Source: Studio Brussel (Flowjob)
- 19th of February 2020

  • Nathan Bouts: “Mirror mirror, on the wall”

  • Flo Windey: “Who is the best fucker of them all?”

  • Nathan: “You, dude.”

  • Flo: “This is ‘Flowjob’. We’re still talking openly and explicitly about sex and now we’re doing it even more about things you want to know. Because you have filled in surveys and send us questions. You were with 25,000 people who’ve done this, which is a whole fucking lot, but thank you. The guest this week is: Nathan Bouts. Are you lying okay?”

  • Nathan: “I’m lying okay!”

  • Flo: “Do you have a relationship at the moment?”

  • Nathan: “No, I don’t have a relationship at the moment.”

  • Flo: “So, are you dating?”

  • Nathan: “Yes, sometimes, but I’m not great at it. I’d rather get to know someone, that’s a bit cliché, but meeting someone in real life…”

  • Flo: “Yeah”

  • Nathan: “That you don’t have to look around very hard, that you don’t have to do Tinder, that you don’t have to go on weird, forced dates… Because then I shut down.”

  • Flo: “Do you have a lot of sex?”

  • Nathan: “At the moment, no. I’m running a bit dry at the moment.”

  • Flo: “So, do you have a onenightstand here and there?”

  • Nathan: “I’ve never had a onenightstand.”

  • Flo: “Never?”

  • Nathan: “Never. I tried it once and it didn’t end well.”

  • Flo: “Spill!”

  • Nathan: “I had the thought: now I really have to have sex, it’s been too long. So I met up with a girl, we went to my place and it was too planned. She was lying there, fully nude, and nothing happened. That was fucking embarrassing. So I went down on her for a long time, hoping that it would stand up, but it didn’t work. It wasn’t fun for her as well, because she started doubting herself, then the girl thinks there is something wrong with her.”

  • Flo: “Do you doubt yourself sometimes?”

  • Nathan: “Yes, doesn’t everybody?”

  • Flo: “I have that as well. That I sometimes think: ‘What am I doing? How do I look like now?”

  • Nathan: “I have that no matter what, I’m very self conscious. But really too much.”

  • Flo: “Also during sex?”

  • Nathan: “Yeah, when I’m busy during, and thinking ‘What the fuck am I doing actually? Two naked people, who are making weird sounds and touching each other.”

  • Flo: “That you suddenly realize…”

  • Nathan: “Yeah, that’s really annoying, when you’re doubting. ‘Keep him up, keep him up, keep him up’ and if I’m thinking that, it’s ruined.”

  • Flo: “That’s a struggle girls don’t have.”

  • Nathan: “No, see, that’s a luxury!”

  • Flo: “What does help at that moment?”

  • Nathan: “Finding a moment to relax, using your senses, a bit of touching, kissing always helps.”

  • Flo: “Is there a difference for you between love and lust?”

  • Nathan: “For me, it’s a bit the same, I only have lust if I’m in love. Then the beast gets loose. If I’m not in love, if there isn’t a deeper connection, then the beast won’t get loose. Then there isn’t much of a beast.”

  • Flo: “I understand that. Out of the survey with 25,000 people, we’ve learned that 47% never had a onenightstand.”

  • Nathan: “Aha, so I don’t have to be ashamed, for anything really.”

  • Flo: “Ofcourse not. I think we keep thinking that a onenightstand is normal and that it’s cool-”

  • Nathan: “Why do we? Why do we think like that?”

  • Flo: “I blame Sex And The City.”

  • Nathan: “I thought it was good. Sex And The City. My mother used to watch and I watched it with her. It was really good.”

  • Flo: “Really good.”

  • Flo: “We have a question from a special someone: granny Flowjob. This is her.”

  • Granny Flowjob: “Nathan, can I ask you: do you always use a condom?”

  • Nathan: “I’ve only had sex in a relationship. In the beginning, I always use a condom, especially the first time. You don’t know each other, you don’t know what they’ve done in bed. Then I use a condom, for sure. But I have to admit, if the relationship continues…”

  • Flo: “When you’re starting to trust each other…”

  • Nathan: “You trust each other, you’re honest with each other, you know what everyone has done. Then I admit the condom…”

  • Flo: “When you know if she has the pill or any other form of anticonception…”

  • Nathan: “Then we toss the condom in the trash. It’s just nicer without one.”

  • Flo: “Is it more fun without one?”

  • Nathan: “I personally think so, yes. It’s just more contact, it feels better. Sometimes it can kill my mood. You’re in the mood, but then you have to put on a condom, you have to search for one, taking one, opening them, your fingers are covered, it smells…”

  • Flo: “Then it’s gone.”

  • Flo: “When do you get turned on? In which part of the foreplay?”

