The Latest News from BSEL

2024년 게재 논문

A 6-month exercise intervention clinical trial in women: effects of physical activity on multi-omics biomarkers and health during the first wave of COVID-19 in Korea. BMC Sports, Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2024

Differential patterns of reproductive and lifestyle risk factors for breast cancer according to birth cohorts among women in China, Japan, and Korea. Breast Cancer Research, 2024

박치훈, 최서진, 차령 학부생 연구 교육생으로 연구실 합류(6-7월) 

노정민 박사, 2024 국제 체육측정학회(International Society for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour) 구연 발표 (6월) Renn, Brittany, France

신우영 박사, 박사후 연구원으로 BSEL 합류(5월)

권기범, 홍성빈 학생 인턴 연구원으로 연구실 합류(23.12-24.2)