Maandag 14:41

Oopsie: Jana’s hair suddenly changes from loose strands to a ponytail, when running to the bathroom.

How ‘meta’ of you: “What kind of person are you then?” How existencial. The question every single SKAM character asks himself/herself constantly.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: A sticker on a locker next to the envelop says 'U are here' like a location sign.

Woensdag 14:24

C is for culture: A boarding school is called an ‘internaat’. The essence of it all remains the same: children live together in dorms, with strict supervision, in a daily structure for eating, sleeping, relaxing and studying. And in weekends, the students go home to their own families. What’s the difference? Usually, there isn’t an own private school connected to this institute. An ‘internaat’ provides services in coöperation with one or more nearby-located schools all-together.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: One of the tabs on Jana’s computer is a news article ‘What to do if you cheated on him?’.

Donderdag 12:22

C is for culture: “Two years ago there was a chlamydia epidemic” - Oh boi, if that isn’t true though. Apparently, STDs are back on the rise all over Europe in recent years. One of the main reasons is the increase and accuracy of target testing. Yet specialists also notice young people are neglecting to test themselves after a string of relationships, where the pill is more the norm than the condom or thinking that ‘it’s safe enough’ to forgo any anticonception.

Where is Wally? The person talking to Jana is Gill, also known as Senne’s best friend. She will play a larger role later on in S2.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The Beat Girls are all drinking ‘Arizona tea’.

Vrijdag 15:46

That’s character / Perfect parallel: With Britt, it all comes back to what her best friend Jana and her boyfriend Jens did behind her back, during that last summer. What's explained here in this exact scene. Her attitude in S1 is rooted in hurt, anger and betrayal.

In S3, a lot of the relationship drama and mindset she has, stems from these past themes. Britt, in essence, has been cheated on again. But due to severe abandonment issues as well as trust issues, she can’t seem to let go of Sander, blames behavior on MI and emotionally manipulates the situation.

She even convinces Jana to be a messenger. Which the latter understandably does, since she wants to be back in good graces. It isn’t until Britt notices Sander’s drawing of Robbe, that’s she truly understands it all.

Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Some kid with a locker above Britt is really obsessed with Fellaini from the Belgian national soccer team ‘The Red Devils’.