  • Nathan: “I can really get turned on by something a girl says. That gets me triggered.”

  • Flo: “Very nice!”

  • Nathan: “Yeah, that’s nice.”

  • Flo: “So is dirty talk your thing? Or intellectual words?”

  • Nathan: “During sex you’re not using intellectual- It doesn’t work like that. But dirty talk does something. Sound is very important.”

  • Flo: “Really weird, right?! People who don’t make sounds? Or not?”

  • Nathan: “That’s weird, right?”

  • Flo: “You want some feedback, right?”

  • Nathan: “Then you know if you’re doing it right. (Flo: “Motivation!”) It does a lot, if you get good sounds, that turns me on. Also, during the music and then sounds… If I have sex with music, then it’s much longer and more extensive. If it’s without, it’s shorter.”

  • Flo: “Shall we make some ambiance?”

  • Nathan: “Okay, what really gets me into the mood, is ‘Climax’ (good name) from ‘Slum Village’.”

  • Flo: “How many times did you have sex on this? On top of your head?”

  • Nathan: “At least… 300 times. Certainly, that song just asks for sex.”

  • Flo: “I’m curious.”

  • Nathan: *sings along*

  • Flo: “But he’s so aggressive in his tone, but-”

  • Nathan: “But still subtle and in his flow, you know, very careful and still so touchy and-”

  • Flo: “Like: ‘we’re gonna have sex’ ’we’re gonna have sex’ ”

  • Nathan: “But this is for when the sex is already happening, for before that, then I need other songs.”

  • Flo: “Calmer or ‘Darude - Sandstorm’?

  • Nathan: “That’s the song to have sex on, like…”

  • Flo: “But really, I thought about it and to have sex on this number, it would be fierce”

  • Nathan: “Fucking fierce, I couldn’t do it.”

  • Flo: “You’d be tired, coming after 10 seconds.”

  • Flo: “Do you masturbate?”

  • Nathan: “No! … Ofcourse, I do.”

  • Flo: “A lot? Or?”

  • Nathan: “Surely every day. Usually in the mornings, you wake up with it, you know? The best way to make it disappear is…”

  • Flo: “Wanking.”

  • Flo: “I’m gonna bring out my box.”

  • Nathan: “Your box? Okay…”

  • Flo: “My box”

  • Nathan: “Ooooh, okay, the box.”

  • Flo: “You’re allowed to go in there.”

  • Nathan: “What’s in here?”

  • Flo: “Watch out, you’re stretching my vag.” (= drawing outside the box)

  • Nathan: “Oh, what’s this, a kitchen timer? An egg? Wtf is this?”

  • Flo: “That’s a masturbation egg.”

  • Nathan: “WTF, a masturbation-, oooh, okay, I get it.”

  • Flo: “You can hold it over your dick head.”

  • Nathan: “That’s really ingenious. Yeah… Do I have to try this or what?”

  • Flo: “You don’t have to try it now, you can take it home.”

  • Nathan: “Really? Exciting.”

  • Flo: “Do you think you’ll use it?”

  • Nathan: “I’m triggered, yeah. Later on, on the train…”

  • Flo: “I wish I had a penis, so I could try it out.”

  • Nathan: “I’ll let you know how it was.”

  • Flo: “Really good.”

  • Nathan: “Thank you!”

  • Flo: “You’re welcome.”

  • Flo: “A question that was send to us: is it normal that if I touch myself, that I come faster than during sex?”

  • Nathan: “I have the same thing. You know your own penis the best, you know how it feels, you know faster- you’re the expert of your own body. I think it’s logical that if you do it yourself, then you come faster.”

  • Flo: “Is it necessary, is it the ultimate goal to come during sex?”

  • Nathan: “You don’t have sex purely just to come, right? That’s primitive. That’s until the (Flo: “Ejaculation.”) I’ve had good sex where I didn’t come at the end. It’s also your mood. If you had a lot of stuff in your head during the day, you’re thinking of things or you’re distracted. Then it’s not bad, per se, that you didn’t come. Then, the next time.”

  • Flo: “And if a girl or boy is watching and thinking: ‘My partner doesn’t come.’ What do I say, what do I ask?”

  • Nathan: “You have to talk about, I think.”

  • Flo: “How can you do that?”

  • Nathan: “Just be honest. If you don’t communicate, then you don’t get to know each other, that you don’t know what you like, what’s your struggles, what’s your insecurities.”

  • Flo: “We also asked our panel (Nathan: “Oh, a panel.”) ‘Is it necessary to come during sex’?

  • Enderscholtens: “I don’t think I’ve had sex without coming.”

  • Jietse_pauwaert: “Most of the time if I didn’t come it’s because it was good, because I want it to last longer and if I did, it’s because I wanted it to be done, I want it to be over.”

