Behavioral EC '20

2nd Workshop on Behavioral Economics and Computation

*** Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2nd Workshop on Behavioral EC is postponed to next year. The workshop will be held in conjunction with EC 2021 and with GAMES 2021 in the same venue in Budapest, Hungary, as planned originally ***

The 2nd Workshop on Behavioral EC will be held in conjunction with the 22nd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (ACM EC '21) and with GAMES 2021. The goal of the Behavioral EC workshop is to bring together researchers from diverse subareas of EC who are interested in the intersection of human economic behavior and computation, to share new results and to discuss future directions for behavioral research related to economics and computation. It will be a full-day workshop, and will feature invited speakers, contributed paper presentations and a panel discussion.

The 1st Behavioral EC Workshop was held on June 2019, in Pheonix, Arizona, in conjunction with EC '19 and as part of FCRC '19. See the workshop website for more details.
