Lines annotated with a lock (?) indicate that leveraging dependency locking makes sense in this context.Another concept that relates with rich version declaration is the ability to publish resolved versions instead of declared ones.

Context - I have created a template for a webinar program that uses 11 tokens to populate a variety of fields throughout the different stages of the program. This program will be used for approximately 45 webinars this year and because our team doesn't have every single one of these webinars planned down to the detail, the majority of the tokens I used are rich-text tokens to provide flexibility for unknown content.

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Problem - However, I was experiencing a problem with rich text tokens displaying html in the text version of an email. Being fairly new to Marketo, I searched the Marketo docs and the forum looking for a solution. I came across a couple discussions that were helpful ---> Text version of emails not token-friendly

The main solution provided was to create a separate text token that would be used in the text version of the email. Unfortunately, this would double the amount of tokens used in my program. Alternatively, although the content currently being used in the rich text token did not require styling, I did not want to change all of these tokens over to text (to maintain adaptability for the future).

Solution - I found I was able to edit the html of my tokens in the rich text editor. By editing the html of my tokens, I was able to get rid of unused styling as well as the randomĀ 

Ā here or there. The attachment "click to edit" shows how to access the html source editor as well as the plain text I thought would show when the token was rendered. The attachment "html source editor" shows the actual html that would render in the text version of the email (minus the ).

Again, a warning this is only useful if you are using a rich-text token that doesn't require html/styling. If you need the html for your token in the html then best way is to create a separate text token for the test version of the email.

Assistive technologies, such as speech recognition systems and alternate input devices for users with mobility impairments, require the ability to control a web application in a device-independent way. WAI-ARIA states and properties reflect the current state of rich internet application components. The ability for assistive technologies to notify web applications of necessary changes is essential because it allows these alternative input solutions to control an application without being dependent on the standard input device which the user is unable to effectively control directly.

Usable keyboard navigation in a rich internet application is different from the tabbing paradigm among interactive elements, such as links and form controls, in a static document. In rich internet applications, the user tabs to significantly complex widgets, such as a menu or spreadsheet, and uses the arrow keys to navigate within the widget. The changes that WAI-ARIA introduces to keyboard navigation make this enhanced accessibility possible. In WAI-ARIA, any element can be keyboard focusable. In addition to host language mechanisms such as tabindex, aria-activedescendant provides another mechanism for keyboard operation. Most other aspects of WAI-ARIA widget development depend on keyboard navigation functioning properly.

Because assistive technologies that have a reading mode default to that mode for all elements except for those with either a widget or application role, the only circumstance where the document role is useful for changing assistive technology behavior is when the element with role document is a focusable child element of a widget or application. For example, given an application element which contains some static rich text, the author can apply role document to the element containing the text and give it a tabindex of 0. When a screen reader user presses the Tab key and places focus on the document element, the user will be able to read the text with the screen reader's reading cursor.

A feed enables users of assistive technologies that have a document browse mode, such as screen readers, to use the browse mode reading cursor to both read and scroll through a stream of rich content that may continue scrolling infinitely by loading more content as the user reads. In a feed, assistive technologies provide a web application with signals of the user's reading cursor movement by moving user agent focus, enabling the application to both add new content and visually position content as the user browses the page. The feed also lets authors inform assistive technologies when additions and removals are occurring so assistive technologies can more reliably update their reading view without disrupting reading or degrading performance.

This section contains attributes specific to common user interface elements found on GUI systems or in rich internet applications which receive user input and process user actions. These attributes are used to support the widget roles.

This section contains attributes specific to live regions in rich internet applications. These attributes may be applied to any element. The purpose of these attributes is to indicate that content changes may occur without the element having focus, and to provide assistive technologies with information on how to process those content updates. Some roles specify a default value for the aria-live attribute specific to that role. An example of a live region is a ticker section that lists updating stock quotes.

Edit: Think I answered my own question re the web version, opened developer tools and see that the web version tries to correlate the website field e.g. with a rich icon e.g., so it's full of 404's like:

Ā Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

I've tried turning rich icons off and on again, the icons which you guys have copies of show (e.g. amazon) but icons that I somehow had (e.g. citrix and cloudflare) don't anymore. Also restarting didn't do anything.

This rich Spanish soup gets its garlic flavor in two ways: First, there is the sliced garlic, which is slowly caramelized in a good amount of extra- virgin olive oil; then there is the garlic-infused oil produced by cooking the garlic; this oil is used to fry the bread, and then sweat the onions for the soup.

The soup is an elegant variation on the traditional Spanish sopa de ajo, a humble dish whose traditional components are water, garlic, bread and olive oil. In a classic sopa de ajo, the ingredients are left whole in a thin, garlic-scented broth. In this upscale version, which was shown to me by my former chef de cuisine, Chris MacGillivray, everything is pureed, velvety chicken broth is substituted for water, and the soup is given richness and a little tanginess by the addition of a generous amount of manchego cheese.

This file provides a simpler representation of most of the mappings in MRMAP.RRF (Table 10) to serve applications which do not require the full richness of the MRMAP.RRF data structure. Generally, mappings that support rule-based processing need the additional fields of MRMAP.RRF (e.g. MAPRANK, MAPRULE, MAPRES) and will not be represented in MRSMAP.RRF. More specifically, all mappings with non-null values for MAPSUBSETID and MAPRANK are excluded from MRSMAP.RRF.

The original specification for rich edit controls is Microsoft Rich Edit 1.0; the current specification is Microsoft Rich Edit 4.1. Each version of rich edit is a superset of the preceding one, except that only Asian builds of Microsoft Rich Edit 1.0 have a vertical text option. Before creating a rich edit control, you should call the LoadLibrary function to verify which version of Microsoft Rich Edit is installed.

The name of the Microsoft Rich Edit 1.0 window class is RichEdit. Microsoft Rich Edit 2.0 has both ANSI and Unicode window classes RichEdit20A and RichEdit20W, respectively. To specify the appropriate rich edit window class, use the RICHEDIT_CLASS constant, which the Richedit.h file defines depending on the definition of the UNICODE compile flag.

In Microsoft Rich Edit 2.0, if you create a Unicode rich edit control (one that expects Unicode text messages), you must specify only Unicode data in any window messages sent to the control. Similarly, if you create an ANSI rich edit control, send only ANSI or double-byte character set (DBCS) data. You can use the IsWindowUnicode function to determine whether a rich edit control uses Unicode text messages. Note that the rich edit COM interfaces use Unicode text unless they encounter a code page argument.

Microsoft Rich Edit 3.0 is a single, scalable, world-wide DLL that offers high performance and compatibility with Word in a small package. New features for Microsoft Rich Edit 3.0 include richer text, zoom, font binding, more powerful IME support, and rich complex script support (bidirectional, Indic, and Thai).

The users can enable the auto-refresh functionality from any controller gadget. If the auto-refresh is enabled, the controller will trigger an automatic refresh for all the rich filter gadgets on the dashboard which use the same rich filter as the controller.

Rich mathematical tasks engage students in sense-making through deeper learning that require high levels of thinking, reasoning, and problem solving. The VDOE Rich Mathematical Task Committee, composed of mathematics teacher leaders from across the Commonwealth, created mathematically rich tasks aligned to the 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning. The committee created task implementation templates prior to administering the tasks in classrooms. For many of the tasks, the committee scored the tasks individually, calibrated their scoring with a team, provided scoring rationales and selected student work to serve as anchor papers. The Virginia Department of Education would like to extend a special thank you to the Rich Mathematical Task Committee, as well as their colleagues who supported this work in their divisions. 17dc91bb1f

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