1 minute with: Veerle Dejaeger

  • "Veerle Dejaeger, hallo!"


  • "What's your last used emoji, and why did you send it?"

"Oh, the..." *makes sad face* "Because that's me"

  • "Veerle Dejaeger, are you someone who hunts or who gets hunted."

"The second one, though. I rather get attention than giving it to others."

  • “If you had take someone from the 'wtFOCK'-cast into a new lockdown… Who would be the best to get along with?”

“Nora Dari. When I’m with her, I can truly have intense conversations for hours… and gain more insights. She inspires me and I just love hanging out with her, because of how she is as a person. She’s really soft, she’s very inspiring and that’s just super nice.”

  • "Veerle, your hakuna matata."

"'Everlasting growth'. So that you keep renewing yourself and keep continuing the search for growth. And 'to inspire and to be inspired'. That's important for me. It motivates me. That makes me Veerle."