  • Amsmeysmans: “Coming once, I’d like that to happen, haha, hint!”

  • Susanfromgrindr: “I notice that after the sex, if I’m still horny, then it’s more difficult to go to sleep.”

  • Nathan: “That’s a bit mixed.” (Flo: “Yes, right?”) That’s interesting. For me, it’s not necessarily the goal. Otherwise, I’ll just masturbate.”

  • Flo: “I’ve said it once before, when it was done and he didn’t come, I said ‘do it yourself’.”

  • Nathan: “That’s good that you can say it like that, right?”

  • Flo: “50% of men of the ‘Flowjob’ community think it’s important to come during sex and the women from community, only 15%.”

  • Nathan: “15%? That I didn’t expect. And I didn’t expect more than half of the men thinking that it’s not important.”

  • Flo: “But it takes away the pressure. The pressure that you have to perform. I have to come and the other person too.”

  • Nathan: “Yeah, that’s a lot of pressure, if you have to start sex like that, if you start with the thought: we have to come, the both of us, and together - it will not result in good sex, I think.”

  • Flo: “Together, that’s a myth.”

  • Nathan: “I’ve had it a couple of times.”

  • Flo: “Me as well, but not a lot and if you had it, then it’s wow.”

  • Nathan: “That’s really wow. It’s so magical, it’s really good.”

  • Flo: “It’s like finding a four-leave clover over here.”

  • Flo: “We have a few dilemma’s. You may answer-”

  • Nathan: “I may or I have to?”

  • Flo: “You have to, I’m sorry”

  • Nathan: “No, it’s ok. It’s good.”

  • Flo: “Always sex with the same person or with someone else?”

  • Nathan: “The same.”

  • Flo: “Spanking or bondage?”

  • Nathan: “Spanking.”

  • Flo: “Already done this?”

  • Nathan: “Yes.”

  • Flo: “Fun?”

  • Nathan: “Fun. Nice.”

  • Flo: “Tits or brains?”

  • Nathan: “Brains.”

  • Flo: “Lingerie or naked?”

  • Nathan: “Naked. I think lingerie is bullshit. It’s about what’s inside.”

  • Flo: “Yeah? You don’t get a lot out of it, it’s mostly the woman who feels…”

  • Nathan: “Yeah, as a woman, it might be fun to feel like-”

  • Flo: “Empowering. So, Rough or soft?”

  • Nathan: “If I have to choose: rough.”

  • Flo: “Sober or high?”

  • Nathan: “Sober.”

  • Flo: “Yeah? Why?”

  • Nathan: “Because you feel everything better and you get with the program. It’s an experience then.”

  • Flo: “Did you have sex while high?”

  • Nathan: “I did smoke and had sex, yeah. That’s kinda fun.”

  • Flo: “So under the influence of weed, you thought was fun, but you’d rather have sex sober?”

  • Nathan: “Yes, rather sober, because (under the influence) you might feel everything more intense, but you’re not there for the full 100%. (Flo: it’s vague.) It’s very vague. And because I’m already easily distracted, the smoking doesn’t help. If I think about something then, it’s ‘aaaah’ and then it’s done.

  • Flo: “Did you ever - during sex - look at the side and notice there is a mirror and think: euhm… It happens in two ways…”

  • Nathan: “On the one hand, it could be ‘weeeh nice’ or on the other hand, it’s ‘stop it’.

  • Flo: “ ‘Stop it’, but that’s the thing with mirrors on the ceiling. In a typical whore movie, motel thing…”

  • Nathan: “That I haven’t… (Flo: No?) No. Mirrors. Mirror mirror on the wall.”

  • Flo: “Who is the best fucker of them all?”

  • Nathan: “You, dude.”

  • Nathan: “Much better. Hopla!”

  • Flo: “How was it?”

  • Nathan: “Good.”

  • Flo: “Was it good for you?”

  • Nathan: “Yeah, it was good for me. Was it good for you?”

  • Flo: “Yeah, actually, it was.”

  • Nathan: “Excellent bed. ”

  • Flo: “Yeah, excellent bed. Something you want to take home.”

  • Nathan: “I’m surely taking that egg home.”

  • Flo: “I want to know how it was!”

  • Nathan: “And now I’m in doubt to install a mirror above my bed. However, I have a slanted roof, so that’s not going to work.”

  • Flo: “Oh no, it’s not going to work.”

  • Nathan: “Ah fuck.”

  • Flo: “That’s unfortunate.”

  • Nathan: “Moving away, then.”

  • Flo: “Ok, let me know.”

  • Nathan: “Moving away, then, with my egg towards a flat ceiling, so I can install a mirror.”

  • Flo: “Goals!”

  • Nathan: “Goals!”

  • Flo: “Thank you for coming.”

  • Nathan: “No problem.”

  • Flo: “Bye!”