  • Nora: But we were talking already, right?

  • E: Exactly. It’s something I do every time. I usually talk with someone and then I put on the camera. Talk a little bit more. And then the podcast begins. More of a chill dynamic than making people come to here and starting immediately.

  • Nora: Of course, I get that. I thought you were going to go outside with the camera already rolling.

  • E: Really?

  • Nora: Yes.

  • E: No, I had to get you downstairs, that’s ten minutes of silence on the camera.

  • Nora: How long does it take to go downstairs?

  • E: Not ten minutes, actually. No, maybe three minutes before I get to the door, I think?

  • Nora: Because I often see that with vloggers, like Monica Geuze, that she suddenly enters the room, but then I think like: 'Ok, listen, we all know the camera is standing there’.

  • E: Yeah. Acting like the camera-

  • Nora: She enters like: “Ah, finally home” and she puts her bag down. And I think…

  • E: No, that’s- Do you know Casey Neistat?

  • Nora: If I see him, maybe.

  • E: Big YouTuber. He kinda introduced that concept. These cinematic transitions. It’s still a cool transition. If you’re in the story of the vlog, like coming home, then you can kinda accept that. But indeed, it’s often very fake. I don’t want to do that too much with my content. As genuine as possible.

  • Nora: It is. It feels like that.

  • E: Yes?

  • Nora: Yeah.

  • E: Because I studied my lines for this. What I’m saying right now.

  • Nora: Then I’ll go home now.

  • E: Going home then?

  • Nora: Yes. That would be such a shame. It couldn’t be possible.

  • E: Of course, I wouldn’t be this awkward at times. Or searching-

  • Nora: Then you wouldn’t be this nervous.

  • E: Exactly. I wouldn’t be searching for topics.

  • Nora: Do you?

  • E: Sometimes. I didn’t have that with you, but sometimes I’m talking to someone… And when they’re answering my question, I’ll zone out for a few seconds, thinking about something new. 'What can I ask?’

  • Nora: Wow.

  • E: I didn’t happen now. I think… It’s often unconsciously. Just because I want to keep the conversation going. Otherwise it’s boring. A sudden silence for ten minutes.

  • Nora: But you…

  • E: I don’t cut a lot in my podcast.

  • Nora: Really? Oh, putain.

  • E: Ooof, no, I-

  • Nora: What the time of one podcast?

  • E: Inbetween 40 minutes and one hour.

  • Nora: That’s long.

  • E: Yes, but we’ve already been talking for an hour.

  • Nora: No. 53 minutes. (It’s different.)

  • E: Correct.

  • Nora: Listen, you have to get an iPhone.

  • E: iPhone, why?

  • Nora: Just because.

  • E: Just because?

  • Nora: You’ve got an Android.

  • E: Indeed.

  • Nora: I was this close to calling you names. Nah. No, but why, why that?

  • E: Why an Android? Because I… I don’t know. My dad is really… Not anti iPhone, not anti Apple, but he’s a fan of Samsung, Android, actually.

  • Nora: And he influenced you?

  • E: Exactly.

  • Nora: Okay.

  • E: Similar to how my dad’s from the Netherlands and I sometimes cheer for the Dutch soccer team.

  • Nora: Really?

  • E: Yes.

  • Nora: Switch to the accent! Can you? Where does he come from?

  • E: Groningen.

  • Ender & Nora: [repeats in Dutch accent]

  • E: Yes.

  • Nora: [Dutch accent:] How nice! I think it’s nice!

  • E: No, very weird, but I can’t do it on command.

  • Nora: How do you mean?

  • E: If I’m in Groningen, I’ll switch automatically to a slight Dutch accent, I guess. I don’t think it bothers me then, but if someone asks me now: “Hey, talk Dutch!” Then I don’t know what to say. I can’t! Veerle is very good at faking accents, by the way. Are you? Can you fake an accent?

  • Nora: Depends.

  • E: Depends. A Dutch one?

  • Nora: [Dutch accent:] I think I can do it, but… I can do it, I guess, but I have Dutch friends and they tell me I’m fucking bad at it.

