Upcoming Events
Wednesday, January 8
6:30 p.m.
PTA Board Meeting (Tech Room)
(No General Meeting this month)
Friday, January 24
3rd Grade Friday Funday
Saturday, January 25
Mother/Son Event
(Backup: Saturday, February 1)
Tuesday, January 28
6-8 p.m.
Skate City Littleton
5801 S Lowell Way
Littleton, CO 80123
23-24 PTA Funded Projects
Back to School Picnic
Buses for field trips
One School One Book reading event
Staff and Teacher Appreciation such as Welcome Back Breakfast and dinners during conference weeks
Grounds cleanup and new playground equipment
Curriculum Cash and Teacher Grants for iReady seats, enVision math curriculum, BrainPop, and StemScopes
New laminator
Upgraded HDMI connections in all classrooms
We are always looking for people to join us on the board, committees or event volunteers! Send us an email.
Membership in the PTA provides insight into our school happenings, networking with other parents and opportunities to communicate with the Principal. Share your thoughts on how we can improve the experience for our students and staff and help vote on how we spend fundraising money. Attendance at meetings is optional but more involvement means you have more of a direct impact! We now offer different levels of membership as well as a teacher discount. Join the PTA here!
Thanks so much to our amazing sponsors for their support of our students and teachers!
PTA's Vision: Every child's potential is a reality
PTA's Mission: To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
For more information visit https://copta.org/ or https://www.pta.org/
Website prepared and maintained by the Parent Teacher Association for Bear Canyon Elementary in Highlands Ranch, CO.