Quantum Mechanics Bookclub

This is the homepage for the Quantum Mechanics bookclub at the Bernouilli Institute. The bookclub intends to stimulate discussions on the fundamental and mathematical structure of quantum mechanics.  It is aimed at PhD and master's students of mathematics and theoretical physics. No prior knowledge of quantum mechanics is required. 

We meet biweekly on Wednesdays at 16:00 (alternated with the basic notions seminar).

We will mostly follow the book Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians by Leon A. Takhtajan (with a strong mathematical flavour), but also the book Quantum Mechanics I by A. Galindo and P. Pascual (more physics oriented). Although feel free to use the reference you like the most!

Organisers: Riccardo Bonetto and Jorge Becerra.

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Tentative program of the bookclub


Upcoming talks

7 December (room 5161.0041b ): Eric Pap: Path integral and Feynman diagram

14 December [following week!] (room 5161.0041b ):  Eric Pap: Field theories

Xmas break

?? (room ??): Martine Schut: (Magnetic) spin

Previous talks

23 November (room 5161.0289): Riccardo Bonetto: The harmonic oscilator (part 2)

9 November (room 5161.0289): Riccardo Bonetto: The harmonic oscilator (part 1)

26 October (room 5161.0134): Gianni van Marion: The Schödinger equation (part 2).

12 October (room 5161.0165): Gianni van Marion: The Schödinger equation (part 1).

27 September [Tuesday!] (room 5159.0110 - Energy academy): Martijn Kluitenberg: Review of functional analysis.

6 July (room 5161.0041b): Leendert Los:  Quantisation (last part).

22 June (room 5161.0222): Kevin van Helder (cont.): Quantisation.

8 June (room 5161.0222): Martijn (continuation) & Kevin van Helder: Quantisation.

25 May (room 5161.0222): Martijn Kluitenberg: Observables, states and dynamics.

11 May (room 5161.0222): Kick-off meeting.