  • E: Wtf? I think it sounds good?

  • Nora: [Dutch accent:] Nah, it’s not. If you ask a Dutchman if it’s good, they’ll tell you 'no’.

  • E: Alright, still a solid effort though. It’s cool.

  • Nora: I don’t know.

  • E: Any other accents?

  • Nora: I’m really distracted as hell, huh?!

  • E: A little bit.

  • Nora: You notice that, right?

  • E: But me too, I’m always looking around.

  • Nora: If I see something, I have to- What’s that? 'Cards Against Humanity’?

  • E: 'Cards Against Humanity’. A game.

  • Nora: You’re weird, bro, like-

  • E: You know that game?

  • Nora: Like what you just said-

  • E: Ah yes, on the shelf in my dorm, there is a jar of- With what exactly?

  • Nora: Drugs. Money for drugs.

  • E: Drugs, sounds so harsh.

  • Nora: But it’s there!

  • E: Indeed!

  • Nora: Drugs!

  • E: I have two jars on that shelf. One with money for drugs, one next to it filled with drugs.

  • Nora: You have to say they’re pills.

  • E: Indeed, I just told Nora that these were peppermints. She believed me and ate one. She’ll feel it later on.

  • Nora: You’re joking right? A joke! It’s not even funny!

  • E: Yeah, no. No, of course, it’s not real drugs.

  • Nora: Dude, if I think about it-

  • E: It could’ve been?!

  • Nora: Yes!

  • E: Just visiting for a 'podcast’-

  • Nora: I’m at a stranger’s house!

  • E: It could’ve been! Don’t take candy from strangers!

  • Nora: Not funny, I’m realizing that this was really dumb.

  • E: Nooo.

  • Nora: It’s you, it’s because it’s you, but imagine, I’m at someone else’s and I just take something.

  • E: True.

  • Nora: Really dumb, right?

  • E: Good to know that people trust me. I’ll take advantage of that.

  • Nora: Don’t.

  • E: Of course not! A good mint, though?

  • Nora: Yeah, tasty.

  • E: Yes, that’s good. I think it’s time to conclude the podcast, because the drugs will kick in soon. Nah.

  • Nora: I hate- !

  • E: But is there something you still want to say, before we end this? Because it felt like *I* talked a lot. At the end.

  • Nora: You think so?

  • E: Yes. But-

  • Nora: I don’t know.

  • E: This is your moment.

  • Nora: [Dutch accent:] I would like to say…

  • E: [Dutch accent:] Well?

  • Nora: I don’t have anything left to say.

  • E: No?

  • Nora: I talk too much, dude. You see me too much.

  • E: You think so?

  • Nora: People see me too much, I should leave for some time. Living on the background.

  • E: Alright. Can they follow you somewhere? Not on Twitter, I know that now.

  • Nora: Follow me on insta?

  • E: Insta, alright.

  • Nora: Instagram.'Noradari_’

  • E: Okay.

  • Nora: That’s it. Snapchat is personal.

  • E: Okay.

  • Nora: Twitter non-existent.

  • E: ’@personal’ then, or? Oh, that one was too lame! Sorry! Alright, sorry, continue!

  • Nora: You ruined it! You ruined it!

  • E: My apologies.

  • Nora: You know that video?

  • E: 'You ruined it’? Yes, I do.

  • Nora: You ruined it!

  • E: Yes.

  • Nora: Anyways.

  • E: Anyways.

  • Nora: Have a good day, everyone.

  • E: Good day…

  • Nora: Be kind to each other. Very important.

  • E: That’s beautiful.

  • Nora: It’s a cliché, right?

  • E: True. Spread positivity! Beautiful.

  • Nora: Have to! People talk too much, people act less.

  • E: Fact!

  • Nora: So, that.

  • E: That? Beautiful! Yeah, I don’t know, you can follow me @enderscholtens on all platforms. I think Nora is getting a call, so-

  • Nora: Gotta go!

  • E: Thanks for listening and see you next Monday! Peace!